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Migrator for Notes to Exchange can:
Migrator for Notes to Exchange contains these primary components:
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Notes Migration Manager: A central console application that coordinates most administrator-driven tasks and features. The Notes Migration Manager contains an assortment of specialized component applications, called wizards, that facilitate particular program features. In addition to wizards, the Notes Migration Manager helps you monitor and manage most of the information pertaining to a migration project such as program defaults and server access credentials, locations of Notes/Domino source data, exported data from the Domino directory, and migration statistics. |
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Notes Migration Scheduling Application: A separate command-line application that runs scheduled tasks. The program checks the SQL Server database to see whether any tasks have been scheduled to run since the last check and runs any tasks it finds. |
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Microsoft 365 Account Pooling Utility: A utility that helps you manage a pooled collection of Microsoft 365 administrative accounts to handle the Microsoft-imposed throttling limits that can slow data transmission to Microsoft 365. Since the Microsoft throttling limitations are applied per administrative account, this utility coordinates multiple accounts to run simultaneously to multiply the throttled throughput rate by the number of accounts in the pool. |
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Self-Service Desktop Migrator (SSDM): A separate application that end users can run (one user at a time) to migrate their own mail, PABs, and archives. An administrator can also run the Desktop Migrator on behalf of an end user, running under the user credentials. |
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SSDM Scheduling Administration Utility: A utility that lets an administrator regulate the end-user ability to run the Self-Service Desktop Migrator (SSDM) to avoid processing bottlenecks that can occur if too many users use the SSDM simultaneously. |
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Log File Viewer: Simplifies the viewing and interpretation of Quest program log files which are generated by most Quest applications to document process errors and warnings. |
The wizards that can be launched from Notes Migration Manager are:
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NABs Discovery Wizard: Searches the Notes/Domino server to locate all Notes NABs (Name and Address Books). The Directory Export Wizard and the Internet Domains Discovery Wizard extract critical directory data from the NABs which is read by the provisioning and migration wizards to perform their tasks. |
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Internet Domains Discovery Wizard: Extracts all Internet domains it can find in the Notes NABs (Name and Address Books) found by the NABs Discovery Wizard. The domains are used to generate address aliases for all users so that Exchange can recognize and route the mail sent to old user addresses. |
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Directory Export Wizard: Gathers user information from the Domino servers to create SQL data tables that is critical input for the MNE provisioning and migration wizards. You can perform the export task immediately following configuration or schedule the task to run at a later time. |
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Collection Wizard: Lets you define the member contents of user and group collections. A collection is a batch of users or groups—a defined subset of users—to be migrated or groups to be provisioned. Provisioning, migration, and other functions are applied to collections of users and groups. The Collection Wizard defines the collections. You can add members to a collection by selecting objects from the SQL Server database, by importing the contents of a .tsv (tab-separated-values format) file, or both. |
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Groups Provisioning Wizard: Defines a task that provisions the distribution groups (creates group objects) in local Active Directory, or in Microsoft 365, from a designated group collection and schedules the task to run at a specific time, or at a series of recurring times. |
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Notes Data Locator Wizard: Defines a task that locates data files in the Notes source for a user collection, or gathers statistics from previously located data stores, and schedules the task to run at a specific time or at a series of recurring times. |
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Provisioning Wizard: Provisions Notes users into Active Directory as mail-enabled objects. The wizard consolidates duplicate entities in AD by merging information from Exchange contacts into corresponding AD user accounts, and deletes the contacts to leave a single mail-enabled security object per user in AD. (Quest CMN Directory Connector generates the contacts during a directory update when corresponding objects already exist in AD.) |
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Send PAB Replicator Wizard: Sends a special email form to users within a user collection that lets the users copy all their PABs (personal address books) to a centralized Notes server directory where the Data Migration Wizard can find and migrate them. |
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Data Migration Wizard: Defines a task for all users within a user collection that can do the following: |
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Self-Service Desktop Migration Statistics Collection Wizard: Gathers migration statistics written by the Self-Service Desktop Migrator (SSDM) and loads the data into the SQL Server database to help you track migration project progress. The wizard can perform the data-gathering task immediately following its configuration or you can schedule the task to run at a later time. |
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