This topic provides information about deploying the QoreStor on VMware ESXi.
Refer to QoreStor VM Specifications for information about the different QoreStor VM template configurations available for VMware. For detailed information about supported VMware ESXi versions, platform and license limits, virtual infrastructure and memory requirements, and other information, see the QoreStor Interoperability Guide.
The deployment process comprises the following tasks:
NOTE: The security policy for vSwitches in VMware environments should be configured to allow MAC Address Changes, this can be achieved by enabling the Allow MAC Address changes and Forged Transmits option in the Layer-2 security policies of the vSphere vSwitches. To edit the Layer 2 security policies of vSphere vSwitches, navigate to Security Policy settings and set the value for the MAC Address Changes and Forged Transmits to Accept. For more information about security, see the vSphere Security documentation. |
The following instructions describe the steps for deploying QoreStor on VMware ESXi using the vSphere web client.
NOTE: Quest recommends that you select on of the the virtual disk formats below:
Selecting a Thin provisioned disk will result in disk fragmentation and possible storage over-subscription. For those reasons, thin provisioning is not recommended. |
The QoreStor VM will boot up. (It takes approximately 3-5 minutes to self-extract the installation package and install all of the components.)
The topics in this section provide information about deploying QoreStor on Microsoft Hyper-V.
For detailed information about supported Microsoft Hyper-V versions, platform and license limits, virtual infrastructure and memory requirements, and other information, see the QoreStor Interoperability Guide.
Before you begin the deployment process, ensure you have met the prerequisites described in the topic, “Prerequisites for the QoreStor on Microsoft Hyper-V.”
The deployment process comprises the following tasks:
NOTE: As Microsoft only supports OVF format on system center Virtual Machine Manager, using the Power Shell scripts, the QoreStor appliance’s deployment for the Hyper-V infrastructure is made easier, and the procedure for creating virtual appliance with required settings is automated. |
To deploy QoreStor on Microsoft Hyper-V and to use the QoreStor Hyper-V cmdlets, ensure that the following prerequisites are met. For more information about the available QoreStor Hyper-V cmdlets, see the topic, “Using the Suppported cmdlets for QoreStor for Hyper-V” in this document.
NOTE: These prerequisites are applicable to Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Hyper- V environments. |
You must have administrator privileges or you must be a member of the administrator’s group
NOTE: This software is easily accessible from the Pre-Requisites folder. The pre-requisite file names may change due to different QoreStor OS versions release and also other updates may be required. |
NOTE: For convenience both online and offline version of .NET 4.5 is available along with the .NET security update packages. For this deployment use the .NET Framework 4.5.1 offline full install option along with the two security update file of .NET. |
Windows PowerShell 4.0 is part of the Windows Management Framework 4.0. Refer to the following link for more information:
Installing the Hyper-V Management Tools
This prerequisite is a Windows feature that contains a PowerShell extension to manage Hyper-V servers on Windows 2012 R2 systems. Using PowerShell to install this feature, enter the following commands with elevated privileges:
Install-WindowsFeature Hyper-V-Tools
– This command enables Windows to administer Hyper-V.
Install-WindowsFeature Hyper-V-PowerShell
– This command installs additional PowerShell commands specialized for Hyper-V.
Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned
– This command allows scripts signed by a trusted publisher to be run on Windows server.. After the pre-requisites are complete, you can deploy QoreStor on the local Hyper-v host. For more information, see the topic “Deploying QoreStor on a Local Hyper-V Host”.
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