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DR Series Software 4.0.3 - Interoperability Guide


This guide provides information about currently supported hardware and software versions for the DR Series system.

Other information you may need

The following table lists the documentation available for the DR Series systems. The documents listed are available at by selecting your specific DR Series system. For more information about DR Series system hardware, see the safety and regulatory information that shipped with your DR Series system. Warranty information may be included as a separate document.

Document Description
DR Series System Getting Started Guide Provides an overview of how to set up the physical DR Series system hardware and includes technical specifications.
DR Series System Owner's Manual Provides information about applicable physical DR Series system features, troubleshooting the DR Series system, and installing or replacing the DR Series system components.
DR2000v Deployment Guide Provides information about deploying the virtual DR Series system, DR2000v, on supported virtual platforms.
DR Series System Administrator Guide Provides information about managing backup and replication operations using the DR Series system GUI.
DR Series System Interoperability Guide

Provides information on supported hardware and software for the DR Series systems.

DR Series System Command Line Reference Guide Provides information about managing DR Series system data backup and replication operations using the DR Series system command line interface (CLI).
DR Series System Release Notes Provides the latest information about new features and known issues with a specific product release.

NOTE: Always check for the latest documentation updates and release notes at, and read the release notes first because they contain the most recently documented information about known issues with a specific product release.

Supported system drive and capacities

The DR Series system is available in the following models:

  • DR4300e core system - Consists of preinstalled DR Series system software on a modified Dell PowerEdge R730xd appliance platform with no WAM2 card installed.
  • DR4300e standard system - Consists of preinstalled DR Series system software on a modified Dell PowerEdge R730xd appliance platform.
  • DR4300 system - Consists of preinstalled DR Series system software on a modified Dell PowerEdge R730xd appliance platform and offers a higher base capacity than the DR4300e.
  • DR6300 system - Consists of preinstalled DR Series system software Dell PowerEdge R730xd appliance platform and offers a higher base capacity than the DR4300.
  • DR2000v system - A Virtual Machine (VM) template of the DR Series system. For details on the virtual platforms supported, see the topic, "Supported Virtual Environments for DR2000v" in this document.

The DR Series system software is also supported on the following earlier models of the DR Series system:

  • DR4000 system - Consists of preinstalled DR Series system software on a modified Dell PowerEdge R510 appliance platform.
  • DR4100 system - Consists of preinstalled DR Series system software on a modified Dell PowerEdge R720xd appliance platform.
  • DR6000 system - Consists of preinstalled DR Series system software on a modified Dell PowerEdge R720xd appliance platform and offers a higher level of included system hardware.

Internal system drive capacity

The following tables define the internal system drive capacity and available physical capacity in decimal and binary values for the physical DR Series hardware appliances. The capacity values listed represent the internal drive and available physical capacities that have been adjusted for the associated overhead in the DR Series system releases.

NOTE: TB and GB represent terabytes and gigabytes in decimal values, and TiB represents tebibytes in binary values. Tebibytes are a standards-based binary multiple of the byte, a unit of digital information storage.

Table 1: Drive and Available Physical Capacities for the DR4300e core, DR4300e, DR4300, DR6300
System Drive Capacity 9 Drive Capacity (12 DRV RAID6 with Hot Spare) (Decimal) 9 Drive Capacity (12 DRV RAID6 with Hot Spare) (Binary) Total Logical Capacity at 20:1 Savings Ratios (Decimal) Total Logical Capacity at 20:1 Savings Ratios (Binary)

1 TB (DR4300e core and DR4300e only)

4.5 TB

4.09 TiB

90 TB

81.8 TiB

1 TB (DR4300e core and DR4300e only)

9 TB

8.18 TiB

180 TB

163.6 TiB

2 TB

18 TB

16.37 TiB

260 TB

327.4 TiB

4 TB

36 TB

32.74 TiB

720 TB

654.8 TiB

6 TB (DR6300 only)

54 TB

49.11 TiB

1,080 TB

982.2 TiB

8 TB (DR6300 only)

72 TB

65.48 TiB

1,440 TB

1,309.6 TiB

Table 2: Drive and Available Physical Capacities for the DR4000, DR4100, DR6000

System Drive Capacity

9 Drive Capacity (12 DRV RAID6 with Hot Spare) (Decimal)

9 Drive Capacity (12 DRV RAID6 with Hot Spare) (Binary)

Total Logical Capacity at 20:1 Savings Ratios (Decimal)

Total Logical Capacity at 20:1 Savings Ratios (Binary)

300 GB (DR4000, DR4100 only)

2.7 TB

2.46 TiB

54 TB

49.2 TiB

600 GB (DR4000, DR4100 only)

5.4 TB

4.91 TiB

108 TB

98.2 TiB

1 TB

9 TB

8.18 TiB

180 TB

163.6 TiB

2 TB

18 TB

16.37 TiB

360 TiB

327.4 TB

3 TB

27 TB

24.56 TiB

540 TB

491.2 TiB

4 TB (DR6000 only)

36 TB

32.74 TiB

720 TB

654.8 TiB

NOTE: 300 GB DR4000 and DR4100 Series systems do not support external expansion shelf enclosures.

For more information about external data storage in the expansion shelf enclosures, see the following topic, “External Drive Capacity,” and the topic, “DR Series Expansion Shelf,” in the DR Series System Administrator Guide, which you can download for your specific model of the DR Series system at

External drive capacity

The capacity values listed in the following tables represent the additional storage capacity in the external drives available when you add the supported expansion shelf enclosures to a DR Series system appliance. Additional data storage can be added using the expansion shelf enclosures in the following capacities. For more information on the expansion shelf enclosures, see the topic “Expansion Unit Limits” in this document.

Table 3: External Drive Capacity and Available Physical Capacity for DR4300e, DR4300, DR6300
DR Series System Drive Capacity Available Physical Capacity (Decimal) Available Physical Capacity (Binary) Total Logical Capacity @ 20:1 Savings Ratios (Decimal) Total Logical Capacity @ 20:1 Savings Ratios (Binary)

1 TB (DR4300e only)

9 TB

8.18 TiB

180 TB

163.6 TiB

2 TB

18 TB

16.37 TiB

360 TB

327.4 TiB

4 TB (DR4300 and DR6300 only)

36 TB

32.74 TiB

720 TB

654.8 TiB

6 TB (DR6300 only)

54 TB

49.11 TiB

1,080 TB

982.2 TiB

8 TB (DR6300 only)

72 TB

65.48 TiB

1,440 TB

1,309.6 TiB

Table 4: External Drive Capacity and Available Physical Capacity for DR4000, DR4100, DR6000

DR Series System Drive Capacity

Available Physical Capacity (Decimal)

Available Physical Capacity (Binary)

Total Logical Capacity @ 15:1 Savings Ratios (Decimal)

Total Logical Capacity @ 20:1 Savings Ratios (Binary)

1 TB

9 TB

8.18 TiB

180 TB

163.6 TiB

2 TB

18 TB

16.37 TiB

360 TB

327.4 TiB

4 TB

36 TB

32.75 TiB

792 TB

655 TiB

6 TB (DR6000 only)

54 TB

49.13 TiB

1,080 TB

982.6 TiB

Supported hardware for DR series system appliances

This section lists the hardware supported by the physical system on which the DR Series software is installed. Where applicable, firmware and driver versions are also listed.

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