Verify and Fix Issues with the Repository
When upgrading from older versions of erwin Evolve Suit, or when the application behaves inconsistently, it is advised to check that the repository is in a consistent state. This is done through the following steps:
1.Ensure that you are an Administrator of the CW repository and have db_owner or administrator permissions on the SQL/Oracle database.
2.Press Windows + R keys and type CMD. Then, click OK.
3.To navigate to the erwin Evolve Suite installation directory, in the Command Prompt run the following commands:
- C:
- cd "program files (x86)\casewise\cm10\bin"
4.Navigate to the CWSuite installation directory, usually:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Casewise\CM10\bin
Use the commands:
Type: C:
Type: cd "program files (x86)\casewise\cm10\bin"
5.Run the Validate tool to check for errors:
Type: validaterepository -username:<your-admin-username> -password:<your-password> -testonly
You should be presented with something similar to the following response:
Other ValidateRepository commands can now be run from this point
Validate Repository for Global Search Re-indexing
The Validate Repository tool has existed as part of erwin Evolve Suite for some time and helps in maintaining the integrity of the erwin Evolve Suite database.
With the erwin Evolve Web Platform also using this database, Validate Repository tool has been extended in this release (2022.0.0) to allow validation of the Global Search Re-indexing feature that exists in the erwin Evolve Web Platform. This validation of the global search re-index helps delete the complete data from the global search and re-index the entire erwin Evolve Suite database from scratch into a global search database.
Running the Validation
To run the global search re-index validation, additional options have been added to the command line. The Validate repository will check whether the erwin Evolve web platform’s global search re-indexing is installed before running these options.
To run global search re-indexing:
1.Ensure that you are an Administrator of the CW repository and have db_owner or administrator permissions on the SQL/Oracle database.
2.Press Windows + R keys and type CMD. Then, click OK.
3.Run the Validate Repository tool with the following command:
C:\Program Files (x86)\erwin\CM10\bin>ValidateRepository.exe -username:admin -applyfixes:gsreindex
The following screen appears.
4.Open Services.
5.Stop CWS Database Service and CWS Search Service.
6.Return to the already open Command Prompt and enter ‘Y’.
The following output appears.
Global Search Re-indexing is done.
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