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Space Manager with LiveReorg 9.1 - User Guide

Smart Start for Space Manager Collect Statistics Profile DML Activity Manage Storage Reorganize Objects with Reorg Manager Partition Tables with the Partitioning Wizard Run and Monitor Scripts Run Reports Options Troubleshooting Administration Functions Appendix About Us

Identify Objects That Need to Be Reorganized

See Generate Reorganization Reports for more information.

Move Objects to Tablespace

You can easily move an object or segment to another tablespace from within the Explorer without launching the Reorg Manager. You can execute the task immediately or schedule it.

To move an object to a tablespace

  1. In the Explorer, do one of the following:
    • Right-click the object or segment and select Move to Tablespace.
    • Drag the object from the Segments grid (or Tables or Indexes grid) to a new tablespace in the Explorer tree-list.
  2. In the Move Objects to Tablespace dialog, select a Target Tablespace from the list.
  3. Then select one of the following:
    • Execute Immediately to move the object immediately.
    • Schedule Date to move the object at a scheduled date and time.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Review the summary and click Finish to execute immediately or when scheduled.

Tip: You can also perform this action from the search results in the Advanced Search window. Right-click an object in the search results and select Move to Tablespace.


Reclaim Space

You can easily reclaim space in a segment/object from within the Explorer without opening the Reorg Manager Wizard. The Reclaim Space method performs a live reorganization using the default settings.

You can execute the task immediately or schedule the task in the Reclaim Space dialog.

To reclaim space

  1. In the Explorer, right-click an object or segment and select Reclaim Space.
  2. In the Reclaim Space dialog, select one of the following:
    • Execute Immediately to reclaim space in the object immediately.
    • Schedule Date to reclaim space in the object at a scheduled date and time.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Review the summary and click Finish to execute immediately or when scheduled.

Tip: You can also perform this action from the search results in the Advanced Search window. Right-click an object in the search results and select Reclaim Space.


Resize Datafile

Space Manager allows you to easily resize a datafile using the Datafile Resize wizard. You can launch the wizard from the Explorer after selecting a datafile to resize. Use this feature to resize a datafile prior to creating or running a reorganization script.

Note: Previous releases of Space Manager (8.0.2 or earlier) allowed you to add a "script-pause" option to a reorganization script and use the pause to resize a datafile. Beginning with Space Manager 8.1, the script-pause option is no longer available. This is because its main functionality is superseded by the Datafile Resize wizard. Datafile Resize uses LiveReorg, which is preferable to standard reorganization, the method used with the script-pause function.

To resize a datafile

  1. In the Databases tree-list in the Explorer, expand the tablespace node for the selected datafile.
  2. Select the Datafile node to display the list of datafiles in right pane, and then select a datafile.
  3. Right-click the datafile and select Resize Datafile. The Datafile Resize wizard opens.
  4. To increase size, select Increase datafile size and click Next.
    1. Specify a new size in the Resize to field and click Next.
    2. On the Execute SQL page, click SQL Execute to execute the SQL command to resize the datafile.
  5. To decrease size, select Decrease datafile size and click Next. The next page of the wizard displays the available options for resize method and resulting datafile size.

    • If you do not want to reorganize segments, select No Data Movement and then click Next. On the Execute SQL page, click SQL Execute to execute the SQL command to resize the datafile.
    • To use the recommended size and to reorganize segments, select Recommended and click Next. This option uses a live reorganization. The next page of the wizard displays the list of segments to be reorganized and several options. Review the following for additional information:

      In Same Tablespace Select to leave tables in their current tablespace.
      Move to New Tablespace

      Select to move tables to a different tablespace. Then select the new tablespace from the list.

      Note: All tables in the list are moved to new tablespace.

      Turn Off Autoextent for Datafile Select this option if you do not want this datafile to be autoextensible.
      Drop Datafile if Empty Select to drop the datafile if it is empty after a successful reorganization.

      After specifying reorganization options, click Next. Schedule the reorganization and resize script.

      Execute Immediately Select to schedule the script to run immediately
      Start Job At Select to schedule the job to run at a later date and time.

      Click Submit Job. The scheduled script displays in the Script/Job Monitor.


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Space Manager with LiveReorg - 9.1
Installation Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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