This section helps you diagnose problems that are associated with the SharePlex database account and connection information that was created with the Database Setup utility when SharePlex was installed on the system.
Note: For more information about Database Setup, see Database Setup Utilities in the SharePlex Reference Guide.
If the issue you are experiencing is not listed in this documentation, search the SharePlex Knowledge Base at:
The Knowledge Base provides filtering options and links to other resources that can help you use and troubleshoot SharePlex.
Problem | Description | Solution |
Insufficient database privileges | If the database setup utility fails, the person who runs it may not have the correct privileges | |
sp_cop is running | The SharePlexsp_cop process cannot be running while you are running the Database Setup utility. | If it is running, shut it down using the shutdown command in sp_ctrl. Run sp_ctrl from the bin sub-directory in the SharePlex product directory. |
ODBC driver configuration problem | Error: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found and no default driver specified. The issue is observed while running pg-setup. | Ensure that the odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini configurations are verified. For more information, see Database Setup for PostgreSQL. |
If SharePlex cannot connect to a source or target database, you can view the login credentials that are being used for that database by using the connection command with the show option. For example:
sp_ctrl> connection r.mydb show
You can also view connection settings in the connections.yaml file, which is stored in the data sub-directory of the SharePlex variable-data directory. If there are no settings in this file, it means that the SharePlex database setup procedure was not performed on this database.
To view the correct database setup procedure for the database, see SharePlex Reference GuideSharePlex Utilities
You can use the connection command to update connection properties. For more information, see the SharePlex Reference Guide.
The SharePlex PostgreSQL user requires a DBA role with unlimited privileges. The SharePlex user is created with the default PostgreSQL profile under the assumption that the profile has the unlimited resource privileges assigned by PostgreSQL as the default. If SharePlex is unable to interact with PostgreSQL, check to see if the default was changed. If so, assign SharePlex a DBA role with unlimited privileges for all definitions.
You can install SharePlex on a Docker container manually or through a Dockerfile.
To install SharePlex on a Docker container through a Dockerfile, follow these steps:
Create a docker build file in the following format (This is a sample Docker file format created for the Linux platform):
# -------- Pull RHEL UBI ------------------------
FROM --platform=linux/amd64${UBI_MINIMAL_VERSION}
LABEL maintainer="<maintainer email address>"
# -------- Set Environment ------------------------
ENV HOME_DIR=/home/splex \
BASE_DIR=/u01/splex \
SP_SYS_PRODDIR=/u01/splex/prod \
SP_SYS_VARDIR=/u01/splex/var \
ODBCINI=$SP_SYS_VARDIR/odbc/odbc.ini \
# -------- Set ROOT Password ------------------------
RUN echo "root:****" | chpasswd
# -------- Install CPIO, PostgresSQL ODBC ------------------------
RUN yum -y install cpio hostname util-linux-user procps --nogpgcheck
RUN yum install -y --nogpgcheck openssh-server openssh-clients
RUN /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -A
RUN /usr/sbin/sshd
RUN yum install -y
RUN yum install -y postgresql14-odbc --nogpgcheck
RUN yum install -y --nogpgcheck
RUN yum install -y unixODBC-devel.x86_64 unixODBC.x86_64 postgresql15-odbc.x86_64 --nogpgcheck
RUN cd /usr/lib64;ln -s /usr/pgsql-15/lib/
RUN cd /usr/lib;ln -s /usr/pgsql-15/lib/
# -------- Add Group and User ------------------------
RUN groupadd -g 54321 spadmin
RUN useradd -g spadmin -md /home/splex splex
RUN echo "splex:*****" | chpasswd
# RUN chown splex:spadmin ${BASE_DIR}
# -------- Copy SharePlex Binaries, Reponse file, Installtion script ------------------------
COPY --chown=splex:spadmin --chmod=777 SharePlex.tpm ${BASE_DIR}/
COPY --chown=splex:spadmin --chmod=777 product.rsp ${BASE_DIR}/
COPY --chown=splex:spadmin --chmod=777 ${BASE_DIR}/
# -------- Change User and Install SharePlex ------------------------
USER splex
# CMD [ "/u01/splex/SharePlex-11.0.0-b1-c048c979-ONEOFF-SPO-24709-rhel-amd64-m64.tpm -r /u01/splex/product.rsp" ]
RUN /u01/splex/
RUN rm ${BASE_DIR}/ ${BASE_DIR}/product.rsp ${BASE_DIR}/SharePlex.tpm
Create a SharePlex install script file similar to the below sample file: (This is a sample SharePlex install script file format created for the Linux platform)
#!/bin/bashset -e
echo 'export SP_HOME=/u01/splex
export SP_SYS_HOST_NAME=$(hostname)
export SP_SYS_PRODDIR=${SP_HOME}/prod
export SP_SYS_VARDIR=${SP_HOME}/var
export SP_COP_TPORT=4545
export SP_COP_UPORT=4545
alias spbin="cd ${SP_SYS_BINDIR}/"
alias spvar="cd ${SP_SYS_VARDIR}/"
alias splog="cd ${SP_SYS_VARDIR}/log"
alias spc="${SP_SYS_BINDIR}/sp_ctrl"
alias gocop="${SP_SYS_BINDIR}/sp_cop -u${SP_COP_TPORT} &"
export ODBCINI=${SP_SYS_VARDIR}/odbc/odbc.ini
' >> /home/splex/.bashrc
/u01/splex/SharePlex.tpm -r /u01/splex/product.rsp
Create SharePlex silent install file (Examples: product.rsp) used for silent ora_setup. Not applicable for PostgreSQL. For additional information, see Run database setup for Oracle in silent mode section.
Install Docker (Example: Docker desktop).
Choose a base image (Example: CentOS).
Install necessary packages (Example: PostgreSQL ODBC driver / Oracle Instant Client).
Add custom files to the project directory (SharePlex files).
Specify the user that will run your container (Example: splex:spadmin).
Specify the exposed ports (Example: 2100).
Define the entry point (Example: bash).
Define a configuration method (Example: environment variables / scripts).
Externalize your data (define an external volume for persistent data).
Create the following files and and copy them to the project directory (Example: splex_to_container) :
dockerfile (Docker build file) (SharePlex install script)
product.rsp (SharePlex silent install file)
SharePlex.tpm (SharePlex TPM installer)
From within this directory, run the following commands:
docker build -t shareplex:11
This command will build the SharePlex image with the name "shareplex" and tag "11".
docker run -itd --privileged -d --memory-reservation=100m --expose 22 --ulimit nofile=2000:2000 -p 4545:4545 -p 80:22 --name shareplex -it shareplex:11.4
This command will start the container from the image "shareplex:11" named "shareplex."
docker exec -it shareplex bash
This command will start an interactive terminal session into the running SharePlex container. You can now run a database setup utility.
The SharePlex security groups provide access control to the SharePlex command and control system. Without proper configuration of these groups, anyone with permissions on the system can use the commands that view, configure, and control data replication.
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