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DR Series Software - Administration Guide

Introducing the DR Series system documentation Introducing the DR Series system Setting up the DR Series system Configuring the DR Series system settings Managing containers Managing replications Monitoring the DR Series system Using GlobalView Configuring and using Rapid NFS and Rapid CIFS Configuring and using Rapid Data Access with NetVault Backup and with vRanger Configuring and using RDA with OST
Understanding RDA with OST Guidelines Terminology Supported RDA with OST software and components Best Practices: RDA with OST and the DR Series System Setting client-side optimization Configuring an LSU Installing the RDA with OST plug-in Configuring DR Series system information using NetBackup Backing up data from a DR Series system with NetBackup Using Backup Exec with a DR Series system (Windows) Understanding the OST CLI commands Understanding RDA with OST Plug-In Diagnostic Logs Collecting diagnostics by using a Linux utility Guidelines for gathering media server information
Configuring and using VTL Configuring and Using Encryption at Rest Support, maintenance, and troubleshooting Supported Ports in a DR Series system About us

Adding a login group to an ADS domain

After you configure your DR systems within the same ADS domain, you must ensure that a login group exists and add it to the domain.

To add a login group in an ADS domain, complete the following steps:

On the left navigation menu, click System Configuration > Active Directory.
The Active Directory page is displayed.
In the Add Login Group pane, type the name of the login group including the domain name; for example, Domain\Domain Admins. If your login group name contains spaces, you must not enclose it in quotation marks. (This differs from the equivalent CLI command.)
Click Add Login Group to add the login group.

Removing a login group

To remove a configured ADS login group from the DR Series system, complete the following steps.

On the left navigation menu, click System Configuration > Active Directory.
The Active Directory page is displayed.

Configuring system date and time settings

To modify the default time and date settings for your DR Series system, complete the following steps:

In the left navigation menu, click System Configuration > Date and Time.

The Date and Time page is displayed, showing the following information:

Mode—one of two types: Manual and Network Time Protocol (NTP).
Time Zone—you can select from a list of time zone options around the world.
NTP Servers—when using NTP mode, you can define up to three NTP servers.
Date and Time—when in Manual mode, the date and time can be shown as month, day, and time in a 24-hour time format.
NOTE: If the DR Series system is joined to a Microsoft Active Directory Services (ADS) domain, the Edit option will not be available and the Mode, Time Zone, or Date and Time values cannot be changed. If a DR Series system is joined to a domain, the Network Time Protocol (NTP) is disabled and the DR Series system uses the domain-based time service. NTP is used in the Mode setting when the DR Series system is part of a workgroup and not joined to a domain.
Next to Mode, select either Manual or NTP.
In the Time Zone drop-down list, select a time zone.
In the Date and Time drop-down calendar, select the date and then click the arrows to adjust the hour:minute:seconds for the time.
In the Time Zone drop-down list, select a time zone.
Click Save.

Configuring DR Series system enclosures

power on the DR Series system.

To view, add and activate expansion shelves in the DR Series system GUI, complete the following steps:

In the left navigation menu, click System Configuration > Enclosures.
To add an expansion shelf, in the Physical Storage list, in the Action column, click Detect next to the Enclosure (1 or 2) that you want to add.
Click OK to continue adding the enclosure to the DR Series system.
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