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Sensitive Content Manager Product Notification

Product Release

We are excited to announce a new release of Metalogix Sensitive Content Manager.

Look what's new 2.2:

  • New Search Terms
    • USA Bank Account Number
    • USA Passport Number
    • USA Individual Taxpayer ID Number
    • UK Passport Number
    • Germany Tax Identification Number
  • Installer
    • Upgrades the installed Erlang installation to v24
    • Upgrades the installed Rabbit MQ installation to v3.8.17
    • Backs up log files before rolling back
  • Administration Center
    • License key is masked by default.
    • New Dashboard provides a snapshot of the scan results over a pre-selected period and helps you to inspect the scans in greater detail.
    • The landing page has been changed from the License Information page to the Dashboard
  • General Improvements
    • Added scan support for PowerShell files (.ps1 and .psm1)
    • Improved the processing performance of the Document Processing service

See the release notes for details on enhancements, corrections and improvements.

Metalogix Sensitive Content Manager 2.1 is in limited support and scheduled to discontinue support on February 1, 2022.

To determine the current support phase of your product, please refer to the Metalogix Sensitive Content Manager life cycle table.

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Be sure to check out the Metalogix Sensitive Content Manager Product Support page to find solution articles, tips and tricks, tutorials, documentation, notifications, life cycle tables, training, and a product user forum.