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Change Auditor 7.3 - PowerShell User Guide

Managing Office 365 auditing

Change Auditor for Exchange and Change Auditor for SharePoint have been extended to include the auditing of activities taking place in Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and OneDrive for Business. The following commands are available to manage Office 365 auditing:

NOTE: When you delete a template (see Remove-CAAgentTemplate), the web application created in Azure Active Directory remains. You can delete the web application using the Azure management portal. If you do not have the portal, see for instructions.

Use this command to create a template for auditing Office 365 Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and OneDrive for Business.



An agent obtained by using the Get-CAAgents command.


A connection obtained by using the Connect-CAClient command.

-CreateWebApp (Optional)

Specifies that you want to create a new Azure web application.

You will need to login to register Change Auditor in the tenant and ensure the required consent has been granted. Note: Internet access is required.

The Azure Active Directory sign-in page opens automatically.

To apply the consent to all the users in your organization, click to enable Consent on behalf of your organization and click Accept.


The Azure Active Directory tenant/directory that you want to audit (for example:

-AuditAdministration (Optional)

Specifies whether to audit administration events.

-AuditOrganization (Optional)

Specifies whether to audit all Exchange Online mailboxes accessed by users other than the mailbox owner.

-CertificateFile (Optional)

The filename of an exported X509 certificate with private key.

-CertificateFilePassword (Optional)

The password for the certificate file.


-CertificateThumbprint (Optional)

The thumbprint of a certificate that is located in the user's personal certificate store on the host workstation and must have a private key (string format).


-GenerateCertificate (Optional)

If specified, will generate a new self-signed certificate.

-Disabled (Optional)

Specifies whether the auditing template is enabled or disabled.

-EnableExchangeOnline (Optional)

Specifies whether Exchange Online auditing is enabled or disabled.

-EnableOneDrive (Optional)

Specifies whether OneDrive for Business auditing is enabled or disabled.

-EnableSharePoint (Optional)

Specifies whether SharePoint Online auditing is enabled or disabled.

-HistoricalEventCollectionHours (Optional)

Specifies how many hours the agent should go back in time to start event collection. The parameter accepts values from 1 to 168.

-HistoricalEventCollectionDays (Optional)

Specifies how many days the agent should go back in time to start event collection. The parameter accepts values from 1 to 7.

-ExcludedOperations (Optional)

String that specifies events to exclude from the Office 365 OneDrive for Business event, Office 365 SharePoint Online event, and Office 365 Exchange Online event.

These generic dynamically constructed events are created when associated activity is detected that does not have a corresponding event defined in Change Auditor.

-OverwriteTenantMailboxAuditing (Optional)

Specifies whether the template auditing settings will overwrite the existing tenant auditing settings.

New-CAO365Template -Connection $connection -Tenant $tenant -AgentInfo $agent -CreateWebApp -GenerateCertificate -EnableExchangeOnline $true -AuditAdministration $true –AuditOrganization $true –HistoricalEventCollectionDays 7

When you create or edit an Office 365 auditing template and you select to use an existing web application, it must be configured to support certificate authentication. See the Azure Active Directory and Office 365 User Guide for the required steps.

For more details on integrating applications with Azure Active Directory and creating a web application, consult the Microsoft documentation. When creating a web application in the Azure Classic Portal, you are required to provide the following URLs: Sign-On URL, App ID URL. Specify any URL address that is unique to your tenant (for example: http://ChangeAuditorApp) for each of them.


An agent object obtained by using the Get-CAAgents command.


A connection obtained by using the Connect-CAClient command.


The Azure AD tenant/Directory that you would like Change Auditor to audit (for example:


An Azure Active Directory web application Id. This application is needed for Change Auditor to authenticate to your Azure Active Directory tenant.



The key assigned to the web application specified for the WebAppId parameter. This application is needed for Change Auditor to authenticate to your Azure Active Directory tenant.

-AuditAdministration (Optional)

Specifies whether to audit administration events.

-CertificateFile (Optional)

The filename of an exported X509 certificate with private key.

-CertificateFilePassword (Optional)

The password for the certificate file.


-CertificateThumbprint (Optional)

The thumbprint of a certificate that is located in the user's personal certificate store on the host workstation and must have a private key (string format).


-AuditOrganization (Optional)

Specifies whether to audit all Exchange Online mailboxes accessed by users other than the mailbox owner.

-Disabled (Optional)

Specifies whether the auditing template is enabled or disabled.

-EnableExchangeOnline (Optional)

Specifies whether Exchange Online auditing is enabled or disabled.

-EnableOneDrive (Optional)

Specifies whether OneDrive for Business auditing is enabled or disabled.

-EnableSharePoint (Optional)

Specifies whether SharePoint Online auditing is enabled or disabled.

-HistoricalEventCollectionDays (Optional)

Specifies how many days the agent should go back in time to start event collection. The parameter accepts values from 1 to 7.

-HistoricalEventCollectionHours (Optional)

Specifies how many hours the agent should go back in time to start event collection. The parameter accepts values from 1 to 168.

-ExcludedOperations (Optional)

String that specifies events to exclude from the Office 365 OneDrive for Business event, Office 365 SharePoint Online event, and Office 365 Exchange Online event.

These generic dynamically constructed events are created when associated activity is detected that does not have a corresponding event defined in Change Auditor.

-OverwriteTenantMailboxAuditing (Optional)

Specifies whether the template auditing settings will overwrite the existing tenant auditing settings.

New-CAO365Template -Connection $connection -Tenant $tenant -AgentInfo $agent -WebAppId $webAppID -WebAppKey $webAppKey1 -CertificateFile 'C:\Users\user.domain\Desktop\CertificateFile.pfx' -CertificateFilePassword $password -EnableExchangeOnline $true -AuditAdministration $true –AuditOrganization $true –HistoricalEventCollectionDays 7

Use this command to edit the account used to access Office 365 Exchange Online, the type of service and events to audit, and select a new agent.


A connection obtained by using the Connect-CAClient command.


A template object obtained by using the Get-CAO365Templates command.

-CreateWebApp (Optional)

Specifies that you want to create a new Azure web application.

You will need to login to register Change Auditor in the tenant and ensure the required consent has been granted. Note: Internet access is required.

The Azure Active Directory sign-in page opens automatically.

To apply the consent to all the users in your organization, click to enable Consent on behalf of your organization and click Accept.


An Azure Active Directory web application Id. This application is needed for Change Auditor to authenticate to your Azure Active Directory tenant.



The key assigned to the web application specified for the WebAppId parameter. This application is needed for Change Auditor to authenticate to your Azure Active Directory tenant.

-AgentInfo (Optional)

An agent object obtained by using the Get-CAAgents command.

-AuditAdministration (Optional)

Specifies whether to audit administration events.

-AuditOrganization (Optional)

Specifies whether to audit all Exchange Online mailboxes accessed by non-owners.

-CertificateFile (Optional)

The filename of an exported X509 certificate with private key.

-CertificateFilePassword (Optional)

The password for the certificate file.


-CertificateThumbprint (Optional)

The thumbprint of a certificate that is located in the user's personal certificate store on the host workstation and must have a private key (string format).


-GenerateCertificate (Optional)

If specified, will generate a new self-signed certificate.

-EnableExchangeOnline (Optional)

Specifies whether Exchange Online auditing is enabled or disabled.

-EnableOneDrive (Optional)

Specifies whether OneDrive for Business auditing is enabled or disabled.

-EnableSharePoint (Optional)

Specifies whether SharePoint Online auditing is enabled or disabled.

-ExcludedOperations (Optional)

String that specifies events to exclude from the Office 365 OneDrive for Business event, Office 365 SharePoint Online event, and Office 365 Exchange Online event.

These generic dynamically constructed events are created when associated activity is detected that does not have a corresponding event defined in Change Auditor.

-OverwriteTenantMailboxAuditing (Optional)

Specifies whether the template auditing settings will overwrite the existing tenant auditing settings.

Set-CAO365Template -Connection $connection -Template $template
-AuditOrganization $true

Set-CAO365Template -Connection $connection -Template $template -EnableSharePoint $true -EnableOneDrive $true

Set-CAO365Template -Connection $connection -Template $template -CreateWebApp -GenerateCertificate -AgentInfo $agent

Set-CAO365Template -Connection $connection -Template $template -WebAppId $webAppId -WebAppKey $webAppKey -CertificateThumbprint $certificateThumbprint -AgentInfo $agent

Set-CAO365Template -Connection $connection -Template $template -AgentInfo $agent

Use this command to see all the Office 365 templates available within your installation.

Get-CAO365Templates -Connection $connection

Use this command to remove a template for auditing Office 365 Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and OneDrive for Business.

Remove-CAO365Template -Connection $connection -Tenant $tenant

Use this command to find specific mailboxes that can be added to an existing Office 365 Exchange Online template.

Get-CAO365ExchangeMailboxes -Connection $connection -Tenant $tenant -SearchText "a"

Use this command to audit specific mailboxes in your organization by adding them to an existing Office 365 Exchange Online template.

Add-CAO365ExchangeTemplateMailboxes -Connection $connection -Template $template -Mailboxes $mailboxes –AuditOwnerEvents

Use this command to remove mailboxes from an existing Office 365 Exchange Online template.

Remove-CAO365ExchangeTemplateMailboxes -Connection $connection -Template $template –All

Use this command to retrieve a list of mailboxes being audited by a particular Office 365 Exchange Online template.

Get-CAO365ExchangeTemplateMailboxes -Connection $connection -Template $template

Get-CAO365ExchangeTemplateMailboxes -Connection $connection -Template $template -DisplayNameFilter "Sam S" -AuditTypeFilter NonOwnerOnly


Managing Skype for Business auditing

The following commands are available to manage Skype for Business auditing:

Use this command to see the list of event classes available for the Skype for Business subsystem.

Get-CASkypeEventClassInfo –Connection $connection

Use this command to add a Skype for Business template to Change Auditor.

Once the template has been created, the agent is notified of the Skype for Business Central Management Store details and the events to audit.

New-CASkypeTemplate -AgentInfo $agentInfo -AuditItems $auditItems -Connection

$connection -DatabaseCMSCredential $dbCredential -TemplateName 'Skype for Business

Template' -UseWindowsAuthentication $True -Disabled $False

Use this command to see all the Skype for Business templates that have been created.

Get-CASkypeTemplates -Connection $connection

Use this command to update the properties of an existing Skype for Business template. Once the template has been updated, the agent is notified of the Skype for Business Central Management Store details, and the events to audit.

Set-CASkypeTemplate -Connection $connection -Template $templateToUpdate ‘Updated Skype for Business Template’ -AgentInfo &agentInfo -AuditItems &$auditItems -DatabaseCMSCredential $dbCredential -UseWindowsAuthentication $True -Disabled $False

Use this command to remove a Skype for Business template. Agents associated with the template would be notified and Skype for Business configuration events would not be audited anymore.

Remove-CASkypeTemplate -Connection $connection -TemplateName 'Skype For Business


Configuring a Quest On Demand Audit integration

Quest On Demand Audit is a Software as a Service (SaaS) application, available through that provides extensive, customizable auditing of critical activities and detailed alerts about vital changes taking place in Microsoft Office 365 and Azure Active Directory.

On Demand Audit can also provide a single view of activity across hybrid Microsoft environments. By sending Change Auditor Active Directory event data, you can gain visibility to on premises changes (including events gathered up to 30 days prior to installing or upgrading Change Auditor).

To begin, you need to configure a connection between Change Auditor and your organization in On Demand Audit. Once the connection is made, On Demand Audit creates the required subscription used to send events from Change Auditor to On Demand Audit. For details on how Change Auditor uses subscriptions to send events, see the Change Auditor SIEM Integration Guide.

Use this command to create the connection required to send Change Auditor event data to On Demand Audit. When you run this command, you are presented with a dialog where you need to enter the information required to configure the connection. Enter your Quest account credentials to sign in to On Demand Audit and if prompted select the organization. By default, the current installation is used for the configuration name. If required, you can enter a different name for the configuration. This is the configuration name used in On Demand Audit; it does not change the Chane Auditor installation name.


Table 2. Available parameters

Example: Create a subscription to send Active Directory event data to On Demand Audit

New-CAODAConfiguration -Connection $connection

Use this command to see the details of the current On Demand Audit configuration.

Get-CAODAConfiguration -Connection $connection

Command output

The command returns the following information.

Use this command to modify an On Demand Audit configuration.

Table 2. Available parameters

Example: Set the allowed coordinators for the On Demand Audit configuration to the computers named "coordinator1" and "coordinator2"

Set-CAODAConfiguration -Connection $connection -AllowedCoordinators @("coordinator1", "coordinator2")

Working with Active Directory protection templates

Enabling Active Directory protection allows you to lock down critical objects and attributes to prevent accidental or unauthorized creations, modifications, or deletions.

The following commands are available to manage Active Directory protection:

Use this command to create an Active Directory protection template.


Credentials used to access the foreign forest.


The template name.


List of ProtectedObjects. See New-CAProtectedObject for details.

-Attributes (Optional)

List of attributes to protect. When AttributeType is not set to “All” this specifies the attributes for the template. Default is none.

-AttributeType (Optional)

This is applied to the list of attributes specified in the Attributes parameter. Possible values include “All”, “Only” and “AllExcept”. Default is All.

-OverrideAccounts (Optional)

Accounts allowed or not allowed to change the protected objects.

-OverrideAccountsDenied (Optional)

Specifies if you want to deny the list of user in the OverrideAccounts access. You can specify either $true or $false.

Default is false which means that the user accounts are not denied access.

-AdminAccounts (Optional)

Accounts that can manage the protection template. Default is none.

-Locations (Optional)

IP addresses to protect. Default is none.

-LocationProtectionType (Optional)

Applied to the IP addresses specified by the Locations parameter. The potential values include ProtectAllLocations, ProtectSelectLocations, AllowSelectLocations, or ProtectUnknownLocations.

Default is ProtectAllLocations.

-Schedule (Optional)

It is a list of PSCAScheduledTimeRange objects, created with the
New-CAScheduledTimeRange cmdlet. Default is no specified schedule, which means that protection is always enabled.

See New-CAScheduledTimeRange for details.

$protectedObject = New-CAProtectedObject -ObjectDistinguishName “ObjectName” -ProtectedScope ScopeObject -Operations Create

New-CAADProtectionTemplate -Connection $connection -Name TemplateSample1 -ProtectedObjects $protectedObject

$forestCredential = New-CAForestCredential -ForestName $forestName -Credential $creds

New-CAADProtectionTemplate -Connection $connection -Name $templateName -ProtectedObjects $protectedObject -OverrideAccounts $overrideAccountDn -AdminAccounts $adminAccountDn -Schedule $schedule -Credential $forestCredential

Use this command to create a protected object to include in a protection template.

New-CAProtectedObject -Connection $connection -ObjectDistinguishName “ObjectName” -ProtectedScope ScopeObject -Operations Create

Use this command to remove protected objects from a protection template.

Remove-CAProtectedObject -Connection $connection -Template $template -ProtectedObject $protectedObjectDn

$forestCredential = New-CAForestCredential -ForestName $forestName -Credential $creds

$templates = Get-CAADProtectionTemplates -Connection $connection -Credential $forestCredential

Remove-CAProtectedObject -Connection $connection -Templates $template[2] -ProtectedObject $protectedObjectDn -Credential $forestCredential

Use this command to input credentials for foreign forests when creating Active Directory protection templates with PowerShell.

$forestCredential = New-CAForestCredential -ForestName $forestName -Credential $creds

New-CAADProtectionTemplate -Connection $connection -Name $templateName -ProtectedObjects $protectedObject -OverrideAccounts $overrideAccountDn -AdminAccounts $adminAccountDn -Schedule $schedule -Credential $forestCredential

Use this command to schedule when to enforce the protection.

New-CAScheduledTimeRange -Day Monday -StartTime 7 -EndTime 18

Use this command to see all the Active Directory protection templates that have been created including those in a foreign forest.

Get-CAADProtectionTemplates -Connection $connection

$forestCredential = New-CAForestCredential -ForestName $forestName -Credential $creds

Get-CAADProtectionTemplates -Connection $connection -Credential $forestCredential

Use this command to remove an Active Directory protection template.

Remove-CAADProtectionTemplate -Connection $connection -Template $template

Example: Remove an Active Directory Protection template in a foreign forest

$forestCredential = New-CAForestCredential -ForestName $forestName -Credential $creds

Remove-CAADProtectionTemplate -Connection $connection -Template $selectedTemplate -Credential $forestCredential

Use this command to modify Active Directory protection templates.


A connection obtained by using the Connect-CAClient command.


The PSCAProtectionTemplate object to update.

Obtain the template objects using the Get-CAADProtectionTemplates command and filter to select the template object to update.

-TemplateName (Optional)

Sets the template name (string).

-Credential (Optional)

Credentials used to access the foreign forest.

-ProtectedObjects (Optional)

List of ProtectedObjects. See New-CAProtectedObject for details.

-Attributes (Optional)

List of attributes to protect. When AttributeType is not set to “All” this specifies the attributes for the template. Default is none specified.

-AttributeType (Optional)

This is applied to the list of attributes specified in the Attributes parameter. Possible values include “All”, “Only” and “AllExcept”. Default is All.

-OverrideAccounts (Optional)

Accounts allowed or not allowed to change the protected objects.

String array of distinguished names.

-OverrideAccountsDenied (Optional)

Specifies if you want to deny the list of user in the OverrideAccounts access. You can specify either $true or $false.

Default is false which means that the user accounts are not denied access.

-AdminAccounts (Optional)

Accounts that can manage the protection template. (If accounts are specified, then only those specified accounts can manage the template. If no accounts are specified, then all Change Auditor administrators can manage the template.) Default is none specified.

This is a string array of distinguished names.

-Locations (Optional)

IP addresses to protect. Default is none specified.

-LocationProtectionType (Optional)

Applied to the IP addresses specified by the Locations parameter. The potential values include ProtectAllLocations, ProtectSelectLocations, AllowSelectLocations, or ProtectUnknownLocations.

Default is ProtectAllLocations.

-Schedule (Optional)

It is a list of PSCAScheduledTimeRange objects, created with the
New-CAScheduledTimeRange cmdlet. Default is no specified schedule, which means that protection is always enabled.

See New-CAScheduledTimeRange for details.


Enable and disable the template.

Set-CAADProtectionTemplate -Connection $connection -Template $template[2] -ProtectedObjects $protectedObject1, $protectedObject2 -AdminAccounts $adminAccountDn -Schedule $schedule -Disabled $False

$forestCredential = New-CAForestCredential -ForestName $forestName -Credential $creds

$templates = Get-CAADProtectionTemplates -Connection $connection -Credential $forestCredential

Set-CAADProtectionTemplate -Connection $connection -Template $templates[2] -Schedule $schedule -Credential $forestCredential



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