Virtual machine (agent server) was recreated and agent was reinstalled. LMU is unable to add the Core either by name or IP, using current login credentials or specific ones.
It's possible to ping Core by name or by IP. Also, opening browser on the agent server and navigating to Core URL is working properly.
When opening a Core console, agent is shown as red and have a Repair button available in the Summary screen. To fix the issue, please do the following on the Core server:
- open regedit, navigate to HKLM\Software\AppRecovery\Core\Agents
- using down arrow, highlight Agent ID keys one by one, until problematic agent will be found using name on the right pane of regedit
- write down the Agent ID from registry key name
On the agent server:
- open regedit and navigate to HKLM\Software\Apprecovery\Agent\AgentID
Make sure that Agent IDs are matching on the Core and agent. If Agent IDs are different, then please:
- on the Agent server, fill the Agent ID value with written down value from the Core server
- stop and start the Agent service
Wait until Core console detects that agent is online.
Click Repair button, so Core-Agent certificates' pair will be recreated.
After that, close and reopen LMU and attempt to add the Core again.
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