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Migration Manager for AD 8.15 - Resource Processing Guide

Introduction to Resource Update Distributed Updates in Resource Updating Manager Common Resource Update Workflows Active Directory Processing Exchange Server Processing SMS Processing SQL Server Processing Cluster Server Migration Command-Line Resource Update SharePoint Processing

Using Delegation Mode

Step 1. Set Task Properties

Caution: To switch the wizard to the Delegation mode, the Delegate this task check box must be selected.

In this step you are prompted to specify a task name and description.

Step 2. Configure Delegation Options

In this step you can specify the account of the trusted person you want to delegate the task to. You can specify one or more accounts and assign them the appropriate rights to perform the task.

To delegate the rights to the trusted accounts, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Delegate button.
  2. Specify the account and the role you want to delegate. Click OK.

The following option is available:

  • Revoke. Click to remove the selected account from the list and deprive it of the rights to process Active Directory. Note that you cannot remove accounts if their permissions are inherited.
Step 3. Complete the Wizard

After you create the list of delegates, click Next and then Finish to apply your changes and close the wizard.

Running Active Directory Update

To start an Active Directory processing task from Migration Manager, select the task in the project tree, right-click the task, and select the Start command from the shortcut menu.

To view the task execution progress, select the task object in the project tree and switch to the Information tab in the right-hand pane.

Stopping a Task

If for some reason you want to interrupt Active Directory processing, click the Cancel button in the wizard that starts after you run the task.

If you stop processing by clicking the Cancel button, or the task execution is stopped due to an error, the task acts as follows:

  • If you stop the task during permissions update, further re-permissioning will be stopped. Objects already processed by that moment will have new (target) permissions. Objects not yet processed will keep old permissions. If you want to completely restore the system state, reconfigure and run the task with the Revert to the original group membership, linked attributes, and object permissions option.
  • If you stop the task while reverting changes, further re-permissioning will be stopped. Objects already processed by that moment will have source permissions. Objects not yet processed will keep target permissions. If you want to restore the system state, reconfigure and run the task with the Reassign group membership, linked attributes, and object permissions to target users option.
  • If you stop the task while cleaning up permissions, further processing will be stopped. Permissions of the objects already processed by that moment will be cleaned up. Objects not yet processed will be left intact.
Log File

The Active Directory processing task log is stored in the QsActiveDirectoryProcessingWizard_<timestamp>.log file in the %temp% folder.

NOTE: Active Directory Processing Wizard does not store information about its own activities under the History node in the Migration Manager console management tree. All data is stored in the appropriate log file.

After the Migration Manager console is upgraded, activities history is not available for the Active Directory processing tasks, completed before upgrade.

Reconfiguring a Task

To reconfigure the task, right-click the task object and select Properties. The Active Directory Processing Wizard will start and let you specify different options for the task. Refer to the steps above for more information on the available options.

Exchange Server Processing

When user accounts are migrated, the messaging system must be updated to comply with the changes. Exchange Processing Wizard updates Exchange permissions to grant the migrated accounts in the target domain the permissions assigned to the source accounts. For example, Exchange Processing Wizard updates client and administrative permissions on mailboxes, public folders, and all other Exchange objects. Client permissions get automatically granted to the target users when they log into their old mailbox.

NOTE: Exchange Processing Wizard cannot update administrative permissions on some system folders.

Exchange directory permissions are processed by the Active Directory processing task. See the Active Directory Processing topic for details.

In case of intra-forest migration, after the Exchange Server update, the target accounts have all the source accounts’ rights but the mailboxes still continue to belong to the source accounts. The mailboxes need to be reassigned to the target accounts before the source accounts are decommissioned.

To update mailbox owners for Exchange Server, you should use the Reconnect Exchange mailbox option in the migration session.

When and Where to Use Exchange Processing Wizard

Exchange Processing Wizard (EPW) is a tool for updating permissions on Exchange mailboxes and public folders during Active Directory migrations to align the permissions with the new user configuration. EPW updates the following:

For mailboxes:

  • Client permissions
  • Mailbox contents

For public folders:

  • Client permissions
  • Administrative rights
  • Public folder contents

There are a variety of situations where the use of EPW is necessary. In general, you need it whenever you want to give migrated user accounts the same level of access to mailboxes and public folders as they had before Active Directory migration.

This section describes three common scenarios for using EPW. Other real-life scenarios are similar, and some elements of the scenarios in this document can be reused in them.


  • An Exchange resource forest is an Active Directory forest that hosts Exchange servers for users from another forest and is dedicated to Exchange operations.
  • Often, EPW is not the only tool that you need to use to complete the configuration. You also need to run Active Directory Processing Wizard to update the msExchangeSecurityDescriptor attributes of the old users (in Active Directory and Exchange stores) so that it points to the new users. Generally, ADPW is always required if mailboxes and public folders have customized permissions.

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