If your Core replicates machines from another Rapid Recovery Core, the display name of the source Core appears as a collapsible menu in the left navigation of the Core Console. As with all menu labels in the navigation area, this replicated machines menu name appears in all upper-case letters, below the Protected Machines menu. By default, the replicated machines menu is fully expanded, and lists all machines originating from that source Core that are replicated on your target Core.
You can collapse or expand the view of replicated machines from that source Core by clicking the arrow on the left side of this menu.
Each replicated machines menu includes a drop-down menu on the right side, which includes functions you can perform simultaneously on all of the replicated machines originating from that Core. Click the arrow to the right of replicated machines menu to see a drop-down list of functions you can perform. These actions include the following:
Clicking directly on name of the source Core in the navigation menu causes the Machines replicated from [Source Core Name] page to appear in the main content area. For more information on what you can accomplish on that page, see Viewing incoming and outgoing replication.
The Recovery Points Only menu appears in the left navigation area if one of the following is true:
As with all menu labels in the navigation area, the label for this menu appears in all upper-case letters.
You can collapse or expand the view of recovery points-only machines by clicking the [Contract menu] or
[Expand menu] arrows on the left side of this menu.
The menu includes a drop-down menu on the right side which lists functions that can be performed on all recovery points-only machines simultaneously. In this case, the only function you can perform is to remove recovery points from the Core.
Caution: This action removes all of the recovery points-only machines in your Rapid Recovery Core, permanently deleting them and precluding you from restoring information from those recovery points from this Core. |
The custom groups menu appears in the left navigation area only if you have defined one or more custom groups. As with all menu labels in the navigation area, the label for this menu appears in all upper-case letters.
You can collapse or expand the view of items in this menu by clicking the arrow on its left side.
The custom groups menu includes a drop-down menu on the right side which lists functions that can be performed simultaneously on all of the like items in that group.
For more information, see Understanding custom groups.
When an error occurs in the Rapid Recovery Core Console user interface, such as trying to enter an invalid parameter, an Error dialog box appears. The dialog box typically indicates the cause of the error, includes some links to provide more information about the error, and includes a Close button. You must close the Error dialog box before you continue, but you may want to view more information about the error.
In the Error dialog box, choose from the following options:
User interface errors that cause the Error dialog box to appear are not tracked in the Rapid Recovery Events page, since they are simply validation or data entry errors. However, when you click the Search Knowledge Base option for any error, then the URL link provided for that error is recorded to the Core AppRecovery.log file. You can search the log for the text string “KB article url generated” to see the URL for each error that was viewed in a browser. For more information on downloading or viewing Core error logs, see topics Downloading and viewing the Core log file or Accessing Core logs, respectively.
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