Mail routing by SMTP addressing within a single domain is accomplished using smart hosts in both directions. Exchange can be configured to route mail to a smart host if Exchange determines the recipient is not in the local internet domain. Exchange routes such mail to the smart host, via the targetAddress attribute in the Active Directory object record. Meanwhile, Domino is configured to do the same thing in reverse for a recipient whose local internet domain address is not listed in any Domino person documents.
To configure smart-host SMTP routing with Quest's CMN, both smart hosts are configured to point to the CMN server. Within CMN, one set of SMTP IN and SMTP OUT queues is configured to accept mail from Domino and deliver it to the receiving Exchange server, while another set is configured to accept mail from Exchange and deliver it to Domino. Multiple CMN servers can be deployed for load balancing and redundancy. The CMN User Guide explains this scenario in more detail (see Coexistence Mail Routing Basics in chapter 3). And see also your Domino and Exchange documentation and online resources for more information about configuring smart hosts for those servers.
For example, if your original domain is, assign a new subdomain to the Domino server, and assign a new subdomain to the Exchange server. When internal mail from other Notes users arrives in the Notes accounts of already-migrated users, the mail can be forwarded to the appropriate Exchange mailboxes using the subdomain.
A subdomain routing method may introduce a risk that the assigned subdomain names will escape your organization internal communications, which in turn can cause bounce-backs on replies to those addresses. To prevent this, set the Notes forwarding address attribute to user@subdomain@notesdomain, which causes Domino to set the reply address for external email to the user's primary SMTP address (internet address field value).
Beginning with Notes version 8.5, a configuration called Compatibility Mode is offered to streamline iCalendar interoperability with other mail systems. This is accomplished by limiting the functionality within the Notes calendar to those functions that will be seamlessly supported by other mail systems. Some have wondered if Notes' Compatibility Mode might be a reasonable alternative to Quest CMN for calendar coexistence.
If you would like to see a more detailed comparison, please contact your Quest Sales representative.
If updates of coexisting directories is not a high priority, you can add and delete users and update user data in the Exchange environment (only), using Exchange administration software. Otherwise, if it is important to keep the two directories coordinated throughout the transition period, you can do that and also update the SQL Server database, as described in Appendix A of the Migrator for Notes to Exchange Administration Guide (see How Do I Update Directory Data and Update the SQL Server Database?).
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