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On Demand Migration Current - Active Directory Release Notes

Known Issues

The following is a list of issues, including those attributed to third-party products, known to exist at the time of this deployment.

Directory Sync known issues

Known Issue Issue ID
An attempt to install an older version of the agent software will fail if a newer version has already been successfully installed. If, for some reason, the older version is needed, first uninstall the newer version, then remove all registry references to the agent. 8060
The agent installer cannot accept a password with a first character of !. 8122
When discovery discovers an environment, it will read in the OU structure of all domains within the forest. The UI will show all domains and you can select them for use in all workflows. However, if a DC for that domain is not included, or the agent account does not have read access to the objects, they will not be read into the database. 8077
Cloud Only Security Groups are not read in when reading a cloud endpoint. 22453
User thumbnail photos do not sync to cloud environments. 8069
The PowerShell User Group should be added to the Tenant Group Filter as the Group Owner. A security group should not be used. 8070
An account with access to all domains within the forest is needed if you want to sync all domains within a single forest with a single agent. Using an enterprise admin account is the most efficient method for doing this. 8073
Mapping functions do not work with multivalued attributes. For example, (results(proxyaddresses,"x500:") will not return a true even if an X500 address is present. 8075
When a workflow for a cloud environment has been run once, but then has been idle for longer than 30 days, an error will be encountered when the job starts, and the job will fail and loop repeatedly until the retry count has been reached. 8079
In the German and Chinese Office365 tenants, Directory Sync will always do full synchronizations because the delta sync functionality is not available in these local tenants. 8095
An "Object with ID xyz was not found" error may occur when reading recently created Azure guest users due to the longer length of time for guest users to propagate. 8101
Remote Mailboxes from the source are incorrectly created in the target as Users instead of MailUsers. 8102
Delta syncs are limited to 30 days. To avoid full synchronization, a read in should be performed for all cloud environments every 29 days or less. 8108
Password sync does not support AES hashes. 21796
A template configured to sync a binary attribute to a non-binary attribute will not sync correctly. For example, if syncing Binary (ThumbnailPhoto) to String(ExtensionAttribute), the target attribute will be synced as "System.Byte[]" instead of the expected binary value converted into a string. 15683
A security group cannot be used as a filter group. 8057
When using filter groups for Cloud environments you need to ensure that a group containing any newly created objects is present in the environment filter. This can be accomplished by having a source and target filter group with the same name so they will match and synchronize between the environments. If these objects are not read in after creation, they will not have any additional updates synchronized and they will not be matched. 8076
When synchronizing local AD groups to Office 365 as Office 365 groups (Unified Groups) any contact in the source group will record an error in the logs and the contact will not appear in the target group. 8081
Office 365 Group settings are not copied to the target Office 365 Group. 8104
Likes for Office 365 Group conversations are not migrated. 8122
Custom schema attributes can be added to template mappings but are not visible in the drop-down selection list. 8072
All domains within an Active Directory Forest are visible within an environment when adding a single domain even though the agent account credentials may not have access to all domains. 8074
The DS-Core-Propagation-Data attribute is not synchronized by Directory Sync. The DS-Core-Propagation-Data attribute is a system attribute which is used by the Active Directory service and cannot and should not be modified by anything other than the directory itself. 34400
The mapping does not update the mailnickname attribute of Non mail-enabled security groups. 34481
Attribute filters cannot be applied to Security Groups. 14933
Cloud Environments that use Object Filter Exclusion options may see Unlicensed or Disabled Accounts read in when configured to Exclude Unlicensed or Disabled Accounts. This is because the AccountDisabled and SKUAssigned properties in Exchange Online Management are not always updated to reflect the true state of the object in Office365. 35957, 36574
Updates of non mail-enabled Security groups in Cloud to Local syncs fail due to an empty samAccountName value. 37254
Custom schema attributes can be added to template mappings, but are not visible in the drop-down selection list. 52326
Directory Sync will attempt to add Group Object as Owner to Teams/M365 and Distribution Group when the Group object shares similar name as the Group Owner. For M365 Groups and Teams, an error will be logged for these groups as they cannot be added as an owner. 41463
Password sync will fail for objects with non-English characters in the sAMAccountName. 41570
A directory operation error occurs when running a cloud to local workflow. 42444

The RC4 encryption (Rivest Cipher 4 or RC4-HMAC) is an element of Microsoft Kerberos authentication that Quest migration products require to sync Active Directory passwords between Source and Target environments. Disabling the use of the RC4 protocol enabled makes password syncing between environments impossible.

Beginning on November 8, 2022 Microsoft recommended an out of band (OOB) patch be employed to set AES as the default encryption type. The enabling and disabling use of the RC4 encryption protocol has potential impact beyond the function of password syncing of Quest migration tooling and should be considered carefully.

Comment fields that exceed the maximum length of 4000 characters will cause an error. 44556
When mail contacts are deleted from Exchange Online, the deletion is not reflected in the product. Workflows with 'Delete Objects' steps will not process contact deletes. 45392

Active Directory known issues

Known Issue Issue ID
The Server 2016 Rollback action may break a user's profile if the user is not a member of the BUILTIN\Administrators group on the target machine. 29544
The Cleanup job should not be used with bi-directional match/sync configurations as it may incorrectly remove target ACLs. 32588
On a Windows 10 or Windows 11 device, when performing the Entra Cutover action, the migrated user profiles may lose some of the installed Windows Store application or other Provisioned AppX Packages. These packages will need to be reinstalled by the user after they logon to their target profile. 36079
An Microsoft Entra ID device cannot be ReACLed if there is no matching group in mapping file. 36124
For Entra Device Cutover, Windows Hello for Business Setup cannot be completed when Source Account is a Direct Member of the Device BUILTIN\Administrators Group. 36627
The ODMAD Device Agent has not been designed to take special requirements of application servers, such as Exchange, SharePoint, Remote Desktop Services, IIS, etc. into consideration. Applications should be analyzed to determine if domain migration will be supported by each individual application and what remediation(s) may be required. Recreating/redeploying Application Servers in the target environment is recommended for best results. 43466
An group with the name of two or less characters cannot be assigned to a migration wave. 45514
Certificates are not migrated with Device Cutover. 46002
Rollback is not supported for Cloud to On-Prem and Cloud to Cloud Device Migration. 46422
When installing a provisioning package that has been renamed (filename is different from the package name in the package metadata), the cutover script will fail when trying to verify that installation was successful. 47517
ReACL will receive an Access Denied error if the share is an Azure Storage Account Share integrated with Azure Domain Directory Service. 54899

Domain Move known issues

Known Issue Issue ID
Domain Move can not move the domain if it is being used for Active Directory Federation Service(ADFS) between on-prem Active Directory and Microsoft Entra ID. 35529

Domain Rewrite known issues

Known Issue Issue ID
Signed and encrypted messages will not be rewritten by the email rewrite service (ERS). 8004
When ERS is disabled, external email addresses of MEU's are not removed. 40937
Cloud Rewrite workflows will not run when prepare jobs are queued for both hybrid and cloud-only target objects. 44319
Forwarding from mailbox cannot be removed if ERS was enabled using skip setting up forwarding. 47362

Release History

The following lists the new features and resolved issues by deployment.

Resolved issues

Resolved Issue Issue ID
When configured for a low polling interval, the device agent will poll at that interval until registered. Situations where registration does not happen cause repeated queries to the endpoint resulting in extra processing. 54305
A custom file download to a particular location, sends the file to the Downloads folder of the agent. 54460

Resolved issues

Resolved Issue Issue ID
In the Password Propagation Service UI, the Domain Alias credentials cannot be verified. 53293
The CustomAttribute filter, under Devices Filter, is not labeled to include Devices as it is under the Global tab. 53589


Enhancement Issue ID
A new option "Clear Existing Migration Wave" to allow removal of selected users from the migration wave has been added. 35085
The ability to reset the delta timestamp and sequence number (USN) value for an environment has been added. 52519

Resolved issues

Resolved Issue Issue ID
The action "Remove Device(s)" does not check for and remove associated Device Shares. 44309
The mapping zipped folder cannot be opened. 53609
Cloud Environment Discover, Settings, and Delete button are incorrectly enabled. 53710
ERS Cluster Deployment PowerShell does not look for the config file in the download folder. 53779


Enhancement Issue ID
In the Quest DS Password Change Service installer, updated message on the Access Token dialog and changed "ODMAD" to "Directory Sync." 53316
Minor updates to the Password Filter and Password Propagation Service installer. 53415

Resolved issues

Resolved Issue Issue ID
Intermittent issue creating the local access group ‘DSPasswordChangeService’ during installation on Server 2025. 52801

Incident response management

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System Requirements

The following web browsers are supported with On Demand:

  • Chrome or Firefox is recommended for the best cloud-based platform experience.

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