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DR Series Software - Administration Guide

Introducing the DR Series system documentation Introducing the DR Series system Setting up the DR Series system Configuring the DR Series system settings Managing containers Managing replications Monitoring the DR Series system Using GlobalView Configuring and using Rapid NFS and Rapid CIFS Configuring and using Rapid Data Access with NetVault Backup and with vRanger Configuring and using RDA with OST
Understanding RDA with OST Guidelines Terminology Supported RDA with OST software and components Best Practices: RDA with OST and the DR Series System Setting client-side optimization Configuring an LSU Installing the RDA with OST plug-in Configuring DR Series system information using NetBackup Backing up data from a DR Series system with NetBackup Using Backup Exec with a DR Series system (Windows) Understanding the OST CLI commands Understanding RDA with OST Plug-In Diagnostic Logs Collecting diagnostics by using a Linux utility Guidelines for gathering media server information
Configuring and using VTL Configuring and Using Encryption at Rest Support, maintenance, and troubleshooting Supported Ports in a DR Series system About us

Deleting a storage group

Before you can delete a storage group in the DR Series system GUI, you must first delete the containers in the storage group.

To delete a storage group, complete the following steps.

In the left navigation menu, click System Configuration → Storage Groups.
The Storage Groups page is displayed.

Managing users

The DR Series system gives you the ability to define user roles and assign users to those roles. A user can have more than one role. There are default user roles for the system as well.

The DR Series system has the following types of user roles: CIFS, OST, RDA, NDMP, iSCSI, monitor, email_recipient, and administrator. For the protocol specific user roles, the user is validated with the protocol credentials when the clients connect. Users with the role, email_recipient, will be able to receive email alerts. The monitor user has read only access in the system GUI.

Refer to these important notes about user management in the DR Series system.

To view the Users page, on the left navigation menu, click System Configuration > Users.

Viewing users

In the DR Series system GUI you can easily view a list of the system users.

To view users, complete the following steps.

In the left navigation menu, click System Configuration → Users.
The Users page is displayed.
Name—Displays the name of the user.
Role—Displays the role(s) assigned to this user.
Full Name—Displays the user’s full name if it has been added.
Phone—Displays the user’s phone number if it has been added.
Email Address—Displays the email address associated with this user.
Description—Displays a description about the user if available.

Adding a user

In the DR Series system GUI you can easily add users and assign them specific system roles. The system supports up to 64 users.

To add a user, complete the following steps.

In the left navigation menu, click System Configuration → Users.
The Users page is displayed.
Email Recipient—Enables the user to receive email notifications and alerts from the system. For more information about configuring the types of notifications and alerts the system sends, see the topic, “Configuring email notification settings.”
Monitor—Limits the user to read-only access in the DR Series system GUI.
CIFS—Designates the user as a CIFS protocol user.
RDA—Designates the user as an RDA protocol user.
OST—Designates the user as an OST protocol user.
NDMP—Designates the user as an NDMP protocol user.
iSCSI—Designates the user as an iSCSI protocol user.
Click Next.
Username—Enter a username between 6 and 32 characters. This setting is required.
Password—Enter a password between 8 and 16 characters. This setting is required.
Confirm Password—Re-enter the password. This setting is required.
Full Name—Enter a name for the user.
Phone—Enter a phone number for the user.
Email Address—Enter an email address for the user.
Description—Enter a description for the user.
Click Save.
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