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SharePlex 11.0 - SharePlex Installation and Setup Guide

About this Guide Conventions used in this guide Revision History SharePlex pre-installation checklist Download the SharePlex installer Installation and setup for Oracle cluster Installation and setup for remote capture Install SharePlex on Linux and UNIX Assign SharePlex users to security groups Set up an Oracle environment for replication Set up replication from Oracle to a different target type Generic SharePlex demonstration-all platforms Advanced SharePlex demonstrations for Oracle Advanced SharePlex Demonstrations for PostgreSQL Solve Installation Problems Database Setup Utilities General SharePlex Utilities Uninstall SharePlex Advanced installer options Install SharePlex as root Run the installer in unattended mode SharePlex installed items

Network checklist

Requirement Completed? (Y/N)

Add SharePlex users and groups to the nameserver.

If you are installing SharePlex in a network managed by a nameserver such as NIS or NISPLUS, do the following before you install SharePlex:

  • Add SharePlex users to the nameserver.
  • Add the SharePlex groups to the nameserver.

The SharePlex security groups spadmin (administrator), spopr (operator), and spview (viewer) control access to SharePlex processes. Add each SharePlex user to one of these groups on the nameserver. For more information, see Assign SharePlex Users to Security Groups.

To add the user groups:

  1. For NIS add the groups to the group.byname and group.bygid maps. For NISPLUS, add them to the group.org_dir table.
  2. Add the SharePlex Administrator user to the spadmin group on the nameserver.
  3. Create the spadmin group in the /etc/group file (on Unix and Linux) and then add the SharePlex Administrator user to the group.

To add SharePlex groups to the local system after you install SharePlex, see Assign SharePlex Users to Security Groups.


Ensure that SharePlex can resolve host names.

If you find that SharePlex cannot connect to a host, try mapping the host name to an alphanumeric alias in the following locations:

  • Network: The NIS and DNS servers
  • Unix and Linux: Local /etc/hosts file

In these files, put each entry on an individual line. The following is an example, where sysA and sysB are aliases:   sysA   # source system   sysB   # target system


Allow access to Amazon EC2 instance

For an EC2 instance, make certain that the appropriate network group is set up to allow access to EC2 instances.


Verify the SharePlex port number.

By default SharePlex uses the port number 2100 (hex equivalent is 834) for both TCP/IP and UDP. If port 2100 is available to SharePlex, no further action is needed. You will need to enter the SharePlex port number during the installation procedure, at which time you can specify a different port number if needed.

Important! The SharePlex port number must be the same one on all machines in the replication configuration so that they can communicate through TCP/IP connections. Make certain the SharePlex port number is open for TCP/IP on the firewall.


Verify TCP/IP settings

SharePlex replicates over any TCP/IP network connection. Typically, if all of the tables in a database are being replicated, SharePlex replicates about 33 percent of the redo log volume, the remainder being mostly maintenance data used by the Oracle software. The following is a formula for determining bandwidth.

(size of a redo log) x (number of log switches in 1 hour) x 1/3 = volume of data per hour

For example, if the redo logs are 20 MB in size, and they switch six times an hour, SharePlex will replicate approximately 40 MB each hour:

20 x 6 x 1/3 = 40 MB/hour


VerifyTCP protocol

SharePlex has been tested on IP v6 networks, but it is impossible to test all scenarios. See the System Requirements in the SharePlex Release Notes for more informationon.


Installer checklist

Installer Checklist for Oracle

Requirement Completed? (Y/N)

Assign a directory to store the downloaded SharePlex installation package.

This directory requires approximately the following disk space:

  • Unix and Linux: 200 MB

It can be removed after SharePlex is installed.


Plan the SharePlex product directory.

You can create a directory for the SharePlex software files or let the SharePlex installer create it.

This directory requires approximately the following disk space:

  • Unix and Linux: 120 MB

Install this directory on the following:

  • Unix and Linux: a separate filesystem from the one that contains the database.

Do not install SharePlex on a raw device.


Plan the SharePlex variable-data (working) directory.

This directory is installed by the SharePlex installer with a name of your choosing. It contains the working data and varies greatly in size in correlation to the volume of data being generated. Install this directory on a separate filesystem from the one that contains the database, but not on a raw device.

To estimate the required disk space:

  1. Estimate the longest time that a replication outage can be tolerated.
  2. Use the following formula to estimate the amount of data SharePlex would replicate during that amount of time.

    [size of a redo log] x [number of log switches per hour] x .333 x [number of hours downtime] = required disk space

    For example:

    [500 MB redo log] x [5 switches per hour] x [.333] x [8 hours] = 6.5 GB disk space

To replicate data from more than one database on a system, use a variable-data directory for each one. Ideally they should be on different file systems.

Do not install the variable-data directory within the SharePlex product directory. Both directories contain identically named files, and SharePlex utilities that clean up the environment (if this becomes necessary) could remove the wrong files. You can install both directories under one parent directory if desired.

Note: Always monitor disk usage when there is an active SharePlex configuration, especially when there are peaks in transaction activity.


Install in a cluster (including Oracle RAC)

Most shared storage solutions can be used to house SharePlex. Such file systems include, but are not limited to:

  • Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS2)
  • Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) Cluster File System (ACFS)
  • Oracle DataBase File System (DBFS)
  • OCFS2

Note: This file system must be mounted nointr. Both SharePlex and Oracle report interrupt errors if nointr is not specified.

  • Most general purpose cluster file systems

See Installation and Setup for Oracle Cluster for SharePlex installation requirements in a cluster. Many of those steps must be performed before you install SharePlex, while others are performed after installation.


Create the SharePlex security groups.

SharePlex provides three security groups to enable access control through sp_ctrl. On Unix and Linux, unless you install SharePlex as a root user, the SharePlex Administrator user and the SharePlex admin group must exist prior to installation. For more information, see Assign SharePlex Users to Security Groups.

Note: If you install as root, you are prompted by the installer to create these groups.


Choose a DBA-privileged operating system group to own SharePlex.

The SharePlex Administrator user must be in the Oracle dba group. For Oracle RAC and ASM 11gR2 and above, the user must also be in the Oracle Inventory group. For example: $ useradd –g spadmin –G dba,oinstall. The membership in Oracle Inventory group must be listed explicitly in the etc/group file.


Get a valid SharePlex license key.

You must have a valid permanent, term, or trial license key from Quest to run SharePlex. SharePlex licenses have validity and usage limits according to specific platforms. For example, you must have a PostgreSQL license to use a PostgreSQL database and a Kafka license to use the Kafka platform.

Additionally, SharePlex supports multiple keys for situations where customers need two platforms on one server. For example, if a user is replicating data from an Oracle source to a Kafka target, where one SharePlex instance is serving as both the source and target, the SharePlex server would require both Oracle and Kafka licenses.

NOTE: To install a trial version of SharePlex, users need to select the All Platforms option when prompted during installation of SharePlex or while running the splex_add_key utility.

SharePlex licensing information can be found in the Quest Software Product Guide. Please contact your account manager if you have questions.


Installer Checklist for PostgreSQL

Requirement Completed? (Y/N)

Assign a directory to store the downloaded SharePlex installation package.

This directory requires approximately the following disk space:

  • Linux: 200 MB

It can be removed after SharePlex is installed.


Plan the SharePlex product directory.

You can create a directory for the SharePlex software files or let the SharePlex installer create it.

This directory requires approximately the following disk space:

  • Linux: 120 MB

Install this directory on the following:

  • Linux: a separate filesystem from the one that contains the database.

Do not install SharePlex on a raw device.


Plan the SharePlex variable-data (working) directory

This directory is installed by the SharePlex installer with a name of your choosing. It contains the working data and varies greatly in size in correlation to the volume of data being generated. Install this directory on a separate filesystem from the one that contains the database, but not on a raw device.

To replicate data from more than one database on a system, use a variable-data directory for each one. Ideally they should be on different file systems.

Do not install the variable-data directory within the SharePlex product directory. Both directories contain identically named files, and SharePlex utilities that clean up the environment (if this becomes necessary) could remove the wrong files. You can install both directories under one parent directory if desired.

NOTE: Always monitor disk usage when there is an active SharePlex configuration, especially when there are peaks in transaction activity.


Create the SharePlex security groups.

SharePlex provides three security groups to enable access control through sp_ctrl. On Linux, unless you install SharePlex as a root user, the SharePlex Administrator user and the SharePlexPostgreSQL admin group must exist prior to installation. For more information, see Assign SharePlex users to security groups in the SharePlex Admin guide.

Note: If you install as root, you are prompted by the installer to create these groups.


Get a valid SharePlex license key.

You must have a valid permanent, term, or trial license key from Quest to run SharePlex. The installer prompts for the license key and the text string in the Site Message that Quest Software provides with the license.

SharePlex licensing information can be found in the Quest Software Product Guide. Please contact your account manager if you have questions.


Unix/Linux system checklist

Unix/Linux System Checklist for Oracle

Requirement Completed? (Y/N)

Confirm that the platform is supported.

Review the SharePlex Release Notes to make certain your operating system is supported.


Allocate at least 4 GB of memory for SharePlex processes.

Plan for per-process memory up to 256 MB. This recommendation enables the Post and Read processes to allocate larger sets of memory when necessary.


Disable the disk cache option.

(Source system) Place the redo logs, archive logs, and SharePlex files on a file system that does not have a cache option. Disk caching may interfere with the capture process. For more information, see the SharePlex Knowledge Base article 30895.


Set the number of semaphores per process.

Semaphores help ensure the stability of the SharePlex processes. The required SharePlex settings depend on the platform, as follows:

Oracle Solaris:

  • semmni: 70
  • semmns: 255
  • semmnu: 255
  • semmsl: 128
  • semume: 255
  • shmmax: 60 MB
  • shmmni: 100

Red Hat Linux:

  • semmni*: 70
  • semmns*: 255
  • semmnu: 255
  • semmsl: 128
  • semopm: 64
  • semume: 255
  • shmmax: 60 MB
  • shmmin: 1MB
  • shmmni: 100
  • shmseg: 26

*These are additive. Add the database minimum values to the SharePlex minimum values to determine the correct setting.

An alternative is to set the value to the number of queues you will be using plus 2. For more information about SharePlex queues, see SharePlex Administrator Guide.


Set the ulimit (number of system file descriptors) to as close to 1024 as possible.

The ulimit can be set either as a system hard limit or a session-based soft limit, as follows:

  • Set a hard limit: (Recommended) A root user and system restart are required to change the hard limit, but the value remains fixed at the correct level to support SharePlex. Consult your System Administrator for assistance.
  • Set a soft limit: A soft limit setting stays in effect only for the duration of the sp_cop session for which it was set, and then it reverts back to a default value that may be lower than the hard limit and too low for SharePlex.

Set soft and hard limits for the SharePlex user

Set a soft limit and a hard limit for nproc and nofile for the SharePlex O/S user in the /etc/security/limits.conf file.

  • shareplex O/S user soft nproc 2048
  • shareplex O/S user hard nproc 16384
  • shareplex O/S user soft nofile 1024
  • shareplex O/S user hard nofile 65536

As an alternative, you can simply use the setting for the Oracle O/S user.


Set core file parameters.

  • Set the system core dump block size as large as system resources can accommodate, at minimum 1.5 million blocks. The default is usually 0. Core files help Quest support representatives resolve SharePlex support cases. Higher size settings ensure that enough data is captured to be useful.
  • Set the core file output location to the dump sub-directory of the SharePlex variable-data directory.
  • Set the naming convention of core files to either core or

Note: SharePlex renames all core files named core to, except for those generated by sp_cop.

If these requirements are not met, the SharePlex event log might report that a core file was not generated, even though a file exists.


Install the ksh shell.

Install the ksh shell before you install SharePlex. The SharePlex monitoring scripts and other features required this shell.

A version of ksh called pdksh is included with the Red Hat Linux builds. Refer to the Red Hat Linux documentation for more information.


Install Native POSIX Threading Library (NPTL)

Quest recommends using the Native POSIX Threading Library (NPTL) on Linux. NPTL is faster and behaves more like other Unix operating systems than LinuxThreads. Although LinuxThreads can be enabled per process by using the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL environment variable, setting that variable adversely affects the performance of SharePlex. If LD_ASSUME_KERNEL is employed, use a setting of 2.4.21.


Set the UNIX account that installs SharePlex to -rwsr-s--x using set-user-id.

The value of -rwsr-s--x enables the Database Setup utility to connect to an Oracle database through SQL*Plus to install the SharePlex database account and objects during installation. The UNIX account that installs SharePlex owns this program.


(Debian Linux)

Create a symbolic link to the /lib64/ library path.

On Debian Linux, the / library files are not in the /lib64/ location that SharePlex expects. Before installing SharePlex on Debian Linux, create a symbolic link to /lib64/


Configure the oratab file.

Make sure that the correct ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME values are explicitly listed in the oratab file. SharePlex refers to this file to set its environment.

On Sun machines, SharePlex only uses the oratab file that is in the /var/opt/oracle directory. If there is a copy of the oratab file in the /etc directory ensure that this file is identical to the one in the /var/opt/oracle directory.


Linux System Checklist for PostgreSQL

Requirement Completed? (Y/N)

Confirm that the platform is supported.

Review the SharePlex Release Notes to make certain your operating system is supported.


Allocate at least 4 GB of memory for SharePlex processes.

Plan for per-process memory up to 256 MB. This recommendation enables the Post and Read processes to allocate larger sets of memory when necessary.


Set the number of semaphores per process.

Semaphores help ensure the stability of the SharePlex processes. The required SharePlex settings depend on the platform, as follows:

Red Hat Linux:

  • semmni*: 70
  • semmns*: 255
  • semmnu: 255
  • semmsl: 128
  • semopm: 64
  • semume: 255
  • shmmax: 60 MB
  • shmmin: 1MB
  • shmmni: 100
  • shmseg: 26

*These are additive. Add the database minimum values to the SharePlex minimum values to determine the correct setting.

An alternative is to set the value to the number of queues you will be using plus 2.


Set the ulimit (number of system file descriptors) to as close to 1024 as possible.

The ulimit can be set either as a system hard limit or a session-based soft limit, as follows:

  • Set a hard limit: (Recommended) A root user and system restart are required to change the hard limit, but the value remains fixed at the correct level to support SharePlex. Consult your System Administrator for assistance.
  • Set a soft limit: A soft limit setting stays in effect only for the duration of the sp_cop session for which it was set, and then it reverts back to a default value that may be lower than the hard limit and too low for SharePlex.

Set soft and hard limits for the SharePlex user

Set a soft limit and a hard limit for nproc and nofile for the SharePlex O/S user in the /etc/security/limits.conf file.

  • shareplex O/S user soft nproc 2048
  • shareplex O/S user hard nproc 16384
  • shareplex O/S user soft nofile 1024
  • shareplex O/S user hard nofile 65536

As an alternative, you can simply use the setting for the PostgreSQL O/S user.


Set core file parameters.

  • Set the system core dump block size as large as system resources can accommodate, at minimum 1.5 million blocks. The default is usually 0. Core files help Quest support representatives resolve SharePlex support cases. Higher size settings ensure that enough data is captured to be useful.
  • Set the core file output location to the dump sub-directory of the SharePlex variable-data directory.
  • Set the naming convention of core files to either core or

Note: SharePlex renames all core files named core to, except for those generated by sp_cop.

If these requirements are not met, the SharePlex event log might report that a core file was not generated, even though a file exists.


Install the ksh shell.

Install the ksh shell before you install SharePlex. The SharePlex monitoring scripts and other features required this shell.

A version of ksh called pdksh is included with the Red Hat Linux builds. Refer to the Red Hat Linux documentation for more information.


Install Native POSIX Threading Library (NPTL)

Quest recommends using the Native POSIX Threading Library (NPTL) on Linux. NPTL is faster and behaves more like other Unix operating systems than LinuxThreads. Although LinuxThreads can be enabled per process by using the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL environment variable, setting that variable adversely affects the performance of SharePlex. If LD_ASSUME_KERNEL is employed, use a setting of 2.4.21.


Oracle checklist

Requirement Completed? (Y/N)

Perform any required database upgrades.

Perform any required database upgrades before you install SharePlex. This ensures that SharePlex gets the most current object definitions when you run Database setup during the installation and setup steps.


Confirm the Oracle release version and processor type.

(source and target databases)

Verify that the Oracle release version is supported by SharePlex.

Note: SharePlex does not support 32-bit Oracle versions.


Set up Oracle online and archive logging.

(source databases)

  • Enable archive logging to avoid the need to resynchronize data after a log wrap.
  • Enable minimum supplemental logging.
  • Enable supplemental logging of primary and unique keys.
  • Configure the logs to support replication.

For more information, see Set up Oracle Logging to Support SharePlex.


Set up database objects to support replication.

Set up Oracle objects to support replication properly, including:

  • Log primary and unique keys (source database only).
  • Handle tables that do not have keys.
  • Handle indexes, triggers, constraints, and sequences.

For more information, see Set up Oracle Database Objects for Replication.


Configure database properties to support replication

(source databases)

Make the recommended database settings to support SharePlex processes:

  • Verify character sets are compatible with SharePlex.
  • Adjust log buffer size.
  • Adjust open cursors and processes parameters.
  • Adjust initrans setting of SHAREPLEX_TRANS table.

For more information, see Set up an Oracle Database to Support SharePlex.


Set privileges to capture TDE-protected data.

(source databases)

To decrypt TDE-protected data from the redo log, the SharePlex Administrator must open the Oracle Wallet with the wallet password. By default, only the Oracle Wallet owner-user has read and write permissions for this file. To enable SharePlex to open the wallet, you can either of the following:

Grant read permission to the wallet file to the dba group, because the SharePlex Administrator user is a member of that group.


Have the owner of the wallet start SharePlex.

For more information, see Set up TDE Support.


Plan the SharePlex Oracle account.

(source and target databases)

During SharePlex installation, you will run the Database Setup utility to create a database account (user and schema) for SharePlex. The following is a list of privileges required for the database user who runs the this utility:

Non-multitenant (standard) database:

The user who runs the setup utility must have DBA privileges.

Multitenant database:

The user who runs the setup utility should have SYSDBA privileges (recommended), but at minimum the user should be a DBA user with privileges for sys.users$ and sys.enc$.

The minimum following grants are required for the SharePlex user:

create user c##sp_admin identified by sp_admin;

grant dba to c##sp_admin container=ALL;

grant select on sys.user$ to c##sp_admin with grant option container=ALL;


Plan the SharePlex objects tablespace.

(source and target databases)

The Database Setup utility installs some tables into a tablespace of your choosing. All but the SHAREPLEX_LOBMAP table use the default storage settings of the tablespace.

The SHAREPLEX_LOBMAP table contains entries for LOBs stored out-of-row. It is created with a 1 MB INITIAL extent, 1 MB NEXT extent, and PCTINCREASE of 10. The MAXEXTENTS is 120, allowing the table to grow to 120 MB.

Preferred action: If you enable supplemental logging for primary and unique keys, you can set the SP_OCT_ENABLE_LOBMAP parameter to 0, and nothing will be stored in the SHAREPLEX_LOBMAP table. In this case, you do not have to consider its size growth. It is recommended that you enable supplemental logging for primary and unique keys to maximize the performance of the Read process.

Alternate action: The default storage usually is sufficient for SHAREPLEX_LOBMAP, permitting more than 4 million LOB entries. If the Oracle tables to be replicated have numerous LOB columns that are inserted or updated frequently, consider increasing the size the SharePlex tablespace accordingly. Take into account that this table shares the tablespace with other SharePlex tables.

If the database uses the cost-based optimizer (CBO) and the tables that SharePlex processes include numerous LOBs, incorporate the SHAREPLEX_LOBMAP table into the analysis schedule.

Note: A new installation of SharePlex does not change storage parameters from a previous installation.


Plan the SharePlex temporary tablespace.

(source and target databases)

The Database Setup utility prompts for a temporary tablespace for SharePlex to use for sorts and other operations, including sorts performed by the compare commands. The default temporary tablespace is the one where the SharePlex objects are installed. If you plan to use the compare commands to compare large tables, especially those without a primary or unique key, specify a dedicated temporary tablespace for SharePlex.


Plan for theSharePlex index tablespace.

(source and target databases)

The Database Setup utility prompts for a tablespace to store the indexes for the SharePlex tables. The default index tablespace is the one where the SharePlex objects are installed. To minimize I/O contention, specify a different index tablespace from the one where the tables are installed.

Note: If indexes from a previous version of SharePlex are installed in the SharePlex objects tablespace, you can move them to a different tablespace and then specify that tablespace when you run the setup utility.


Plan for required queue space

SharePlex stores replicated data that is being processed in queues on the local system. There must be enough disk space for these queues to grow in the event that a SharePlex process stops (for example, a target system is down) and replicated data accumulates in the queues.

To determine the amount of queue space on each system:

  1. Use a worst-case scenario and estimate the length of downtime to be tolerated.
  2. Determine how much data is replicated in that time, using the following formula as a guide. This formula multiplies the redo log value by one-third because only about one-third of the redo log is actually data that is replicated. The rest is data used by Oracle to maintain and operate the instance itself.

    [size of a redo log x number of log switches in 1 hour] x 1/3 x [number of hours downtime] = amount of disk space needed for the queues on each system


Suppose you expect to recover from 8 hours of downtime and your redo logs are 60 MB. They switch five times an hour. According to the formula, you need 800 MB of space on the source machine and on the target machine for the SharePlex queues.

[60 MB redo log] x [5 switches/hour] x [1/3] x [8 hours] = 800 MB disk space


Install the Oracle client.

(on-premises databases)

The Oracle client libraries are needed both for installation and setup as well as for the operation of SharePlex.


Consider Case if replicating to an Open Target database

To support replication between a source of one database type and a target of another type, the letter case of the names of the source and target columns must be the same, for example the column names on both sides in lower case or both sides in upper case. If the case differs between the source and target column names, use the column mapping feature to map the column names in the configuration file.

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