Welcome to the Foglight Installation and Setup Guide.
This guide provides instructions for installing, configuring, and starting Foglight. Before you begin, refer to the System Requirements and Platform Support Guide.
This guide is organized as follows:
Before Installing Foglight. Introduces Foglight and outlines the steps you must take in order to ensure a successful installation.
Installing Foglight. Guides you through the installation process. It also provides information on the Foglight directory structure and how to adjust certain Foglight settings to best suit your environment.
Running the Management Server. Outlines how to start and stop the Foglight Management Server, how to initialize the database, and how to log in to Foglight.
Installing and Upgrading Cartridges. Outlines how to download and install cartridges from the Cartridge Inventory dashboard in the Foglight Administration module.
Installing Agents. Introduces the concept of Foglight Agents and provides an explanation of how to install agents from the Foglight Administration module.
Appendix: Switching from an Embedded to an External Database. Describes how to migrate from using an embedded database with the Foglight Management Server to using an external database.
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