With the manual method, you select permissions one at a time. For example, use the Manual User/Group Selection tab to clone the permissions on the Everyone group to the BobV user account. The BobV user account will have the same access rights as the Everyone group
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Open the Manual User/Group Selection tab. |
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In the Source Group or User area, select the domain or object from which to pull the permissions. The default is the current object, whose path displays in the top box. |
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To select a specific user to add to the Source and Destination lists, click Advanced User Selection. |
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Click Add. |
The Clone feature is useful when you are migrating domains. After you create all the new groups and users in the new domain, use the Automatic User/Group Selection tab to copy the permissions from the old domain to the new domain.
TIP: You also can use the Auto Clone advanced task to automatically pair accounts for cloning. Once you enter a path, and click OK, the Automatic User/Group Selection tab opens with the path list automatically populated. |
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Open the Automatic User/Group Selection tab. |
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From the Source list, select the domain to use as the source. |
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From the Destination list, select the domain to use as the destination. |
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Click Start Automatic Selection. |
NOTE: You also can update ACLS with SIDs in the Group and User Management module. Right-click one or more domain users, choose Clone Permissions (using SID History), and choose the path. The SID History tab displays any pairs found. |
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Open the SID History tab. |
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In the Domain and AD Query boxes, create a query filter to find the user or group in Active Directory®. |
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Click Find SID History Accounts. |
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Click Close. |
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To see the groups and users checked during the process, click Browse SID History. |
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To include the SID in the display, select the Include SID check box. |
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Click Load. The groups and users are listed as they are checked. |
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If you selected the Include SID check box, you can use the scroll bar to view the entire SID, or point the cursor to group or user. |
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Open the Import User/Group Selection tab. |
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Click Execute Import. |
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