Unable to backup newly added VM
The transfer failed: 'Call to service method https://xxx.xx.xx.xx:8006/apprecovery/api/agent/driverchangelogs/~|~~|~.~|~HarddiskVolume2/ GET failed: Failed to open '\.\HarddiskVolume2\FatVolumeMetadata.xml' - The volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted'
Follow the below steps to resolve the issue:
* Stop the core service
* Opened regedit and navigated to: HKLM\software\AppRecovery\core\agents\”problem agent”\AgentProtectionConfiguration\ProtectionGroups\0\VolumeNames\
* Make a backup copy of the registry key
* Find EISA partition and remove
* Start the core service -Force a backup
* If the volume “EISA” is still showing for the agent, the agent needs to be restarted.
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