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Foglight 5.9.1 - Administration and Configuration Guide

Administering and Configuring Foglight Extending Your Monitoring Reach with Foglight Cartridges Administering Foglight Configure Rules and Metric Calculations to Discover Bottlenecks Customizing Your Foglight Environment with Tooling

Recommended Self-Monitoring Automation

A separate Remote Monitor process can be configured to watch the Foglight™ High Availability (HA) process and notify an administrator in the event that the Foglight Management Server process unexpectedly shuts down. Configure the Remote Monitor process to ensure that an administrator is notified when the Foglight Management Server shuts down. For more information about the Remote Monitor process and running Foglight in HA mode, see the Foglight High Availability Field Guide.

A set of rules covering the critical health items for a Foglight Management Server is delivered with the Core-Monitoring Policy cartridge, included with the server install.This cartridge is installed and enabled during the server installation. Email notifications should be set-up for each of the rules delivered in this cartridge. To configure email notifications, use the Email Configuration dashboard. To access this dashboard, from the Administration dashboard, under Support, click Email.

Cyclic Maintenance

Each of the following tasks helps to ensure that the Foglight™ Management Server is stable and is operating normally.

Assuming you automate self-monitoring as described in Recommended Self-Monitoring Automation, there is no need to perform the checks described below.

If you do not have automated self-monitoring in place, you must use the manual technique below, performing each item at least once daily.

For context on the key resource requirements and their effect on the Foglight Management Server, see the Foglight Performance Tuning Field Guide.

Perform the following tasks once every week:

Automated approach: Schedule this to generate weekly and email.
Manual approach: Manually create a report using the Report Manager and review it.

Perform the following tasks manually, once every month:

For more information about these dashboards, see the related online help topics.

Using a single pane of glass for your administration needs

The Administration dashboard can be used as a front-end for most Foglight™ administration tasks. This dashboard contains links to most of the administration dashboards and shows configuration specifics that may be critical to your day-to-day operation. If your Foglight role involves daily administration, this is probably the best place to start as it gives you a quick insight into the system complexity and its health, along with close-at-hand links to most administration dashboards.

You can access this dashboard from the navigation panel, by clicking Homes > Administration.

In addition to the administration dashboards accessible from the Administration home page and the Administration node on the navigation panel, Foglight includes another set of administration-level dashboards that can be used to analyze logs, monitor the server performance, and service levels. These dashboards are described in this section.

For more information, see the following topics:

Manage Foglight Database Performance

In Foglight, retention policies define time periods during which the collected data is sampled, persisted into the database, aggregated, or purged from your system. The Object Cleanup dashboard is useful for inspecting, purging, and deleting data objects, and particularly for cleaning up objects that are no longer needed. For instance, if a set of agents is no longer required, the objects created by those agents are still visible in the browser interface. Removing these objects can have a positive impact on performance.

Using these dashboards you can manually tune the size and performance of your environment. Tuning performance manually allows you to:

To access this dashboard, from the navigation panel, click Dashboards > Management Server > Servers. Then select either Object Cleanup or Retention Policies.

Another way to control the retention policies on a per-object basis is using the Manage Retention Policies dashboard. For more information, see Manage Data Retention.

In addition to the Object Cleanup and Retention Policies dashboards that allow you to inspect and tune the overall performance, the Database Overview dashboard summarizes the database activities such as data row operations, database buffer pool, and any inserts, deletes, and updates. To access this dashboard, from the navigation panel, click Dashboards > Management Server > Servers > Database Overview.

For more information, see the following topics:

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