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Unified Communications Analytics Product Notification

Product Release

UCA 8.6.1 Update 2 Resolved issues or enhancements

Resolved IssueIssue ID

A visible filter "Mobile Device | Mailbox | Owner | Name Is set" is added to the Mobile Devices - Inventory insight to filter out the devices that are not registered in the organization but have been logged in the Exchange IIS Logs and collected by the IIS Logs data collection job.
Also, to determine the corresponding logon user in Exchange IIS Logs collection, UC Analytics now compares the user logon name in the ActiveSync event with the "mail" attribute in AD. Previously, only SamAccountName, DownLevelLogonName and UserPrincipalName attributes were used in the comparison.



The Exchange Configuration and the Exchange Online Native/Hybrid Mailbox Configuration data sources now collect the following attributes for mailboxes: TotalDeletedItemSize, RecoverableItemsQuota and RecoverableItemsWarningsQuota. You can add the Total Deleted Item Size, Recoverable Items Quota At and Recoverable Items Warnings Quota At columns to insights such as Mailboxes - Inventory or Mailboxes - Activity Summary or filter insights by the new fields.
For example, to add the column to the Mailboxes - Activity Summary insight, select the Customize icon, click Manage field columns and select Show advanced fields. Search for Deleted and select Exchange Mailbox | Total Deleted Item Size.



A new insight named Organizations / Mailbox Activity is added that provides views to support grouping daily mailbox activity (messages sent and received) by Active Directory attributes such as Company, Department, Office, City, Country or Region, or Job Title for the selected time period. You can also group by Internal Domain Name (as defined in your Admin Settings | Classifications | Domain Classifications). This insight is similar to Organizations / Departmental Reporting / Mailbox Activity but offers more flexibility in grouping the data.



The Exchange Online Native and Hybrid Mailbox Configuration data collections did not efficiently handle the situation in which a mailbox had been recently moved, slowing the collection process. Now, in the data collections when UC Analytics encounters the error “The mailbox may have been moved recently”, the mailboxes in that specific batch are queued for the next round and the collection immediately continues to the next batch of mailboxes.

The maximum number of rounds is determined by the powerShellMaxAttempts setting and the time to pause between two rounds is determined by the powerShellSecondsBetweenAttempts setting in the UC.Analytics.Insights.DataEngine.DataCollector.dll.config file.



New configuration options are added to the Admin Settings | Queries page to allow you to exclude <none> values in aggregated and organizational grouped views from all or some insights. In some situations, insights can include <none> values that are not relevant and that you do not want to include. For example, if a message is a system message or is sent through an SMTP address and does not have a corresponding user account in Active Directory (AD), the AD user attributes such as office, department, or sender name can display as <none> since they do not exist in Active Directory.


A new insight is added, Email - Logical Messages Activity, that lets you view logical message activity for individual message recipients. Existing UC Analytics insights show unique (physical) Exchange messages. Physical messages provide message counts in a manner similar to how Exchange handles messages. When a user opens Outlook, creates a message with five recipients and clicks Send, there is one physical message that Exchange delivers to each recipient. Exchange can create copies of the message so that each recipient can receive the message. This process is called bifurcation and is performed when different recipients receive copies of the same message. A logical message is a message in which each recipient is counted as a separate message. For example, if a mail message is created in Outlook and is sent to nine recipients, that would count that as one physical sent message and nine logical sent messages.