Navigation: Modifying Content Matrix Configuration and Settings > Restricting Available Actions and Suppressing Events > Actions That Can Be Disabled on the Server Side |
Many of the SharePoint related actions available in the Content Matrix Console can be disabled on the server side. The table below lists the complete set of client actions that can be disabled from the server and provides the format of the action name required in the DisabledActions section of the ServerAdapaterCongifuration.xml file.
NOTE: When an action that is available via the client UI is disabled on the server, it will be visible in client menus but disabled.
Action |
Configuration File Format |
Change Global Navigation Settings |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Administration.ChangeGlobalNavigationAction |
Change Quick Launch |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Administration.ChangeQuickLaunchAction |
Create Folder |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Administration.CreateFolderAction |
Create List |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Administration.CreateListAction |
Create List From XML |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Administration.CreateListFromXMLAction |
Create Site |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Administration.CreateSiteAction |
Create Site Collection |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Administration.CreateSiteCollection |
Create Site Collection in Self-Service Mode |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Administration.CreateSiteCollectionSelfServiceMode |
Delete Discussion Item |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Administration.DeleteDiscussionItem |
Delete Item |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Administration.DeleteFolder |
Delete List |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Administration.DeleteItem |
Delete Site |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Administration.DeleteList |
Delete Site Collection |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Administration.DeleteSite |
Export Doc Items |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Administration.DeleteSiteCollection |
Publish Documents and Pages |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Administration.PublishDocumentsandPagesAction |
Update Site Collection Settings |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Administration.UpdateSiteCollectionSettingsAction |
Add Role Assignments |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.AddRoleAssignmentsAction |
Copy Folder Permissions |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.CopyFolderPermissions |
Copy Item Alerts |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.CopyItemAlertsAction |
Copy List Alerts |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.CopyListAlertsAction |
Copy List Permissions |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.CopyListPermissions |
Copy List Role Assignments |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.CopyListRoleAssignments |
Paste Web Parts |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.CopyWebPartsAction |
Paste Master Page Gallery |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.CopyMasterPageGalleryAction |
Paste Content Types |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.CopySiteContentTypesAction |
Paste All Subsites |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.CopySubSitesAction |
Copy Web Alerts |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.CopyWebAlertsAction |
Copy Web Permissions |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.CopyWebPermissions |
Paste Workflow Associations |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.CopyWorkflowAssociationsAction |
Paste All List Items |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteAllListItemsAction |
Paste All List Items into Items View |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteAllListItemsIntoItemsViewAction |
Paste Audiences |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteAudiencesAction |
Paste Default Web Part Page |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteDefaultWebPartPageAction |
Paste Duplicate List |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteDuplicateListAction |
Paste Duplicate Site |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteDuplicateSiteAction |
Paste Folder |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteFolderAction |
Paste List |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteListAction |
Paste List as Folder |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteListAsFolderAction |
Paste List Email Notifications |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteListEmailNotificationAction |
Paste List Item |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteListItemAction |
Paste List Item into Items View |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteListItemIntoItemsViewAction |
Paste My Sites |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteMySitesAction |
Paste Navigation |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteNavigationAction |
Paste Roles |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteRolesAction |
Paste Site |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteSiteAction |
Paste Site Collection |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteSiteCollectionAction |
Paste Site Content |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteSiteContentAction |
Paste Site Lists |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.PasteSiteLists |
Remove Role Assignments |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.RemoveRoleAssignmentAction |
Event Suppression |
Metalogix.SharePoint.Actions.Migration.SuppressEvents |
Note that many of the above listed actions are used by other actions. When a given action is enabled, but one or more of its sub-action is disabled, the sub-actions will not run. When a user attempts to run an action for which sub-actions are disabled, they will be notified with a dialog similar to the following:
Navigation: Modifying Content Matrix Configuration and Settings > Configuration Variable Files |
Content Matrix uses a set of configuration variable files behind the scenes to help set and manage settings for all of the Content Matrix Editions. This section explains what the configuration variable files are, their general behavior, and where to find them.
Configuration variables are contained in the following three files:
Some settings can be configured for all Product Editions, while other settings are limited to individual Product Editions.
Any settings that are configured in multiple files will be scoped to the lowest level (either in the "UserSettings.xml" file or the "ApplicationSettings.xml" file), including values that are pulled from the old EnvironmentSettings.xml file.
IMPORTANT: Make sure the Content Matrix Console is closed when making updates to configuration variable files.
This file allows users to configure general settings for all Product Editions. This means that these settings only need to be set in a single file, either for all users of the machine (if users are required to be local administrators) or for each individual user of the machine (if users are not required to be local administrators) and can be found in one of the following locations:
·If you are required to be a local administrator on the machine where Content Matrix is installed: C:\ProgramData\Metalogix
·If you are not required to be a local administrator on the machine where Content Matrix is installed: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Metalogix\Common
UserSettings.xml File
This file allows users to configure general settings for all Product Editions for a specific user account (the logged in account). This means that these settings will be configured for all Product Editions, but only for the current user account. If another user would like to configure these same settings to work for them, they must be configured manually under the appropriate user account. It can be found in the following location:
This file allows users to configure settings that are limited to the specific Product Edition of Content Matrix Console, for a specific user account (the logged in account). This means that each Product Edition, for every user account, must be configuredindividually. While the "ApplicationSettings.xml" file for each Product Edition can contain some of the same settings, there are some settings that are Edition specific (for example, some settings may only work for SharePoint Edition, so they will only be available in SharePoint Edition). Any settings that are replicated through various version of the file will only be applied to the specific Edition.
For example, the "AllowCheckResults" setting is available in every "ApplicationSettings.xml" file, but it must be set on an individual Product Edition basis. Setting it for SharePoint Edition will not configure it for Public Folder Edition. It can be found in the following location:
C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\Metalogix\Content Matrix Console - <Product> Edition.
Navigation: Modifying Content Matrix Configuration and Settings > Client Side Configuration |
For an individual Content Matrix Console instance, you can Change the Managed Metadata Migration Batch Size, and/or Configure Settings for Migrations Using the Import Pipeline.
Navigation: Modifying Content Matrix Configuration and Settings > Client Side Configuration > Changing the Managed Metadata Migration Batch Size |
In order to better handle operations that include the migration of Managed Metadata having a very large number of terms or keywords, Content Matrix separates migration operations into batches. This helps prevent timeouts during migration operations.
The default batch size is 50 terms, but this value can be changed through a parameter in the EnvironmentSettings.xml file.
To change the Managed Metadata Migration Batch Size:
In the EnvironmentSettings.xml file, navigate to the MMDTermsBatchSize entry and change its value to the desired batch size. The value must be a positive integer.
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