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NetVault 11.4.5 - CLI Reference Guide

Introduction Getting started Using the command-line utilities Using the nvreport utility


Verifies the structural, entity, and referential integrity of the Scheduler Database. It checks the following:


Sends an email to the specified address.


Sends an operator message.


Use this utility to perform the following tasks:

Table 86. nvtrace


Displays whether tracing is enabled or disabled on the specified machine. You can use the following option with --status:

--client: Specifies the NetVault Backup Client. If the client name is not specified, the status of tracing on the server is displayed.


Enables tracing on the specified machine. You can use the following options with ‑‑enable:

--client: Specifies the NetVault Backup Client. If the client name is not specified, tracing is enabled on the NetVault Backup Server.
--startat: Specifies the date and time when tracing should be started on the machine. The format for specifying this option is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
--stopat: Specifies the date and time when tracing should be stopped on the machine. The format for specifying this option is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
You can omit the --startat and --stopat options to start tracing immediately.
--process: Specifies the process for which trace files are required. You can provide a comma-separated list of process ID numbers to generate trace files for the specified processes.


Disables tracing on the specified machine. You can use the following option with ‑‑disable:

--client: Specifies the NetVault Backup Client. If the client name is not specified, tracing is disabled on the server.

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