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Where can I download the current version of the file 'edmz-par-api.jar' for the TPAM Java API? (4302741)

The current releases of the TPAM Java API are available on the HQ Portal.

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
2 rating | 1560 visualizações
Can the Web Certificate be reset to factory default in TPAM 2.5? (4215425)

To reset the web certificate to the factory default in TPAM 2.5 (while logged into the '/admin' GUI of TPAM): ... 3. Click the OK button on the confirmation window.

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
4 rating | 922 visualizações
Getting Assistance with One Identity Open Source GitHub Content (4263328)

One Identity open source projects are supported through One Identity GitHub issues and the One Identity Community. ... This includes all scripts, plugins, SDKs, modules, code snippets or other solutions.

Produtos: Active Roles, Defender, Identity Manager, Identity Manager Data...
Última atualização em: 12/10/2023
1 rating | 35643 visualizações
Knowledge Article
What is the process to reset the password for parmaster in 2.5 using the Kiosk? (4249269)

What is the process to reset the password for parmaster in 2.5 using the Kiosk, if the password has been lost? <p>1. ... Or remotely from the via the DRAC (Dell Remote Access Card) if configured.<br><br>2.

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 08/08/2023
1 rating | 3012 visualizações
Knowledge Article
How to configure the IPMI on the TPAM appliance? (4371389)

Issues in relation to IPMI configuration on TPAM. ... <strong>1.

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 10/05/2023
NA rating | 1668 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Java distributions supported for TPAM PSM (4305445)

Oracle Java shows as supported, but does TPAM support other Java distributions OpenJDK, IcedTea? ... TPAM supports Oracle Java v8 or higher is required for PSM. 32 and 64 bit versions are supported.

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 541 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Application Server Not Running during Test DPA (4269176)

Application Server Not Running during Test DPA WORKAROUND<br><br>Reboot the DPA again and we should expect to see Application Server Running.

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 428 visualizações
Knowledge Article
HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) support (4297064)

Is it possible to implement support for HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) within TPAM? <p>Support for the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) header was added to 2.5.922. From 2.5.922 TPAM sends the response header <em>Strict-Transport-Security: 31536000</em></p><p>From the TPAM 2.5.922 Release Notes under the &#39;Enhancements&#39; section:</p><p>&quot;Now support HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS). Issue ID 10461&quot;</p> 10461

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 974 visualizações
Knowledge Article
password generated by TPAM managed account for Linux RHEL 7.5 authentication failure (4253377)

-p 22 -o BatchMode=yes -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o ConnectTimeout=25 sudo grep -w funcacct /etc/shadow</div><div></div><div>In this case, TPAM is attempting to grep the /etc/shadow file with the user funcacct.

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 827 visualizações
Knowledge Article
ExaCC Cloud Oracle custom platform Account Name accept more than 30 characters (4243771)

T</span>his is a system wide limitation. ... Users, Groups, Custom Platform, and System Name. ... It is possible to add a local DNS entry but a shorter service name but that would require changes in the local oracle configuration.

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 437 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Is it possible to rename a Managed Account in TPAM? (4316514)

Is it possible to change the name of an Account in TPAM after it is created? ... No, the Account name cannot be changed after it is created. ... You will need to create a new Managed Account in TPAM with the new name.

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 491 visualizações
Knowledge Article
TPAM support of Forescout 3.0.2 (4320650)

A recent upgrade was applied to Foresout (from Service Pack 2.#.# to 3.0.2) which appears to cause Forescout to challenge TPAM to provide the current password for a password reset. ... This is causing the reset to fail.

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 382 visualizações
Knowledge Article
CVE-2019-0708 Remote Desktop Services Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (4263737)

No, TPAM does not run the impacted services.

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 276 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Unable to save a Request; 'Save' button is greyed out. (4304577)

If there are any red asterisks besides fields within the Request, these fields are required. ... View the Request screen confirming any fields with red asterisks are populated (such as Ticket System as one example).

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 582 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Managed Account settings not being set correctly when Account created by an ISA user. (4229895)

- Add Account, it will inherit the System settings, such as defaulting to Auto Mgmt, among other settings. ... Login with ISA user ... - Repeat steps, but when you add an Account, it will NOT default to Auto Mgmt on the Account among other settings, such as Default Duration, do not match the System.

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 604 visualizações
Knowledge Article
SQL Server does not support connections to SQL Server 2000 or earlier versions (4300340)

Needed to upgrade the ODBC drivers for TLS 1.2 support, but the newer drivers does not support anything older than SQL Server 2005. ... <p>WORKAROUND:</p><p>Option 1) ... Customer can use DPA. ... A DPA should work, as long as their functional account is a local database account.

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
1 rating | 3739 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Error, "This process died unexpectedly", when performing batch update (4229900)

The failing Bulk account updates proceed similar to the following:<br>... Importing the data into a scratch table<br>... Auto-Detect File type=CSV, Row Delimiter=CRLF, Header columns=detected First non-empty row seems to contain headers.<br>Batch.csv Successfully loaded for processing: 4 rows, 4 columns<br>... Processing scratch table to work table<br>... Work table populated with 3 rows<br>........ This process died unexpectedly <strong>STATUS</strong><br> <br>Hotfix 8107 is available for version 2.5.915 to resolve this issue. The issue can also be resolved by upgrading to version 2.5.916 or above.<br><br><br><strong>WORKAROUND</strong><br><br>A reboot of the appliance may temporarily resolve the issue, until the fix can be applied. 8107

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 426 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Enhancement request for an API for Account Discovery (4290085)

This is currently not being reviewed by the Product Manager for inclusion in a future release of the product.</p> 7719

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 403 visualizações
Knowledge Article
No failed Login attempts are being captured in CLI data (4232919)

Please upgrade to this version to utilize this feature.</p> BFER 7290

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 343 visualizações
Knowledge Article
When using the "UpdatePSMAccount" CLI command, the warning "Invalid Proxy Type" is returned. (4303222)

When using the CLI command &quot;UpdatePSMAccount&quot; the warning &quot;Invalid Proxy Type&quot; is returned. <p>The &quot;Proxy Type&quot; may need to be properly escaped; as in this example:</p><p> \&quot;SSH - Automatic Login Using Password\&quot;</p><p>The full example command:</p><p>ssh -i ./cli_test cli_test@[ip_of_appliance] UpdatePSMAccount --EnableFlag=Y --System &quot;test_linux_system&quot; --Account &quot;test_linux_account&quot; --proxytype \&quot;SSH - Automatic Login Using Password\&quot;</p><p></p><p>Ensure that the Proxy Type is properly escaped if required.</p><p></p> Escaping the characters in this manner will apply to other CLI commands as well.

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 436 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Is it possible to add the ability to the API to be able to automate all portions of the Data Extract. (4212453)

Is it possible to add the ability to the API to be able to automate all portions of the Data Extract.

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 461 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Password reset fails via DPA fails on Windows 2012 and above (4305353)

Trying to reset a password for a local user on Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2 or above. ... Changing the affinity to DPA the following lines appear in the output: ... Could not connect to server ... utils/net_rpc.c:run_rpc_command(128)

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 717 visualizações
Knowledge Article
Are there compatibility issues with TPAM when upgrading Active Directory functional level? (4248184)

Are there any compatibility issues with TPAM when upgrading the Active Directory functional level from 2003 to 2008 R2? ... There are no known issues caused by upgrading the Active Directory functional level.

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 554 visualizações
Knowledge Article
When releasing a password you receive "[default initial password]" (4246742)

When releasing a password you receive [default initial password] - what does this mean?<br><br><img alt="" src="" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;"></img><br><br> TPAM returns &quot;default initial password&quot; if no initial password was specified when the account was setup or imported, and a post-release or scheduled password change has not yet occurred. <div>1. Enter the current password for the managed account on the Details | Information tab of the account.</div><div></div><div>or</div><div></div><div>2. Use the &quot;Reset Password&quot; on the account on the Details | Information tab for the account.</div>

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 1269 visualizações
Knowledge Article
There are apparent data value inconsistencies noted in the Graph data; numbers do not match expected. (4291256)

The values seen for active logins (for example) reported in the Monthly and Weekly charts do not match what is expected. ... The graphs are calculated using averages. ... The yearly graphs are 1 year of daily average data, not weekly average data.</p>

Produtos: TPAM
Última atualização em: 07/05/2023
NA rating | 433 visualizações
Knowledge Article
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Impact of CVE-2021-44228 Apache Log4j Vulnerability
TPAM Appliance 2.5.923 Release Notes
Is it possible to downgrade or rollback a TPAM appliance?
TPAM 2.5 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
How to create a Support Bundle in TPAM 2.5
TPAM How To Guide
JRE 8 update 202 and above PSM sessions fail with error "Unable to launch the application"
Issues in Internet Explorer v11 when using 2.5.922
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