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DR Series DR2000v - Guía de implementación

Requisitos previos para implementar Dell DR2000v en entornos Microsoft Hyper-V

Puede accederse fácilmente a este software desde la carpeta Pre-Requisites (Requisitos previos). Los nombres de los archivos de los requisitos previos pueden cambiar debido a las distintas versiones del SO del DR2000V. Es posible que se requieran varias actualizaciones.
Este producto no está firmado, por lo tanto, la política de ejecución de PowerShell debe configurarse como Unrestricted (No restringida). Para ello, escriba el comando siguiente en PowerShell con privilegios elevados: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted.
Presione y para cambiar la política de ejecución.
Cuando se muestren las propiedades del archivo, haga clic en Unblock (Desbloquear) y, a continuación, en OK (Aceptar). Repita este proceso para desbloquear todos los archivos de la carpeta.
Después de desbloquear todos los archivos, mueva la carpeta HyperV a la ubicación %WINDIR%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\.
Install-WindowsFeature Hyper-V-Tools: este comando permite a Windows administrar Hyper-V.
Install-WindowsFeature Hyper-V-PowerShell: este comando instala comandos adicionales de PowerShell especializados para Hyper-V.
Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned: este comando permite que las secuencias de comandos firmadas por un editor de confianza se ejecuten en un servidor de Windows.
Abra el Explorador de Windows y vaya al archivo DELL-DR2000v.dll que se encuentra en el directorio bin del paquete descargado de Hyper-V.
Haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón en el archivo DELL-DR2000v.dll y haga clic en Properties (Propiedades).
En la ventana Properties (Propiedades), vaya a Digital Signatures (Firmas digitales) > Details (Detalles) > View Certificate (Ver Certificado).
En la ventana de certificación, haga clic en Install Certificate (Instalar certificado) > , seleccione On local Machine (En máquina local) > Next (Siguiente) y colóquelo bajo Trusted Publishers (Editores de confianza).
Haga clic en OK (Aceptar) > Next (Siguiente) > Finish (Finalizar).

Deploying DR2000v on a local Microsoft Hyper-V host

Deploying DR2000v on a local Microsoft Hyper-V host

To deploy the Dell DR2000v on a local Hyper-V host:

The following ACTIONS are displayed:
When prompted to deploy another DR2000v, type ‘y’ for yes or type ‘n’ for no as appropriate and press <Enter>.
Type option ‘2’ and press <Enter> to start the DR2000v virtual machine to self extract the installation packages and install all the DR2000v components.
When prompted to start another DR2000v, type ‘y’ for yes or type ‘n’ for no as appropriate and press <Enter>.
Next launch Hyper-V Manager. Navigate to Start Menu > Administrative Tools > Hyper-V Manager.
The Hyper-V Manager window is displayed.
Right-click the DR2000v VM and select Connect to view the installation process

Prerequisites for deploying the Dell DR2000v on a remote Hyper-V host

Prerequisites for deploying the Dell DR2000v on a remote Hyper-V host

For any DR2000v deployment, the first step is to install the DR2000v license on an associated DR Series system appliance. For more information, see the topic “Setting Up the License for the DR2000v.”

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before deploying the Dell DR2000v on a remote Hyper-V host:

NOTE: This software is easily accessible from the Pre-Requisites folder. The prerequisite file names may change due to different DR2000v OS versions and also other updates may be required.
Install-WindowsFeature Hyper-V-Tools – This command enables Windows to administer Hyper-V.
Install-WindowsFeature Hyper-V-PowerShell – This command installs additional PowerShell commands specialized for Hyper-V.
Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned – This command allows scripts signed by a trusted publisher to be run on a Windows server.
You can run commands on one or hundreds of computers with the following single PowerShell command syntax:Invoke-command —computername server01, server02, —scriptblock {command-to-run}. For more information on Invoke command, go to

Use PowerShell to issue the three commands prerequisites to both local and remote systems, for example:

Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the DELL-DR2000v.dll file in the bin directory of the downloaded DR2000v package.
Right-click the DELL-DR2000v.dll file and click Properties.
On the Properties windows, go to Digital Signatures > Details > View Certificate.
On certificate windows, click Install Certificate > select On local Machine > Next and place it under Trust Root Certification Authorities and Enterprise Trust certificate stores.
Click OK > Next > Finish.

After the prerequisites have been met and drive capacity requirements are changed, you are ready to deploy the DR2000v on a remote Hyper-v host. For more information, see the topic “Deploying DR2000v on a Remote Hyper-V Host”.

Changing the storage paths for Hyper-V deployment

Changing the storage paths for Hyper-V deployment

The capacity requirements of the DR2000v are beyond 200GB. For example, if a 2TB DR2000v is to be deployed a 2.2TB storage capacity will be required.

If an alternate storage location is required for the DR2000v virtual appliance due to capacity limitations or for other reasons, the remote Hyper-V host Virtual hard disks and Virtual machine paths must be changed before the DR2000v is deployed.

To change the storage paths:

For example: mstsc /v:
The Hyper-V Manager window is displayed.
Right-click the host and select Hyper-V settings option.
The Hyper-V settings window is displayed.
Change both Virtual hard disks and Virtual machine path settings with the same new path and click OK.

The DR2000v Virtual machine is ready to be deployed.

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