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Foglight for Sybase 7.3.0 - User and Reference Guide

Using Foglight for SAP ASE
Exploring the SAP ASE Dashboards About the Sybase_MDA Agent About the Sybase_RS Agent Generating SybaseMDA Reports

System Wait Events Tab

The System Wait Events tab information is provided in a chart and two tables:

You can choose to display the system wait classes for either:

The columns are common for both the Show Last Sample and Show Time Range tables.

You can view detailed information for a wait class by clicking a row in the System Wait Classes table. The detailed information appears in the Wait Events Details Table, located at the bottom-right of the screen at the next data refresh.

The content of this table is determined by the selection made in the System Wait Classes Table.

Spinlocks Tab

ASE uses spinlocks as synchronization mechanisms in SMP environment in order to protect shared resources. Use this dashboard to find areas where spinlock are a contention and tune their configuration. Data is available for Sybase version ASE 15.7 ESD#2 and above.

To monitor spinlocks, enable the ‘Enable spinlock monitoring’ SAP ASE configuration parameters using the following command:

sp_configure "enable spinlock monitoring", 1

The dashboard shows the following type of objects in which ASE applies the spinlock mechanism:

For information about Data Caches Spinlock Contention, refer to the Buffer Pools Dashboard .

Execution Time Tab

This dashboard shows the execution time of each of the following operations performed in an instance:

Use this dashboard to understand where does the instance spends most of its time and to analyze trends in its behavior. Data is available for Sybase version ASE 15.7 SP100 and above.

Engines Dashboard

The Engines dashboard provides performance details for Engine operations. This dashboard contains the following:

Documentos relacionados
Foglight for Sybase - 7.3.0
Release Notes
User and Reference Guide
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