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On Demand Recovery Product Notification

Product Release
New Release

On Demand Recovery 1.4

We are excited to announce a new version of On Demand Recovery 1.4 is now available for download.

Look what's new:

  • Module/Feature Level RBAC - Support for permission-based access control. Using this feature you can determine what permission level a user has and what tasks the user can perform in On Demand Recovery.
  • Support RMAD Encrypted Backups - supports Recovery Manager for Active Directory encrypted backups for hybrid restore.
  • Inactive mailbox support for ADFS - restore inactive mailboxes of hard-deleted users for Federated Domain (hybrid configuration).
  • Restore of deleted Azure Gallery Application - supports restoring deleted Azure Gallery applications.
  • Claim attributes in SAML SSO configurations for Applications - For service principals provisioned from Azure Gallery: On Demand Recovery restores attributes from the User Attributes & Claims section in the Single Sign-On with SAML configuration  and supports restore of group claims for SAML SSO.
Check out this helpful knowledge article:

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