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Change Auditor 7.3 - Release Notes

IT Security Search requirements

IT Security Search is a web-based interface that correlates IT data from numerous systems and devices into an interactive search engine for fast security incident response and forensic analysis. As a Change Auditor customer, you can access IT Security Search from our Autorun and begin to apply its many features.

Auditing and permission requirements

SQL Server auditing

Exchange Server auditing

SQL Server auditing

SQL Server Data Level auditing

Change Auditor

Change Auditor for SQL Server

SQL Servers supported up to the following versions


Required permissions

The account specified in the auditing template that is used to access the SQL Server instance must have the following database permissions:

For more information

See the Change Auditor for SQL Server User Guide.

SQL Server Extended Events auditing (Preview)

Change Auditor

Change Auditor for SQL Server

SQL Servers supported up to the following versions

Required permissions

User running Change Auditor client must hold the CA Administrator Role, or a custom role that includes the 'View SQL Templates' operation

The specified SQL login account must have the following SQL Server permissions:

Alternatively, the account must have a SQL server role that contains these permissions, for example 'Sysadmin'.


Both SQL and Windows authentication are supported.

For more information

See the Change Auditor for Change Auditor PowerShell Command User Guide or the Change Auditor for SQL User Guide for details.

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