Business Terms from BGM – Upload Business Terms
To use the adapter for BGM to get Business Terms, select the authorization method (Account / Access Token) and enter the relevant credentials.
Click the button to proceed to the next step, and select the operation “Upload Business Terms”. Specify the a specific Catalog ID or select “All” and click the
button. Enter a name and folder for the adapter. A description can also optionally be entered for the adapter.
Click the button to proceed to the next step. To save the adapter to the DT database, click the
The adapter can now be used as a target endpoint when mapping data in a workflow. To select the adapter as a target, select “Web Service POST” as the operation and select your BGM adapter. A mapping table will appear, allowing the source fields to be mapped to relevant target fields for creating BGM Business Terms.
erwin DISuite Metadata Manager
To use the adapter for erwin DISuite Metadata Manager to download Data Dictionary, provide the url of erwin DISuite and enter the relevant credentials
Click the button to proceed to the next step, and select the operation “Download Metadata”.
Provide the “System Name”, “System Id”, “Environment Name”, “Environment Id” in their respective edit box.
Enter a name and folder for the adapter. A description can also optionally be entered for the adapter.
Click the button to proceed to the next step, where the adapter can be previewed and/or saved.
To preview a sample of the first 50 results, click the button
To save the adapter to the DT database, click the button.
erwin DISuite Mapping Manager
To use the adapter for erwin DISuite Mapping Manager to download Mappings, provide the url of erwin DISuite and enter the relevant credentials
Click the button to proceed to the next step, and select the operation “Get Mappings from DI Suite Mapping Manager”.
Provide the “Project Id” of the project in Mapping Manager.
Enter a name and folder for the adapter. A description can also optionally be entered for the adapter.
Click the button to proceed to the next step, where the adapter can be previewed and/or saved.
To preview a sample of the first 50 results, click the button
To save the adapter to the DT database, click the button.
Nalpeiron – get license details for company
To use the adapter for Nalpeiron to download license details from Nalpeiron , provide the url to access Nalpeiron webservice and enter the relevant credentials
Click the button to proceed to the next step, and select the operation “Download License information for Company”.
Provide the “Customer Id” that Nalpeiron has assigned to your company.
Provide the name of company (your customer) for whom you want to get license details from Nalpeiron
Enter a name and folder for the adapter. A description can also optionally be entered for the adapter.
Click the button to proceed to the next step, where the adapter can be previewed and/or saved.
To preview a sample of the first 50 results, click the button
To save the adapter to the DT database, click the button.
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