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SQL Navigator for Oracle 7.4 - Installation Notes

Component List

Icon Component Name Description
Analyze Tool View and collect statistics, validate structure and list chained rows for database structures such as tables, clusters and indexes.

Auto Describe Tool

Report on the attributes, methods and arguments of an object type.

See also Describe.

Benchmark Factory Simulate user transactions before and during application deployments, enabling performance issues to be addressed before end users are affected.

Bookmarks Dialog

View / Jump to / Delete bookmarks.

See also Edit Menu.

Browse Data

View chained rows information.

See Quick Browse.

Change Logon Password Modify the logon password of the current session.
Cluster Editor Join tables that are closely related for storing on the same area of the disk. This lets you interleave the rows of two or more tables together into a single area called a cluster.
Code Analysis Analyze code against a set of rules for best practices.
Code Assistant Drag and drop PL/SQL syntax, SQL functions, column names, and database object names into code.
Code Editor Edit SQL and PL/SQL code.

Code Explorer

Show a hierarchical view the code.

See Code Editor | Toolbox | Code Explorer.

Code Road Map Show the complex PL/SQL interdependencies within a database.
Code Search See Database Source Code Search.
Code Templates Insert ready-made code segments into any active editor window.
Code Test Automate the process of testing PL/SQL programs.
Constraint Editor Use the Constraint Editor to specify table constraints.
Database Link Editor Use the Database Link Editor to view, create or define database links.
Database Source Code Search Search stored programs, triggers and views for a character string in the source code.

DB Explorer

Find and open database objects.

See Code Editor | Toolbox | DB Explorer.

DB Navigator Show the entire database structure as a tree with expandable nodes.


Report on the attributes, methods and arguments of an object type.

See also Auto Describe Tool.

Difference Viewer Compare objects in a split view.
Edit Data Edit data in a table object.
ER Diagram Model a table and graphically see the dependencies and joins to other tables.
Explain Plan Tool Analyze the execution of a single SQL statement.
Export Table Export selected tables.

Extract DDL

See also Object Menu.

See also SQL Navigator Preferences: View | PreferencesExtract DDL | General.

Find and Replace Find or replace text strings in the current text file.
Find objects Dialog Find objects in any schema.
Find Recycle Bin Objects Dialog Search for objects in the recycle bin.

Formatting Options

Configure how the Formatter Tool formats code.

Formatter tools are available from the Tools Menu.

HTML Viewer Show HTML in the integrated viewer.
Import HTML as PL/SQL Convert a HTML file into a PL/SQL stored procedure. The stored procedure will in turn output the HTML code via the Oracle Web Toolkit.
Import Table Import tables.
Index Editor Use the Index Editor to view, create or alter indexes, and to set storage allocation.
Instance Property Editor Use the Instance Property Editor to view or specify the startup parameters for the instance.
Java Editor View and edit Java source.
Java Manager Load and unload multiple Java source files, classes, resources and archives.
Job Scheduler Access the Oracle Job Scheduler.
Locate In Tree Jump to the selected object’s node in the DB Navigator tree.
Materialized View Editor Use the Materialized (Snapshot) View Editor to view, create or define snapshots.
Nested Table Editor Use the nested table editor when you require a large, efficient collection.

Open DB Object

Select and open a database object similar to the standard Windows File | Open command.

See Select DB Object Dialog.

Open Object at Cursor See Edit Menu.
Oracle Logon Dialog Manage your database connections, including to create a database connection.


Show the syntax tree of the current source.

See Code Editor | Toolbox | Outline.

Output Window Show SQL Navigator messages and server output including Oracle errors.

PL/SQL Debugger

Tools and features for debugging stored programs.

See Code Editor | Toolbox | PL/SQL Debugger.

PL/SQL Profiler Analyze the execution time and efficiency of your stored programs.
Profile Editor Use the Profile Editor to view, create or alter profiles.
Profile Manager Backup and Restore SQL Navigator profiles.
Product Authorization See Enter A New Authorization Key.
Project Manager The Project Manager window provides instant access to your frequently used database objects and connections.
Publish Java to PL/SQL Create a PL/SQL package from a Java class stored in the database.
Quick Browse View chained rows information.
Redo Log Group Editor Use the Redo Log Editor to view, create, or alter Redo Logs.
Role Editor Use the Role Editor to view or create roles.

Screen Layout

Save up to ten layouts of dockable windows and recall them.

See View Menu | Screen Layout

Search Knowledge Xpert Drag and drop optimized routines directly into your program editor.
Sequence Editor Use the Sequence Editor to view, create, or alter sequences.
Server Side Installation Wizard Install server side objects.
Select DB Object Dialog Select and open a database object similar to the standard Windows File | Open command.
Select Session Switch between open Oracle Sessions.
Session Browser Manage sessions in the Session Browser.
Source Preview Preview the source code of text objects (stored programs, triggers and views), or a package’s individual entry points.

SQL History

The History tool lists successfully executed SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE commands and PL/SQL blocks up to 1000 of the most recent ones in the current session.

See Code Editor | Toolbox | History

SQL Modeler SQL Modeler dialog provides a fast means for creating the framework of a Select, Insert, Update, or Delete statement. You can select Tables, Views, or Synonyms, join columns, select columns, and create the desired type of statement.
SQL Optimizer The SQL Optimizer makes observations about a selected SQL statement and the underlying database environment, then recommends several options to improve performance.
Synonym Editor Use the Synonym Editor to view or create synonyms.
Table Editor Use the Table Editor to create, alter, or define tables.
Task Manager SQL Navigator executes long-running tasks in separate threads in the background. The Task Manager is a display of all active and complete tasks for the current session.
User Editor Use the User Editor to create, grant or revoke roles and privileges to users, including forcing a password to expire.
Varray Editor Use the Varray Type Editor to create varying arrays.
View Editor Use the View Editor to view, create, or alter views.

View Difference

The Difference Viewer displays the compared objects in a split window.

See Difference Viewer.

Visual Object Editors SQL Navigator’s editing tools for database objects.
Wrap Code The Wrap Code utility provides an easy way to access Oracle’s Wrap Code utility.
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