Exports a piece of media from a tape library to its entry/exit port (EEPort).
Specifies the name of the NetVault Backup Server that administers the job. | |
Specifies the label of the target media item. Example: “Full DB Backups” | |
Use this utility to label new media items or re-label existing media items.
Specifies the name of the NetVault Backup Server that administers the job. | |
Specifies the label of the target media item. Example: “Full DB Backups” | |
Example: “new_label_1” | |
Example: “new_group_1” | |
Specifies the new offsite location for the selected piece of media. | |
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To re-label media items that contain existing backups, you first blank it using the nvblankmedia or mark it for reuse using the nvreusemedia command. |
Displays slots containing blank media items on the specified library.
Specifies the name of the NetVault Backup Server that administers the job. | |
Lists media items marked with the following tags:
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