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vRanger 7.8.5 - User Guide

Introduction vRanger overview Configuring vRanger
Configuring vRanger through the Startup Wizard Configuring vRanger manually Supplemental instructions: additional repository types
Using vRanger Backup Restore
Restoring an encrypted VMware VM Performing a full restore for VMware VMs Performing a full restore for Hyper-V® VMs Performing a full restore for VMware vApps Performing a full restore of a physical machine Performing an FLR on Windows Performing an FLR on Linux Restoring from manifest
Replicate VMs Reports Integrating and monitoring vRanger Using the vRanger Console vAPI Cmdlet details

Starting the backup job

The final page in the Backup Wizard displays a summary of the selections you made for the job.

On the Summary page, review the data displayed in the tree view.
Click Finish.
In the Confirm Run Job dialog box, click Yes.
To check progress or confirm completion, click My Jobs, and then click Recent Jobs.



vRanger offers three main options for restoring from backup: restoring the full server from a repository, restoring a file or files from a repository, or restoring the server or file from a manifest. For more information, see the following topics:

If you are restoring a VMware® VM, be aware of the following regarding the destination that you target for a restore:

Using vRanger, recovery of an entire virtual machine (VM) — or resource pool, VMware vSphere® vApp(s)™, and so on — is a simple process. A full restore returns the protected objects to the state as of the point in time at which the backup was performed. If the savepoint is for a differential backup, the restore process first restores the matched full backup, and then merges the data from the selected differential archive. For incremental savepoints, the full backup is restored along with each incremental archive taken between the full and the selected savepoint.

When restoring a parent object, such as a vApp, vRanger restores the VM data and the parent object’s metadata, allowing you to restore the entire object state and settings and the actual VM data.

During the normal restore process, information is pulled from the vRanger database to complete the restore job. If the vRanger server is lost, and the database cannot be recovered or is otherwise unavailable, you can reinstall a fresh version of vRanger and import the repository to regain access to your backups.

Restoring an encrypted VMware VM

vRanger offers three main options for restoring from backup: restoring the full server from a repository, restoring a file or files from a repository, or restoring the server or file from a manifest. For more information, see the following topics:

If you are restoring a VMware® VM, be aware of the following regarding the destination that you target for a restore:

Using vRanger, recovery of an entire virtual machine (VM) — or resource pool, VMware vSphere® vApp(s)™, and so on — is a simple process. A full restore returns the protected objects to the state as of the point in time at which the backup was performed. If the savepoint is for a differential backup, the restore process first restores the matched full backup, and then merges the data from the selected differential archive. For incremental savepoints, the full backup is restored along with each incremental archive taken between the full and the selected savepoint.

When restoring a parent object, such as a vApp, vRanger restores the VM data and the parent object’s metadata, allowing you to restore the entire object state and settings and the actual VM data.

During the normal restore process, information is pulled from the vRanger database to complete the restore job. If the vRanger server is lost, and the database cannot be recovered or is otherwise unavailable, you can reinstall a fresh version of vRanger and import the repository to regain access to your backups.

Restoring an encrypted VMware VM

vRanger leverages vSphere Virtual Machine Encryption to protect and restore encrypted VMs. When restoring an encrypted VM, you can restore it as either encrypted or unencrypted.

In addition, vRanger provides the option to encrypt a restore of an unencrypted backup.

vRanger restores physical savepoints to physical target servers using the vRanger Restore image — by using a CD or USB drive. This restore image provides a temporary boot environment into which the vRanger tools are loaded and run. After the restore is complete, the server can be rebooted into the restored operating system.

After the target server is configured, the process of restoring a physical savepoint is similar to restoring a VM. A full restore returns the server or servers to the state as of the point in time at which the backup was performed. If the savepoint is for a differential backup, the restore process first restores the matched full backup, and then merges the data from the selected differential archive. For incremental savepoints, the full backup is restored along with each incremental archive taken between the full and the selected savepoint.

For the procedures on restoring a physical savepoint, see Performing a full restore of a physical machine.

Unlike traditional backup solutions that require file-level agents, vRanger can recover a file or files directly from the image-level backup, without mounting the image. Incremental backups are combined with the parent full image as needed.

One of the key problems with file-level restore (FLR) is finding the appropriate files. vRanger includes a cataloging feature that indexes backups of Windows® servers, and records the metadata to enable faster searching. For more information, see Performing an FLR using Catalog Search.

Each savepoint contains a manifest file that can be used to restore the savepoint without access to the vRanger database. In addition, the Restore from Manifest function can be used to recover savepoints that are not part of a repository — those savepoints that have been recovered from tape, for example.

The Restore from Manifest function can be used for full restores of VMs and physical servers, and FLR. To restore a savepoint using the manifest file, see Restoring from manifest.

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