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Foglight 7.3.0 - Web Component Guide

Introducing the Web Component Framework The Web Component Framework Configuring Views and Context Queries Functions Bindings Additional Components

Context Help

Use this field to tell end users about the purpose of this query. To make the help text available to end users the query must be marked as a UI Query.

If you create a Portal Container by choosing Create Dashboard from the General tab of the action pane, the Data tab becomes available in the action pane. All queries appear here. Context help for the query appears as a tooltip when you hover the mouse pointer over the query’s name. Similarly, if you entered text in the Help area of the Create Dashboard dialog box, it appears when you hover the mouse pointer over its entry in My Dashboards in the navigation pane.

Relevant Roles and Allowed Roles

Relevant Roles are used to act as filters, showing the views a user is interested in and not showing the others. If some but not all Relevant Roles are set on a view, then in some situations the browser interface may not show that view to a user who does not have that role. Even though the view does not show in, say, a list of dashboards, the user can still access the view if there is a page accessible to the user that has a link to the unlisted view.

Allowed Roles act as a security mechanism. If some but not all Allowed Roles are set on a view, then only users for whom at least one of their roles is also an Allowed Role on the view can see or in any way interact with that view.

Each view can be marked as having zero or more Relevant Roles, and zero or more Allowed Roles. Users are assigned roles and these are matched against the Relevant Roles and the Allowed Roles for a view. This restriction does not apply if the user has the appropriate permission or if the view is in the user's personal module.

Roles are taken into account when filtering Root Queries by role in the Data Browser when using Create dashboard and Create report.

Each query can be marked as having zero or more Relevant Roles, and zero or more Allowed Roles. This is related to user roles. Users are assigned roles and these are matched against the Relevant Roles and the Allowed Roles for a query.

If a query has no Allowed Roles marked, all roles are allowed to use this query. If some but not all Allowed Roles are set on a query, then only users for whom at least one of their roles is also an Allowed Role on the query can see or in any way interact with that query. This restriction does not apply if the user has CHANGE_SYSTEM_MODULES permission (as determined by the AuthorizationService) or if the query is in the user's personal module.

If a query has no Relevant Roles marked, it is assumed to be relevant to all roles. In some situations, the GUI may not show a query as a choice to a user if the user's roles do not match the Relevant Roles of the query. However, there is an option in those situations to see all queries that are allowed, regardless of Relevant Roles.

Roles can be applied globally to all the views and queries in a module by editing its properties.

Select Dashboards > Configuration > Definitions in the navigation panel.
In the Edit Module dialog box, select the appropriate Relevant Role(s) and Allowed Role(s).

Sequence of Evaluation

In a complex query, the selected data objects are subjected to the different parts of the query in the following order:

They are then sorted based on Order By, if specified.

Creating New Queries

The Add Query dialog box lets you create a new query or a copy of an existing query.

Select Configuration > Definitions in the navigation panel.
In the Module Contents pane, select the Queries option from the drop-down list.
The Add Query dialog box appears.
On the Create a Blank Query tab, select a Data Source Type that specifies the type of object to be returned by the query. You can use the search box to narrow the choices.
Click OK.
A New Query tab opens in the Edit mode of the Definitions pane.
By default, the ID field’s value is <auto>. You may want to give it a more descriptive name, which could be useful for troubleshooting.
Select UI Query if the query is to appear in the data browser.
Select Public if you want to share the query.
Ensure that Deprecated is cleared. This check box is used to flag outdated queries.
Select Relevant and Allowed roles for this query. For more information, see Roles in Query Definitions.
Add any Required Parameters needed by the query.
Select a data source in Root Reference from the choices in the From field. Typically, its value is Monitoring, or if you want to have the search start from a required parameter, choose it from the Parameters node.
Select the Object Type by clicking the drop-down arrow at the right of the Path field.
Choose the object from the drop-down list of data objects. If you have chosen the Monitoring data source, this list is a replica of the nodes in the Data browser under Management Server > All Data. For any other data source, it is the list of available entities for that source.
You can filter results by specifying a value for N, either by giving it a specific value or by declaring a parameter that returns a value. You can also choose to include Everything except the top N for the case where you want to show the top N somewhere and the rest somewhere else.
You can use a Where clause to use a condition to limit the returned objects to the ones that match the criterion.
You can test the query by clicking the Test button at the top of the Edit pane.
The Query Results dialog box appears, showing the name or names of the servers returned by the query and, in this case, the Data Type of the object, which is Host. The Value field is empty because there is no numerical value associated with objects. Simple types have values, objects do not.
It is recommended that you fill in the Comments and Context Help text boxes.
Click Save to save the query.
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