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vRanger 7.8.6 - User Guide

Introduction vRanger overview Configuring vRanger
Configuring vRanger through the Startup Wizard Configuring vRanger manually Supplemental instructions: additional repository types
Using vRanger Backup Restore
Restoring an encrypted VMware VM Performing a full restore for VMware VMs Performing a full restore for Hyper-V® VMs Performing a full restore for VMware vApps Performing a full restore of a physical machine Performing an FLR on Windows Performing an FLR on Linux Restoring from manifest
Replicate VMs Reports Integrating and monitoring vRanger Using the vRanger Console vAPI Cmdlet details

Using Custom transport selection

The Custom transport selection option lets you specify both where the actual backup processing activity occurs) and which transport to use. For more information, see VMware backup transport options.

On the Transport Selection page, select Custom transport selection.
If no VA is detected, click Configure Virtual Appliance to add a VA to vRanger. For more information about configuring the VA, see Understanding the vRanger virtual appliance (VA).
[Optional] If you want your LAN backups to be encrypted, select Use SSL encryption while transferring files over the LAN connection when available.
Click Next.

Configuring backup options

The Backup Options page lets you configure additional operations performed during the backup job. The options available depend on the server, or inventory, type you want to back up.

On the Backup Options page, select your preferences from the options described in the following table.

Backup powered on machines only.

If this flag is selected, vRanger checks the status of the VM before it begins a backup. If the VM is not running, it might not have changed significantly since the last backup, making another backup redundant.

Check destination for free space.

This option prompts vRanger to check the destination location to ensure that there is enough space available for the backup file to be written. Because it is not possible to determine how much space is saved by compression, vRanger generates an error if the free space at the destination is less than the combined size of the files belonging to the source server.

Compress backed up files.

This option prompts vRanger to compress the archive.

Update notes with latest backup results.

If this flag is selected, vRanger updates the VM Notes in VMware® vCenter™ with the most recent backup status. vRanger maintains the existing VM notes in vCenter, appending the backup status to the end.

Enable guest quiescing.

This option enables the VMware® Tools when creating a backup. Use this flag if you are backing up a database server. During this process, vRanger freezes or pauses writes on supported applications to provide a consistent image of VSS-enabled databases. For more information, see Application consistency for virtual backups.

Enable VSS Application-level quiescing

This option engages the Microsoft VSS to put supported applications into a consistent state during a backup.

NOTE: This option is only presented for physical backups. For backups of VMware and Hyper-V® VMs, selecting Enable guest quiescing enables VSS application quiescing if supported by the Guest OS and application.

Enable VSS log truncation

This option uses the Microsoft VSS to initiate the truncation of any supported application transaction logs upon a successful backup.

NOTE: This option is only presented for physical backups. For backups of VMware and Hyper-V VMs, selecting Enable guest quiescing enables VSS log truncation if supported by the Guest OS and application.

Enable Active Block Mapping (ABM)

Selecting this option enables ABM, which lets vRanger skip zeroed out blocks and junk data.

The following ABM settings options are also available:

Enable Cataloging

Cataloging lets you browse, search, and restore file level content in a backup image. For more information, see Enabling cataloging options.

Enable Change Block Tracking (CBT)

VMware CBT reduces the time needed for incremental and differential backups by only backing up the portions of a disk that have changed since the last backup. By determining which blocks changed within the VMDK file, vRanger only backs up the portions of a disk that have changed since the last backup. For more information, see Enabling VMware Changed Block Tracking (CBT)

Click Next.

Selecting a Retention Policy

The Retention Policy Selection page lets you configure the type of backup to perform — full, incremental, or differential — and the minimum number of savepoints to keep for each VM. For more information about retention policies, see Understanding retention policies and space-saving technologies.

vRanger offers three methods of backing up data while reducing the storage footprint and network load of VM backups.

To create a backup job, complete one of the following procedures:

Creating a full backup job

For full backups, vRanger performs a full scan and copy of the source VM. Full backup jobs can be modified with the following operations:

Active Block Mapping (ABM): ABM scans the disks on a VM and detects the blocks actively used by the disk, as opposed to blocks that were deleted by the Windows® operating system. With ABM enabled, vRanger only backs up that part of a virtual disk that has active data on it. ABM also provides the following settings options:
On the Retention Policy Selection page, use the up and down arrows to select your Savepoint Count — the default is 7.
In the Space Saving Technology section, select None.
Click Next.

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