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Foglight 7.3.0 - Web Component Guide

Introducing the Web Component Framework The Web Component Framework Configuring Views and Context Queries Functions Bindings Additional Components

Simple Types

These types are set using the property editors available in the Configuration tab in Definitions.

The following table lists the simple types that are used to configure certain properties:

Table 16. Simple types

A fixed value of true or false. The Selectable property uses this type.

An RGB color specification. A color coordinate can be entered or a color can be chosen from the color palette.

A context key for a data object property.

The type of a database object.

A Date object. (See Date .)

A selection from a fixed list of options.

Properties that use this type include:

Header Alignment (options are Vertical and Horizontal)

The name of an error renderer, which displays a value indicating error if the attempt to evaluate in the associated bound data results in an error. See Renderers .

A reference to an image and to its size. The reference can be indexed or non-indexed.

A localized string. These strings can be internationalized. The displayed string can be made to be dependent on the locale.

The name of a null renderer, which displays a value indicating no data if the values in the associated bound data are null. See Renderers .

Any fixed numeric value, such as 123.45. Commonly used for integer values. Properties that use this type include:

A Property value in a data type.

A non-localizable string value used as a label.

A fixed text string. Commonly used for IDs, which are used for flows, filtering and sorting. It can also be used for simple text labels.

Properties that use this type include:

The row-oriented table’s Columns > Column > ID property.

A time range has a start and end time. Predefined time ranges may be tied to the calendar or the current time. Custom time ranges are open without restrictions.

A built-in or user defined data type.

A reference to a view.

Binding Types

There are several types of bindings. Each one provides a way to define a value, which, depending on the type and the way it is used, may or may not be bound to data from the underlying system. A binding can evaluate to simple objects such as strings, complex objects, lists of objects, or lists of lists of objects.

The following table lists the available types of bindings. The concepts of parameters and context, which are referred to in some of the descriptions, are explained in Parameters in Queries and Context Tab .

Table 17. Binding types

A value from the Context, and can select parts of the context using a path (For more information, see Context Tab.).

A bound data value or a list of data values directly, without using a Query. It is always bound to a specific data source. Because it is bound to a specific data instance, it can be used to eliminate an expensive query search (see Data ).

One of the available functions that is to be invoked.

An icon for display. If no Icon Renderer is specified by the user in the Icon, a default Icon Renderer is used to display the icon at Normal size (see Icon ).

A list creation method: creates a list either from individual values, or by merging existing lists. (See List )

A mechanism to calls a named Query to retrieve bound data, and can select parts of the Query's results using a path and other arguments (see Query ).

A text template. Like the String Template, only it permits a restricted set of user-entered XHTML. It allows parameters to be set, while Rich Text does not (see Rich Text and Rich Text Template ).

A simple static text string (such as a String value), but can also perform more complex tasks using parameters (see String Template ).

A theme based on a Component, Style and Value.

For more information, see Theme.

A specific data object, chosen from the available data source types. (For more information, see Writable Data Object.)

Details of each Binding

The following types of bindings are available to generate data for views:


Context bindings in a configuration can access any value in the context.

The following table describes the properties of a Context:

Items shown when Show Advanced is true are marked with an asterisk (*).

The name by which this item in the context may be referenced. When context objects are defined, a name key is part of the definition, so normally that value is chosen for the key. Access to the object is managed through its name key.

When enabled, the following propertiesare avilable: Treat as Type, Return Type, Unit Property Name, and Time Range To Use.

In the Treat as Type field, you can perform a cast to any known subtype of a data element. This is useful when you know that an object is of a particular sub-type but it is passed through an object structure that specifies a more generic type. This happens in cases where the less specific type does not have the properties that you want to access.

You can choose to specify one of the allowable sub-types of the object’s base type. For example, if the context selection is a host, you might choose to restrict it to an AIX_Host.

Context inputs are declared to be of a definite data type. Path is the location of the desired property within the specific data object hierarchy. The Context Entry dialog box displays the actual names of the data-object properties, and not the localized names.

If you check Return First Object in List, the first element of the first list that is encountered is set to be a single item. For example, if the context element itself is a list then it uses the first element of the list, instead of the whole list. The optional Path is then applied to that first element.

If, on the other hand, the last element is a list and there are no other lists in the path before it, then the first element of that last list is returned.

If there are two or more lists in the path, only the first one is reduced to its first element.

See Renderers .

Context can return ten possible types of data:

For more information, see Return Types.

If the Return Type is Unit or Units, then this selects and returns the specified property out of the unit, rather than returning the entire unit object. If the Return Type is neither Unit nor Units, this is not applicable.

You can choose the default time range, or all time, or any other time range that has been defined.

Allows you to choose a binding for On Null, or any other parameter that has been declared in the query.

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