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Attributes from foreign domains not being reported (4252589)

Some attributes from a foreign domain are not being collected or reported on in Enterprise Reporter.<br>The name may not be resolved and show as an SID in reports. ... This can happen when the Enterprise Reporter service cannot reach the foreign domain.

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/12/13
NA rating | 查看799次
Knowledge Article
Ports used by Enterprise Reporter (4290657)

- The default port used for communication between the server and the consoles is 7738. ... This port is also used by the nodes to access the server. ... The port is configured during installation of the server, and is required in the connection dialog box for both the Configuration Manager and the Report Manager.

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/12/13
NA rating | 查看763次
Knowledge Article
How to add an account to the Personal SharePoint Site Collection (OneDrive) Administrators for each OneDrive enabled user in a tenant (4315357)

How to add an account to the Personal SharePoint Site Collection (OneDrive) Administrators for each OneDrive enabled user in a tenant via a script. ... To enable this function, the account used by Enterprise Reporter to enumerate Azure/O365 objects will need to be added to the Personal Site Collection for each OneDrive enabled user either manually or by script.

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/12/10
NA rating | 查看1286次
Knowledge Article
Enterprise Reporter 3.5.1 Latest Hotfix (Full Maintenance Release) (4377889)

This solution contains the latest full build of Enterprise Reporter 3.5.1 (currently ... This Full Maintenance Release addresses the issues described in the Release Notes documentation, please review it to ensure the criteria are met before installing.

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/12/11
NA rating | 查看537次
Knowledge Article
Exchange Discovery returns the error message "Unable to create EWS connection" (4375322)

Exchange Discovery returns the error message &quot;Unable to create EWS connection&quot; Multiple items could cause the issue with the error message &quot;Unable to create EWS connection&quot;. ... with the environment on Exchange.

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/12/2
NA rating | 查看298次
Knowledge Article
How to Upgrade Enterprise Reporter? (4237132)

A new purchase is not required, if the product has already been purchased then a new license can be sent for version 3.0. ... Please contact licensing to obtain a new license <a href="https://support.quest.com/contact-us/licensing" target="_blank">https://support.quest.com/contact-us/licensing</a></p>

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/12/2
3 rating | 查看4279次
Knowledge Article
Cleanup Tombstoned Data / Database do not work as expected (4377826)

To implement GDPR requirements, we need to clean up the database. ... Problem 1: Cleaning the database with a specific date leads to errors. ... The following settings are in use for the clean-up:

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/12/3
NA rating | 查看238次
Knowledge Article
Ability to collectively manage shared reports (4377605)

Does ER have ability to collectively manage shared reports, without each admin having to seize ownership first? ... Also wants to avoid editing and schedule alteration are blocked. ... This feature is not available in ER at the moment, but we have added an enhancement Request with ID/PBI: 527616 to be consider in future release of ER.

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/11/15
NA rating | 查看258次
Knowledge Article
Discovery is taking a long time to complete (4295782)

The Active Directory discovery is taking a very long time to finish.

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/11/6
NA rating | 查看539次
Knowledge Article
Does SQL 2016 SP3 security update affect Enterprise Reporter functionality? (4377442)

Does this patch impacts Enterprise Reporter if applied on the SQL servers? ... It has not been officially tested. ... However, our products are not affected by SQL CU updates, hotfix, or SP updates so long as your SQL Server version is listed under supported SQL servers from our system requirements.

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/10/30
NA rating | 查看289次
Knowledge Article
The Enterprise Reporter Server service will not start (4236998)

Starting the service fails with a 1067 error. ... The service not starting is usually an indication that there is an issue connecting to the Enterprise Reporter database <p>Things to try</p> ... <ul><li>If the service was running previously and discoveries were run, run the following SQL script against the ER database to ensure there are no discoveries still queued to run:<br>

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/10/28
NA rating | 查看1799次
Knowledge Article
The display is scaled incorrectly when connecting via RDP (4361627)

When opening the Enterprise Reporter Configuration Manager or Report Manager, over an RDP connection, the scaling is wrong. ... Trying to use the following KB to resolve the issue, some of the options are not supported in RDP:

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/10/31
NA rating | 查看1028次
Knowledge Article
Enterprise Reporter Server Needs a Proper Encryption Key Configured Error After Upgrade To Version 3.5. (4369933)

After upgrading from version 3.2.2 to 3.5 you will get the following error when opening configuration manager:<br><br><img alt="image.png" src="https://questsoftware.file.force.com/servlet/rtaImage?eid=ka0RP000000477l&amp;feoid=00N6R00000J0qH7&amp;refid=0EM6R000004kFK6"></img> The issue seems to happen when there is no record in Windows Credentials (Control Panel -&gt; User Accounts -&gt; Credential Manager) for EnterpriseReporter_IvKey which is typically created in new installations. Reset passwords (for all credentials) by doing the following:<br><br>1. Close Configuration Manager.<br>2. Stop ER server service.<br>3. Login to the SQL Server that hosts ER db using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and run the following SQL command against ER database to reset passwords:<br><br><strong>update tblCredentials set EncryptedPassword = null;</strong><br><br>4. Start ER server service.<br>5. Start Configuration Manager.<br>6. Go to Configuration | Credential Manager and update account passwords.

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/10/31
NA rating | 查看2442次
Knowledge Article
When using a HiDPI display, the Configuration Manager and Report Manager screens appear distorted (4317315)

Right click the shortcuts for Configuration Manager and Report Manager and select the Compatibility option to "Change high DPI settings". ... Set the following options: ... If the above doesn’t work, then on the machine where ER is installed, under Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Display > Change Size Of Items > Set a custom scaling level - try setting different values like 200% or 100%.

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/10/31
NA rating | 查看1640次
Knowledge Article
Error: "The network path was not found" (4301859)

There is missing data from the Computer reports and the computer discovery has errors similar to the following logged for different machines: ... This error is shown for tasks such as, Security Policies, Retrieving installed software, Retrieving event log, etc

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/10/23
NA rating | 查看1543次
Knowledge Article
Is Remote Registry service required to be always running? (4377190)

Is Remote Registry service required to be always running? ... Yes, the Remote Registry service service must be enabled on discovery targets for collections.

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/10/4
NA rating | 查看378次
Knowledge Article
Problem when trying replace service account with a gMSA account (4361620)

When trying to use a gMSA account for the ER service account, you get an &quot;unauthorized&quot; error message. ... <p>None</p> ... <p>STATUS:</p> ... <p> </p> ... <p>Enhancement request 21257 has been logged to have this feature considered in a future release of ER</p>

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/9/26
NA rating | 查看1244次
Knowledge Article
File Permission Report does not show data. (4377059)

When running the File Permissions report it does not show data. ... NTFS Discovery is not configured to collect file permissions. ... Create an NTFS discovery and select the option to collect file permissions under discovery scope.

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/9/20
NA rating | 查看411次
Knowledge Article
For ER to works fine which services needs to monitor (4377093)

If you want to monitor ER using monitoring tool than, which are the services and logs needs to be monitored by monitoring tool?

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/9/25
NA rating | 查看341次
Knowledge Article
Delete data in the Quest Enterprise Reporter according to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)? (4377008)

By reading the AD, we get personal data into the QER database:<br>- At least: last name, first name, user account, and email address<br>- According to the GDPR, this data must be deleted after a certain period and when it is no longer required for professional purposes.

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/9/17
NA rating | 查看504次
Knowledge Article
Mimimun SQL permissions to create/upgrade ER database (4223858)

What are the minimum permissions to create/upgrade the database? <div> <p>Sysadmin is required to upgrade and install the Enterprise Reporter database. ... <p> </p>

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/9/4
3 rating | 查看844次
Knowledge Article
Role based security in Enterprise Reporter (4294956)

This solution outlines the role based security used in Enterprise Reporter. ... To ensure that only appropriate users can access this information, each console has role based security.</a></div> ... <div class="TA_TableAnchor" style="margin: 0px;padding: 0px;border: 0px;font-size: 4px;line-height: 2px;font-family: &#39;Trebuchet MS&#39;, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><a name="1164856" style="margin: 0px;padding: 0px;border: 0px;color: inherit;"></a></div>

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/9/9
NA rating | 查看865次
Knowledge Article
Tools To Verify Checksum (4041966)

This knowledge base article describes the tools used to verify Checksum. ... A checksum is a value used to verify the integrity of a file or a data transfer. ... In other words, it is a sum that checks the validity of data.

产品: NetVault, Active Administrator, Change Auditor, Enterprise Reporter...
上次更新时间: 2024/9/10
NA rating | 查看10681次
Knowledge Article
Process to uninstall Enterprise Reporter. (4376854)

What is the process to uninstall Enterprise Reporter? ... To uninstall and decommission the product you may do the following:<br><br>1- From Configuration Manager make sure no discovery is running.

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/8/30
NA rating | 查看405次
Knowledge Article
Enterprise Reporter support SSO integration (4376837)

Does ER support SSO integration – SAM and OIDC\OAuth? Currently does not support SSO integration.

产品: Enterprise Reporter
上次更新时间: 2024/8/29
NA rating | 查看324次
Knowledge Article
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