Quest® vRanger® 7.8.1
These release notes provide information about the Quest® vRanger® release.
About this release
vRanger Backup & Replication is the market-leading backup, recovery, and backup-management solution for VMware® and Hyper-V® virtual environments. vRanger automatically discovers new virtual machines (VMs), reduces backup windows, provides smarter backup options, and offers more scalability through its agent-less architecture and features while using fewer resources.
vRanger 7.8.1 is a maintenance release with minor enhancements and defect resolutions. See Enhancements and Resolved issues for more detailed information.
The following is a list of enhancements implemented in vRanger 7.8.1.
Resolved issues
The table below lists the defects resolved in this release of vRanger:
Known issues
Table 4. General known issues
Domain controller and domain authentication issues can cause errors such as:
• VM backups encounter 2129 Can’t Write errors to CIFS repositories with any transport type.
• Physical machine backups encounter 2129 Can’t Write errors to CIFS repositories.
• Virtual appliance (VA) backups fail with 2129 Can’t Write errors to CIFS repositories.
• Physical machine shows as Disconnected in Inventory.The following lists some common situations that can cause these issues:
By default, this directory is C:\Program Files\Quest\vRanger.
2 Open the Vizioncore.vRanger.Service.exe.config file in Notepad.
5 Restart the Quest vRanger Service to implement the changes.In some circumstances, Changed Block Tracking (CBT) does not show as enabled for some VMs in the vRanger inventory. This issue is due to an error described in VMware KB article 2075984.
To resolve this issue, perform the workaround documented in VMware KB article 2075984.
To use NTLMv2, you must edit the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\LmCompatibilityLevel to set the LmCompatibilityLevel to 5.
Table 5. Backup known issues
When performing SAN backups of VMs created in VMware® vCloud Director® from a template, the backup may fail with the “Error: 2760 - <VIXcannotOpenDetails> VIX can’t open…” error.
The VMware SAN mode transport searches for VMs by BIOS UUID. By default, all instances and VMs that are deployed from a given catalog vApps/template in vCloud Director are assigned the same BIOS UUID. For more information, see VMware KB article 1002403.
To resolve this issue, perform the workaround documented in VMware KB article 2002506.
When performing a quiesced backup of a Windows Server 2012 VM without using vzShadow.exe, event log errors are generated for System Reserved volumes during snapshot creation.
The VMware QueryChangedDiskAreas API returns incorrect sectors after extending the VM VMDK file with CBT enabled. This issue causes the CBT filter to become invalid, possibly corrupting vRanger backups. For more information, see VMware KB article 2090639.
Ensure that the patches described in VMware KB article 2090639 are applied, and follow other workaround recommendations documented in the KB as appropriate for your environment.
When using the vzShadow.exe executable to perform application-consistent backups, lettered drives are required. The use of vzShadow.exe to quiesce mount points with databases is not supported.
For options to resolve this issue, see VMware KB article 1037071.
The use of SAN transport mode is not supported when working with encrypted VMs. This is due to a VMware VDDK limitation documented here.
To ensure that ISO images are attached to a VM when restored:
• Ensure that the restore job option Force Power On is enabled.When a standalone ESXi host is added to the vRanger inventory, and that Host is associated with a vSphere® vCenter that is not in the vRanger inventory, restore operations to that host fail with the error:
“<host> is being managed by a Virtual Center. Please disassociate the host from the Virtual Center before continuing a Restore operation or register the Virtual Center in vRanger.”
Association is relationship in vSphere, whereby some host resources are managed only by an associated vCenter, and not the host itself. The Host, therefore, does not have permission to perform the operations required to restore a VM. If the vCenter is not in the vRanger inventory, vRanger cannot obtain the required permissions.
When performing a Linux® FLR operation that recovers files and folders with the following characters in the name, the files and folders are displayed with what look to be randomly generated names, and are restored successfully with same random names. Characters that cause this behavior are:
The vRanger cataloging feature does not support operation against dynamic disks.
When deploying the vRanger physical client to a physical server, the account used to install and run the client must have administrative Log on as a service rights. If this computer is a node in a cluster, check that this user right is assigned to the Cluster service account on all nodes in the cluster.
For instructions, see the Microsoft TechNet article Add the Log on as a service right to an account.
Table 8. Replication known issues
Successfully replicated encrypted VM with different types of controllers fails to reboot.
Ensure that replication jobs are configured between hosts running the same version of VMware ESXi.
Replication to a target containing vRDM disks is not supported.
When a standalone ESXi host is added to the vRanger inventory, and that Host is associated with a vSphere vCenter not in the vRanger inventory, replication operations to that host fail with the error:
“<host> is being managed by a Virtual Center. Please disassociate the host from the Virtual Center before continuing a replication operation or register the Virtual Center in vRanger.”
Association is a relationship introduced in vSphere 5, whereby some host resources are managed only by an associated vCenter, and not the host itself. The Host, therefore, does not have permission to perform the operations required to replicate a VM. If the vCenter is not in the vRanger inventory, vRanger cannot obtain the required permissions.
On the vRanger VA, execute the commands
After executing the above commands, reboot the virtual appliance.
Table 9. Virtual appliance (VA) known issues
Deploying a VA to a standalone host fails if the host is managed by a vCenter.
4 Run the command: dmesg | grep "rename.*eth"You see two messages indicating the renaming of the real NICs with new Udev NIC names.
6 Run the command: cd /etc/sysconfigThis directory already contains one configuration file for the first NIC.
7 Run the following command to create and edit the configuration file for the new NIC where <IFname> is the new name for the new NIC card:vi ifconfig.<IFname>
== For DHCP (SAMPLE NIC Interface Name):
== For Static (SAMPLE NIC Interface Name & IP Addresses):
9 Restart networking by running the command: /etc/init.d/network restart
Table 10. Third-party known issues
When special characters are used in a file or folder name, you cannot see that file or folder when browsing the datastore in vCenter. This issue is documented in more detail in the VMware KB article 1015650.
When creating a Hyper-V backup job, mixing VMs with Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV) and non-CSV volumes is not supported. For more information, see Microsoft KB article 2771882.
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