Selection of the Outlook variant (Classic or New) to reconfigure
Desktop Update Agent needs to close and restart Outlook during the reconfiguration process, Which Outlook variants to reconfigure will be based on the following:
If New Outlook and/or Classic Outlook is configured and running when DUA starts, those Outlook variants will be stopped, reconfigured, then restarted.
If neither New nor Classic Outlook is running when DUA starts, DUA will check the user's registry keys for the UseNewOutlook setting to determine which variant the user prefers. Classic Outlook or New Outlook will be reconfigured according to the value of that switch.
If the UseNewOutlook registry key is not present, DUA will check the computer for configured Outlook profiles (Classic) and reconfigure Classic Outlook if found.
DUA will also check the computer for a user account for new Outlook, and reconfigure New Outlook if that account is found.

NOTE: Either Outlook variant must be started to complete reconfiguration. In this scenario it is possible that the Desktop Update Agent will start both Outlook variants. |
After the Desktop Update Agent completes, if the Outlook variant that was reconfigured is not the one expected or preferred by the user, a second run can be performed to correct this. The migration administrator can set up a new Switch task for any affected users. The user should ensure their required Outlook variant is running and then manually start the Desktop Update Agent. DUA will then reconfigure that Outlook variant based on the criteria listed above. |
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