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Archive Manager 5.9.5 - Release Notes

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This section contains information about installing and operating this product in non-English configurations, such as those needed by customers outside of North America. This section does not replace the materials about supported platforms and configurations found elsewhere in the product documentation.

This release is Unicode-enabled and supports any character set. It supports simultaneous operation with multilingual data. This release is targeted to support operations in the following regions: North America, Western Europe and Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Far-East Asia, Japan.

About us

Quest provides software solutions for the rapidly-changing world of enterprise IT. We help simplify the challenges caused by data explosion, cloud expansion, hybrid datacenters, security threats, and regulatory requirements. We are a global provider to 130,000 companies across 100 countries, including 95% of the Fortune 500 and 90% of the Global 1000. Since 1987, we have built a portfolio of solutions that now includes database management, data protection, identity and access management, Microsoft platform management, and unified endpoint management. With Quest, organizations spend less time on IT administration and more time on business innovation. For more information, visit

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This product contains the following third-party components. For third-party license information, go to Source code for components marked with an asterisk (*) is available at

AJAX Control TookKit

Copyright © 2012-2015 CodePlex Foundation

License: New BSD

Angular.js 1.2.12

Copyright © 2010-2014 Google, Inc.

License: MIT

Angular.js 1.3.18

Copyright © 2010-2014 Google, Inc.

License: MIT

Angular Local Storage 0.4.0

gregory <>

License: MIT

angular.mock 1.3.18

Copyright © 2010-2014 Google, Inc.

License: MIT

angular-placeholder 1.1.0

Copyright © 2013 Monospaced

License: MIT

angular-resource 1.3.18

Copyright © 2010-2014 Google, Inc.

License: MIT

AngularUI Router 0.3.1

Copyright © 2013-2015 The AngularUI Team, Karsten Sperling

License: MIT

ATL Server Library 9.0.70425

Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

License: Microsoft Limited Permissive License (Ms-LPL)

Backbone.js 1.0.0

Copyright © 2009-2012 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc.

License: MIT

background-size-polyfill 0.2.0

Copyright © 2012-2013 Louis-Rémi Babé

License: MIT

Bootstrap 3.3.5

Copyright © 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.

License: MIT

C3 0.4.11

Copyright © Masayuki Tanaka 2014

License: MIT

Caringo CAStor SDK 1.3.2

Copyright © Caringo 2010

License: BSD

CFileVersionInfo 1

Copyright © 2003 Armen Hakobyan

License: Code Project Open License (CPOL) 1.0.2

Credential Management 1.0.2

iLya Lozovyy

License: Apache 2.0

D3 3.5.17

Copyright © 2017 Mike Bostock.

License: BSD

EasyByte RTM-2-HTML 8.0

Copyright © EasyByte Software Ltd 2008

License: EasyByte RTF-2HTML v8 1.0

EasyMail .Net Edition 8.0

Copyright © 2003-2004 Quiksoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

License: EasyMail .Net Edition Software License Agreement 052305.0

EMC Centera API 3.1

Copyright © 2006 EMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved

License: EMC Development Kit 1.0

EWS Managed API

Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

License: MIT

Font Awesome 4.7.0

Dave Gandy

License: Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT

HTML Agility Pack

Copyright © 2003-2005 Simon Mourier

License: Creative Commons 2.5

HTML-to-RTF Pro DLL .Net

SautinSoft, Maxim Sautin, 2002-2011

License: SautinSoft 7-20-2011

Infragistics NetAdvantage for .NET 10.2

Copyright © Infragistics, Inc. 2010

License: Infragistics NetAdvantage for .NET 2010 Vol 2 May 2011

jCarousel 0.2.8

Copyright © 2006 Jan Sorgalla

License: MIT

JQuery 1.4.2

Copyright © 2010, John Resig

License: MIT

JQuery 1.5.1

Copyright © 2011, John Resig

License: MIT

JQuery 1.8.2

Copyright © 2012 jQuery Foundation and Other Contributors

License: MIT

JQuery 1.11.1

Copyright © 2005, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors

License: MIT

JQuery 3.1.0

Copyright © jQuery Foundation and other contributors

License: MIT

JQuery UI 1.8.12

Copyright © 2011 AUTHORS.txt

License: MIT

JQuery UI 1.10.3

Copyright © 2013 jQuery Foundation and other contributors

License: MIT

jQuery-Placeholder 2.0.7

Copyright © Mathias Bynens

License: MIT

jquery.qtip 1.0.0-rc3

Copyright © 2009 Craig Thompson

License: MIT

Json.NET 4.5

Copyright © 2007 James Newton-King

License: MIT

Log4Net 1.2.10

Copyright © 2004-2011 The Apache Software Foundation

License: Apache 2.0 2.9.2

Copyright © 2006 The Apache Software Foundation

License: Apache 2.0

MD5 1.0

Copyright © 1991-2, RSA Data Security, Inc. Created 1991. All rights reserved

License: RSA MD5C.C 1991-2

Portions derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm

MAPI33.Net 5

Copyright © 2003 - 2005 Sergey Golovkin

License: MAPI33.Net 1

Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory 5.2.5

Copyright © Microsoft Corporation

License: MIT

Modernizr 2.8.3

Copyright © Faruk, Paul, Alex, Ryan, Patrick, Stu, and Richard.

License: MIT & BSD

moment.js 2.14.1

Copyright © Tim Wood, Iskren Chernev, Moment.js contributors

License: MIT

moment-timezone.js 0.5.13

Copyright © JS Foundation and other contributors

License: MIT

mutationobserver-shim 0.3.1

Copyright © Graeme Yeates

License: MIT

NetApp Data ONTAP 4.0

Copyright © 2003-2005 Network Appliance, Inc.

License: NetApp Manageability SDK 04-29-11

Novell GroupWise Trusted Application API 1.0

Copyright © 1993-2003 Novell, Inc. All rights reserved.

License: Novell Developer License

Polyfill.js 0.1.0

Copyright © 2013 Philip Walton

License: MIT

Pure 0.6.0

Copyright © 2014 Yahoo! Inc.

License: BSD

Rangy 1.3.0

Copyright © 2015, Tim Down

License: MIT

RegistryMonitor 1.0

Copyright © 2005 Thomas Freudenberg

License: Thomas Freudenberg RegistryMonitor

RestSharp 104.1

Copyright © 2010 John Sheehan

License: Apache 2.0

RTF to PDF Converter Library for .NET 2.0 1.3

Copyright © Outside Software 2007

License: Winnovative Redistributable


SautinSoft, 2007-2011

License: SautinSoft 7-20-2011

Select2 3.4.8

Copyright © 2012 Igor Vaynberg

License: Apache 2.0

Select2 4.0.2

Copyright © Kevin Brown.

License: MIT


Copyright 2001-2007 Mike Krueger, John Reilly

License: SharpZipLib License

Sortable 3.4.8

Copyright © RubaXa

License: MIT

spin.js 1.2.4

Copyright © 2011 Felix Gnass


Submodal 1.5

Copyright © 2008 Seth B, Subimage LLC

License: MIT

System.Management.Automation.dll 10.0.10586.0

Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


TimeZone Converter

Copyright © 2017 Matt Johnson

License: MIT

tinymce 4.6.4

Copyright © 2017 Ephox

License: LGPL

TinyXml 2.5.3

Copyright © SourceForge

License: zlib/libpng license 1.0

This product contains portions of the PAWN scripting software (formerly known as SMALL).

Twitter Bootstrap 2.0.3

Copyright © 2012 Twitter, Inc.

License: Apache 2.0

ui-select2 0.0.5

Copyright © AngularUI Team

License: MIT

Underscore.js 1.3.1

Copyright © 2009-2012 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc.

License: MIT

Underscore.js 1.8.3

Copyright © 2009-2015 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc.

License: MIT

Underscore.string 2.0.0

Copyright © 2010 Esa-Matti Suuronen

License: MIT

© 2022 Quest Software Inc.
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