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On Demand License Management Product Notification

Product Release

We are excited to announce that a new deployment of Quest On Demand License Management is now available.

Look what's new:

  • Product Usage revamp - The redesigned Product Usage report helps License Admins understand where the Office 365 licenses are being used across the organization and which enabled Office 365 workloads are unused or underutilized, so they can initiate training to raise usage or consider an alternative license type.
  • Users with One Off Licenses (O365 service license outside E3\E5 license) – Display a list of users who are licensed for individual products ("Teams, OneDrive, etc.") that would normally be licensed through E1, E3, E5 or other Office 365 suite licenses. The purpose of this report is to identify a situation in which users may have purchased licenses outside of the normal procurement process, what those licenses are (Teams, One Drive, etc.) and who may be incurring unnecessary costs.
  • New alerts and reports under “Needs Attention!”:
    • Unassigned licenses\Disabled users – Helps License Admins understand if there are any Azure AD disabled user accounts with an associated Office 365 or other Microsoft license. Disabled users accounts that are consuming licenses are generating costs with no benefit and Admins will likely want to remove the license and re-assign to another user.
    • Inactive Users - Inactive users are users that have a license assigned to their user account but have not used the license for a significant period of time (e.g. 30 days)
    • License conflicts – Helps License Admins understand when a user account is "conflicting" or has redundant license types assigned to it. For example, an Office 365 E5 and an Office 365 E3 license applied. This is a clear waste of budget and IT Administrators will want to ensure that the conflict/redundancy is removed.
  • Power BI Pro Usage – Helps License Admins understand the usage for Power BI Pro licenses in their organization. Power BI Pro is an expensive add on license and License Admins need to understand if the users who acquired this license are using it or if it should be reclaimed and reassigned to save on cost.
  • Microsoft Self Service Alert - Notifying License Admins in “Needs your attention!” that self service is enabled for:
    • Power BI Pro
    • Power Automate
    • Power Apps