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Archive Manager for Exchange Product Notification

Product Release

We are excited to announce a new release of Metalogix Archive Manager for Exchange.

Look what's new in 8.6:

  • Administrator is now able to select which group or mailbox will be processed by a Delete job.
  • Administrator can choose different exchange administrator for exchange permissions settings during Exchange server import in to address book
  • Administrator can define HSM server from Configuration Manager
  • Included/excluded classes management is now moved from Tools > Options to Manager view >Settings tab
  • Administrator can define Archive server from Configuration manager. This is especially helpful for a cluster environment where the cluster name is different from a node name
  • If throttling is detected for M365 administrator Archive Manager switches to another administrator
  • Manual archive and restore operations are faster on some environments
  • Administrator is able to change remote PowerShell credentials in Address Book
  • The sync operation is much faster now
  • ArchiveWeb Features:
    • Users with rights to many mailboxes can now use filter for specific mailbox in tree view
    • Users are able to see all tags on tree view. When a tag is clicked, all items with this tag will be displayed
    • New login screen, new controls in Permissions, Roles and Profile. New vertical and horizontal splitter
    • Users are able to click Refresh, and the table with results will be refreshed
    • Administrator is able to see all group members after import groups in Permissions
    • When the pin is enabled, the tasks window will remain opened

See the release notes for details on enhancements, corrections and improvements.

Version 8.4 is in limited support and scheduled to discontinue support on December 25, 2022.

To determine the current support phase of your product, please refer to the Metalogix Archive Manager for Exchange life cycle table.

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