Checks all task assemblies to ensure dependencies are available
Lists chain-files in the TOOLBOX_SCRIPTS folder
Executes the specified chain-file
Displays usage information for ToolBox.exe or the specified task
Displays the list of all tasks or those in the given assemblies
Provides UNIX-style help for the specified operation
Creates a new chain file stub with the given name
Registers the tasks contained in any assemblies named, 'ToolBox.Tasks.*.dll'
Starts up the ToolBox in remote mode, on the specified port
Connects to the specified remote ToolBox and listens for log messages
Displays all tasks with a name or description containing <key>To retrieve a list of available tasks
ADContact - The task manages Active Directory Contact
BackupActiveDirectory - Backs up Active Directory data to a SQLite file
EnableActiveDirectoryAccount - Enable/Disable an Active Directory account
JoinDomain - Joins a computer to a domain
LeaveDomain - Removes a computer from a domain
PopulateAdCountryState - Populates ActiveDirectory with Country/State OUs
PopulateAdUsersGroupsComputers - Populates ActiveDirectory with Users groups and ciomputers
PopulateAdUsers - Populates ActiveDirectory with the specified number of users
RenameActiveDirectoryOUs - Renames Active Directory OUs to include numbers
RestoreActiveDirectory - Restores Active Directory Data from a SQLite file
MsBuild - Performs solution build using MSBuild
NuGet - Performs NuGet operations
PseudoLocalize - Performs resource pseudo localization
SetPkgVersion - Performs search through folders and changes the package versions
RestartComputer - Restarts the specified computer
SetComputerServiceLogonRights - Sets computer service logon rights
SetServiceAccount - Sets the NT Service account and password
StartService - Starts NT Service
TakeScreenshot - Takes a screenshot of the entire screen or a specific window
AddUpgradeScriptsToInstaller - Adds upgrade scripts to installer
BackupDatabase - Backs up the specified database
CheckLogErrors - Check Log for Errors
CompareIndexNames - Compares the indices in database X with those in database Y
CompareRoutines - Compares the routines in database X with those in database Y
CompareTables - Compares the tables in database X with those in database Y
CompareViews - Compares the views in database X with those in database Y
CreateDatabase - Creates a new database using dbconfig.exe
CreateLocalDbInstance - Creates a new LocalDb Instance if it doesn't exist
DeleteLocalDbInstance - Deletes a LocalDb Instance
DropDatabase - Drops a database
DumpReporterLogsToDatabase - Dumps the contents of an ER log into the database
EnumerateIndices - Enumerates the indices in the given database
EnumerateRoutines - Enumerates the routines in the given database
EnumerateTables - Enumerates the tables in the given database
EnumerateViews - Enumerates the views in the given database
ExecuteFileQuery - Executes a SQL query from a sql file
ExecuteQuery - Executes a SQL query
ExportDataToCsv - Exports data from a database to a CSV file
ExportDataToSqlite - Exports data to a SQLite database
ExportDataToSqlServer - Exports data from a SQL Server database into another SQL Server database
ExportHttpToSqlServer - Save Graph properties to the database table
ExportJsonToSqlServer - Exports json data into SQL Server database
ExtractLastJobExecutionTime - Extracts Last Job Execution Time from SQLite database
FixDatabaseScript - Generates database creation script
GenerateReportsScript - Generates reports scripts
GenerateResetSecurityScript - Generates reset security script file
GenerateUpgradeScriptStub - Generates an upgrade script stub from version X to version Y
GetMissingTables - Discover missing tables
RestoreDatabase - Restores a backed-up database and gives it a new name
SQLDataCompareProjectResult - Compares two databases using RedGate DataCompare tool
SQLDataCompareProject - Compares two databases using RedGate DataCompare tool
SQLSchemaCompareProject - Compares two database schema using RedGate SQL Schema Compare tool
StartLocalDbInstance - Starts a LocalDb Instance
StopLocalDbInstance - Stops a LocalDb Instance
UpgradeDatabase - Upgrades an existing database
ValidateReportIds - Checks report definitions for unique identifiers
ValidateRoles - Ensures the specified database has had appropriate roles applied to each table
DumpRunInfo - Dumps run data from the main database to a file
VisualiseJobRun - Generates sequence diagrams for tasks of a JobRun
AppendFiles - Concatenates all files together
CompareTextFiles - Compares two text files and outputs lines with different content
ConvertRTFtoText - Converts an RTF document to a plain text document
CopyFilesFromShare - Copies files from remote share source directory to the target
CopyFiles - Copies files from source directory to the target
CreateFolder - Creates a folder if doesn't exist
CreateZip - Creates compressed zip file
DeleteFiles - Copies files from source directory to the target
DeleteFolder - Deletes a folder
FileExists - Check if file exists
FileSize - Enumerates files under a root folder and calculates total size
JsonFileCompare - Compares two Json files for equality
ReplaceTextInFile - Replaces text in a file. It can be text search or regular expression
ReplaceVersionInFileName - Replaces version in a file name
ReplaceVersionInFile - Replaces version in a file
ReSignStrongName - Uses Enhanced Strong Names signing
ResourceUpdate - Updates resource in a binary
SignTool - Timestamps and digitally signs binaries
SignVerify - Vetrifies digitally signs binaries
ValidateAssemblyVersions - Examines a set of assemblies and checks for matching file versions
ValidateInstalledFilesDetails - Validates installed files are properly signed
ValidateInstalledFilesSigned - Validates installed files are properly signed
IconGenerator - Generates images of various sizes and colours from a folder of SVG files
ConfigurePowerShell - Configures PowerShell on a computer
CopyFilesFromRemote - Copies files from remote computer using Remote Powershell
CopyFilesToRemote - Copies files to a remote computer using Remote Powershell
ExecutePowerShellCommand - Executes an arbitrary PowerShell command
ExecutePowerShell - Executes an arbitrary PowerShell script
SetPowerShellUnrestricted - Set the Unrestricted PowerShell property
ExecuteProcess - Executes an arbitrary process
Sleep - Waits for a specified number of seconds
AslrCheck - Performs check for ASLR flag in binaries using Microsoft BinScope tool
HashCode - Generates the hashcode for a string value
TFSChangesetAssemblies - Show modified assemblies within a range of TFS changesets
TFSCheckOut - Checks out a file from TFS
TFSQueueBuild - Enqueues a new build task in TFS
TFSSync - Syncs Local Directory Files with TFS Directory
UpgradeServer32 - Upgrades server form <3.2 to 3.2
FindDeadProjects - Locates unreferenced (dead) projects
LineCount - Performs a basic lines of code count
StaticAnalysis - Examines a set of projects to ensure static analysis tools are properly configured
VSExternalTools - Creates a folder if doesn't exist
VSInstallVsix - Installs a Visual Studio extension
VMDeleteSnapshot - Delete VMWare snapshots
VMPowerOff - Powers Off VMWare Computer
VMPowerOn - Powers On a VMWare computer
VMRevertSnapshot - Revert VMWare snapshots
VMRunInGuest - Runs program in guest
VMTakeSnapshot - Take VMWare snapshots
This section provides some examples of how you can retrieve information about specific tasks.
CreateDatabase - Creates a new database using dbconfig.exe
CreateLocalDbInstance - Creates a new LocalDb Instance if it doesn't exist
CreateFolder - Creates a folder if doesn't exist
CreateZip - Creates compressed zip file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<task name="CreateDatabase" [id] [enabled] [fatal] [runalways] [showalloutput]>
<arg name="Filepath">[REQ] The path to the database creation executable</arg>
<arg name="SqlHost">[REQ] The SQL Server host machine</arg>
<arg name="DatabaseName">[REQ] The name of the database to be created</arg>
<arg name="DatabaseWizardConfigFile">[REQ] The path to the database wizard configuration file</arg>
failonerror="true|(false)" - If true, terminates the chain on any error
id="friendly name" - A unique identifier for a task
enabled="(true)|false" - If true, this task will be skipped
fatal="(true)|false" - If true, any error in this task will terminate the run
runalways="true|(false)" - If true, this task will ALWAYS run even if earlier tasks failed
showalloutput="true|(false)" - If true, shows all output, otherwise just errors
[C:\Program Files\Quest\Enterprise Reporter\Server\ToolBox\Toolbox.Tasks.Build.dll]
MsBuild - Performs solution build using MSBuild
NuGet - Performs NuGet operations
PseudoLocalize - Performs resource pseudo localization
SetPkgVersion - Performs search through folders and changes the package versions
[C:\Program Files\Quest\Enterprise Reporter\Server\ToolBox\Toolbox.Tasks.Build.dll]
MsBuild - Performs solution build using MSBuild
NuGet - Performs NuGet operations
PseudoLocalize - Performs resource pseudo localization
SetPkgVersion - Performs search through folders and changes the package versions
[C:\Program Files\Quest\Enterprise Reporter\Server\ToolBox\Toolbox.Tasks.Computer.dll]
RestartComputer - Restarts the specified computer
SetComputerServiceLogonRights - Sets computer service logon rights
SetServiceAccount - Sets the NT Service account and password
StartService - Starts NT Service
TakeScreenshot - Takes a screenshot of the entire screen or a specific window
ToolBox.Tasks.ActiveDirectory.dll (found 10 tasks)
ToolBox.Tasks.Build.dll (found 5 tasks)
ToolBox.Tasks.Computer.dll (found 5 tasks)
ToolBox.Tasks.Database.dll (found 43 tasks)
ToolBox.Tasks.DataViz.dll (found 2 tasks)
ToolBox.Tasks.EnterpriseReporter.dll (found 2 tasks)
ToolBox.Tasks.Files.dll (found 26 tasks)
ToolBox.Tasks.Images.dll (found 1 task)
ToolBox.Tasks.PowerShell.dll (found 6 tasks)
ToolBox.Tasks.Processes.dll (found 3 tasks)
ToolBox.Tasks.Security.dll (found 2 tasks)
ToolBox.Tasks.TFS.dll (found 5 tasks)
ToolBox.Tasks.Upgrade.Server.dll (found 1 task)
ToolBox.Tasks.VisualStudio.dll (found 5 tasks)
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