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Change Auditor 7.3 - PowerShell User Guide

PowerShell Commands

Adding the PowerShell module

Viewing available commands and help

Installing Change Auditor coordinators and web clients

Setting the master time zone

Finding Change Auditor installations and coordinators

Connecting to and disconnecting from Change Auditor installations and coordinators

Managing client authentication options

Gathering Change Auditor system information

Deploying Change Auditor agents

Managing auditing templates

Working with searches

Managing Active Directory Database auditing

Working with Active Directory Database protection templates

Managing Windows File System auditing

Managing SQL Extended Events Auditing (Preview)

Managing Fluid File System auditing

Managing Azure Active Directory auditing

Managing Office 365 auditing

Managing Skype for Business auditing

Configuring a Quest On Demand Audit integration

Working with Active Directory protection templates


Adding the PowerShell module

Change Auditor comes with a PowerShell module for you to use to manage your environment. It is installed when you install the Windows client or a coordinator.

Viewing available commands and help


Installing Change Auditor coordinators and web clients

The following commands allow you to install Change Auditor components.

Use this command to install locally a Change Auditor Coordinator.


The location to find the coordinator MSI file. The coordinator is installed using this installer.


Credentials to use for the coordinator to access the SQL Server. Specify when the coordinator should use SQL Authentication mode.

Database Credential or Azure Active Directory Credential must be used. The Encrypt connection option will be enabled by default.


Credentials to use for the coordinator to access the SQL Server. Specify when the coordinator should use Azure Active Directory authentication mode.


Credentials to use for the coordinator to access the SQL Server. Specify when the coordinator should use Windows Authentication mode. These credentials must be a valid set of Windows credentials..


The SQL Server to host the database.


The local path on the computer where the installation log is written.

-AgentPort (Optional)

The static port for Change Auditor 6.x agents to communicate with the coordinator.

-ClientPort (Optional)


The static port for the Change Auditor client to communicate with the coordinator.

-DatabaseName (Optional)

The name assign to the Change Auditor database.

-InstallationName (Optional)

Name that uniquely identifies the current Change Auditor installation within your Active Directory environment.

If this is an additional coordinator in an existing installation (sharing the same database), ensure that you use the name of the existing installation.

-LegacyAgentPort (Optional)


The static port for legacy (5.x) Change Auditor agents to communicate with the coordinator.

-SDKPort (Optional)

The static port used by external applications to access the coordinator

Install-CACoordinator -MsiPath "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Quest Change Auditor Coordinator 6 (x64).msi" -SQLAuthDatabaseCredential $dbcredential -DatabaseServer "MyDatabase" -LogPath "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Coordinator.log"

After running this command, the installed coordinator will have the installation name “DEFAULT” and look for or create a database named ChangeAuditor.

Use this command to install locally the web client.


Install-CAWebClient -MsiPath "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Quest Change Auditor Web Client 6 (x64).msi" -CoordinatorConnection $connection -LogPath "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\WebClientInstallationLog.log"

Use this command to install licenses to the coordinators in a Change Auditor installation.


$creds = Get-Credential

$connection = Connect-CAClient -credential $creds

$coordinatorToLicense = Get-CACoordinators -Connection $connection

Install-CALicense $connection –LicensePath 'c:\ChangeAuditor.dlv'

$creds = Get-Credential

$connection = Connect-CAClient -SelectLocalCoordinator -credential $creds

$coordinatorToLicense = Get-CACoordinator -Connection $connection

Install-CALicense -Connection $connection -Coordinator $coordinatorToLicense –LicensePath 'c:\ChangeAuditor.dlv'

Install-CALicense $connection –LicensePath C:\7_0_AD_license_PER.dlv

$connection = Connect-CAClient -SelectLocalCoordinator

$coordinatorToLicense = Get-CACoordinator -Connection $connection

Install-CALicense -Connection $connection -Coordinator $coordinatorToLicense -LicensePath 'c:\7_0_AD_license_PER.dlv'


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