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MessageStats 7.8.1 - Administrator Guide

What is MessageStats? MessageStats Information Sources Using the Console Interface Creating a Connection to Exchange Creating Gathering Tasks Default Gatherings Extending Gathering Tasks Configuring Audits Setting MessageStats Server Properties Setting Configuration Properties Setting Exchange Organization Properties Setting Exchange Server Properties Setting Task Execution Server Properties Setting Task Default Properties Compressing Tracking Log Files Using the MessageStats Reports Console Database Management Appendix A:Microsoft ASP.NET Configuration Issues Appendix B: Gathering Task Dependencies Appendix C:Troubleshooting Permission Problems

Gathering Public Folder Content and Attachments

To configure content and attachments gatherings for public folders, determine the public folders you want to include and define the criteria for the content and attachment information that you want to gather and store.

You cannot run a Public Folder Content and Attachments gathering unless you have run a Default gathering task and an Exchange Public Folder gathering task.

The Exchange Public Folder Content and Attachments task does not support Exchange 2013 and later.

For Exchange 2010, the task credentials must have full access to the logon mailbox specified for the gathering server. You can use the mailbox that is associated with the task credentials. The account must also have membership in the Exchange Public Folder Administrators.

It is recommended that you select 10 public folders or less. If you select more than 10 public folders, performance can be seriously affected and the MessageStats database can grow substantially. If you want to select more than 10 public folders, it is recommended that you create multiple gatherings with batches of 5-10 public folders.

Expand the Servers node, right-click the server and select Create Task.
From the Template list, select Exchange Public Folder Content and Attachments and enter a unique name for the task.
Click Next.
Click Next.
Click Next.
Click Next and click Finish.

When you create a Content and Attachments task, there are additional task property pages that you use for

Selecting Public Folder Items

On the Public Folders Items page, select the Exchange 2010 public folders from which you want to collect content and attachment data. You can select individual public folders from within a public folder database, or you can select the Public Folder box to collect information from all the public folders in the public folder database.


Applying Content Filters

Use this page to define the public folder content that you want to gather. During the gathering, MessageStats processes and stores the content that matches the criteria that you identify.

Content and Attachments gatherings are extremely resource intensive. Carefully consider the content criteria that you are configuring. Only collect the information that is required and review your Content Filter page often to ensure that the information meets your needs.

All content

Select this option to collect all public folder content except for message body text.

Only content that satisfies the following filters

Select this option to refine the content gathering to include only the content specified by the selected filters.

Subject contains

Enter the text that the subject line of the message must contain to be included. The following rules apply:

or size

Specify the size that the message must be greater than, less than, or be equal to.

or number of recipients

Enter the number of message recipients must be greater than, less than, or must equal to be included.

or date

Set the filter to select data that is before, after, or for the specified date.

or body contains

Enter the text that the body of the message must contain to be included.

No Content

Select this option if no public folder content is to be gathered.

Applying Attachment Filters

Use this page to define the attachment information that you want to gather. During the gathering, MessageStats processes and stores attachments that match the criteria that you identify.

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