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NetVault 11.4.5 - CLI Reference Guide

Introduction Getting started Using the command-line utilities Using the nvreport utility


Changes NetVault Backup password for server or client on which this utility is run. This utility is available in the <NetVault Backup home>\bin directory.

\ and spaces
On Linux shell: \<\>\&#\|/\"\':\*.-\`\(\)[]{}\$@?
On Windows command prompt: "<>&#|/""':*.-`()[]{}$@?".


Enables CLI backups and generation of CLI-based reports for plug-ins that require the use of database-related utility (for example, “onbar” for Informix database users and “rman” for Oracle). For more information, see the relevant plug-in user’s guide.


Use this utility to change the password for the PostgreSQL database superuser.

(The password is initially set when you install or upgrade the NetVault Backup Server software.)

\ and spaces
On Linux shell: \<\>\&#\|/\"\':\*.-\`\(\)[]{}\$@?
On Windows command prompt: "<>&#|/""':*.-`()[]{}$@?".


Allows you to generate and view canned reports from the command-line interface. For more information about using the reporting functionality, see Using the nvreport utility.

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