This article aims to provide KACE customers with information on how to contact technical support in and answer some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to assist in resolving common issues. ... Customers can contact technical support in Portuguese through the following methods:
This article addresses the status of the KACE SMA and SDA regarding the OpenSSH Remote Code Execution Vulnerability described under CVE-2024-6387. ... For more details about this vulnerability please refer to: CVE-2024-6387
This KB article assumes the reader understands, how to manage virtual machines within VMWare VSphere, or Microsoft Hyper-V. ... Quest only supports the platforms mentioned above. ... Note: While exporting, the SDA appliance cannot re-cache drivers, create scripted installs, or rebuild boot environments.
DB packages are not listed on the Import List page. ... These packages are used only by the KACE Technical Support team. ... There are multiple reasons why the database is not importable, a big factor is the way the KSDA handles deployment identifiers.
The KACE System Deployment Appliance (KACE SDA) backup is a granular process; each item needs to be chosen to be exported. ... However, when exporting a Scripted Install or Image, it will include all things needed for that deployment.
How to power off/shutdown the KSDA appliance ... Relocating the appliance ... Server hardware maintenance ... VM settings change ... Perform the following steps to do a proper shut down of the KSDA appliance to avoid data corruption:
Some business environments can have strict policies and software that may keep the SDA Media Manager from creating a KACE Boot Environment (KBE) successfully. ... Set up an isolated system for the purpose of creating KBEs with the following recommendations:
Note: Typically, this can be left as the current MAC address, originally assigned dynamically. ... 3. At "Hardware Acceleration" under the Network Adapter, remove the check mark for "Enable virtual machine queue".
After deploying a brand-new SDA in a Hyper-V environment using our Hyper-V VM templates, the SDA keeps rebooting in a loop.
If you are behind on updates, consider starting over on a new SDA on the latest version, ... Please follow our normal recommended upgrade steps: ... NOTE: RSAs follow the same upgrade path, we recommend not to upgrade the main SDA more than two versions above the RSA.
From version 9.1.178, the old KACE Sysprep Executor has been replaced with the new KACE Image Prep. ... This new version is not deleting the kimageprep.exe and unattend.xml files at the desktop while Sysprep is working.
Unable to update Metadata and Driver Configuration Files without Internet (Dark Network) Internet Access is required for both Metadata (information about Operating Systems) and Driver Configuration File (for Library's Driver Feed) to be updated. <p><span>The KACE SDA Team offers an updated version of both the Driver Feed Configuration File and the Metadata information, in a separate </span></p>
Before creating a KBE, it is important to prepare a Windows 10 system and some drivers. ... An isolated system is recommended for the creation of KBEs, as antivirus software can interfere with the KBE build process.
KACE Systems Deployments Appliance (SDA) is a virtual appliance designed for fast, automated large-scale image deployments across multiple remote sites. ... This release of the KACE SDA includes the following features and enhancements.
How to collect screenshots to show the steps taken to reproduce an error without having to save them one at a time? ... Its purpose is to record each step taken by the User then automatically save it with other information in a . mht file which is then zipped
Important: Both online and offline modes of the User State Migration Tool (USMT) will not function if BitLocker is enabled on the target system. ... There are 3 important steps to consider to capture a User State.
Email notifications can now be Updated and then Reverted back to the Default state.
Two Factor Authentication is now available for KACE SDA\RSA users. <p>To enable 2FA go to Settings | Security.</p> ... <p><img alt="Enable2FA-2.png" src=" "></img><br><br>After clicking Save, an option will show up to enable it for all users, and to set a deadline.</p>
This may take up to five minutes, depending on the amount of folders, installed drivers in your appliance.</p>
When attempting to deploy a WIM UEFI Image, the job fails on Apply Image Task with error: 4294967295. ... This situation takes place when the Appliance is copying S.wim to the target device. ... You can confirm this thru the output log(located in the hidden folder \\SDA\petemp\), this are the errors pointed:
When loading a KBE, the Script Error "Could not complete the operation due to error 8004100c" shows before opening the KACE Boot Environment. ... This normally happens with new KBEs created with Dell Driver Pack A29 or newer versions due to some Network drivers.
During the deployment at the step of copying the image and installing the operating system : ... You get this error with the dialog box : ... The Installation was canceled ... Any changes made to your computer won't be saved.
This allows the tether to be completely created and initiated from the appliance without needing a tether key from support. ... To ensure the appliance can properly be accessible by KACE Technical Support, please review our required network ports and URLs article.
This article lists the supported languages for the KACE SMA and KACE SDA consoles, as well as the KACE SDA Media Manager utility. ... KACE SMA Administrator and User consoles
The KACE SDA uses NACK-Oriented Reliable Multicast (NORM), the NORM protocol is designed to provide end-to-end reliable transport of bulk data objects or streams over generic IP multicast routing and forwarding services.
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