You can use the CheckRepository command to verify the integrity of an existing DVM repository created in AppAssure Core or Rapid Recovery Core.
The usage for the command is as follows:
/checkrepository -repository [repository name] | -all [check all repositories] -core [host name] -user [user name] -password [password] name] -force
The following table describes the options available for the CheckRepository
Option | Description |
-? |
Display this help message. |
-core |
Optional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default, the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine. |
-user |
Optional. The user name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you must also provide a password. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-password |
Optional. The password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-all |
Optional. This option checks all DVM repositories associated with the Core. |
-repository |
The name of the DVM repository. |
-force |
Optional. This option performs the check without your confirmation. |
Start checking the DVM repository:
>cmdutil /checkrepository -repository "Repository1" -core -user administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd
This command lets you move the recovery points of a protected machine from an AppAssure repository to a Rapid Recovery repository. This command also reassigns the protected machine to the new repository.
The usage for the command is as follows:
/configureagentmigration -core [host name] -user [user name] -password [password] name] -agentname [name of the protected machine] -targetrepository [repository name] -lastrecoverypointdate [MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss tt] -asnightlyjob
The following table describes the options available for the ConfigureAgentMigration
Option | Description |
-? |
Display this help message. |
-core |
Optional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default, the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine. |
-user |
Optional. The user name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you must also provide a password. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-password |
Optional. The password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-agentname |
The name of the protect machine you want to migrate. |
-targetrepositoryname |
The name of the repository to which you want to migrate the protected machine. |
-lastrecoverypointdate |
Optional. The date and time of the last recovery point you want to migrate. Migration will not occur for recovery points older than the specified date and time. If you do not specify a date and time, then all recovery points for the protected machine will migrate. |
-asnightlyjob |
Optional. Use this option if you want the command to occur as a nightly job rather than during peak business hours. |
Migrate the protected machine from an AppAssure repository to a Rapid Recovery repository:
>cmdutil /configureagentmigration -agentname localhost -targetrepositoryname repository1 -lastRecoveryPointDate "10/15/2014 3:19:10 PM" -asNightlyJob
When you create an archive repository, you create a destination for the contents of a scheduled archive. This feature lets you mount an archived recovery point and restore a machine without importing the archive.
The usage for the command is as follows:
/createarchiverepository -core [host name] -user [user name] -password [password] name] -name [archive repository name] -path [path to the archive] -archiveusernamme [network user name] -archivepassword [network password] -cloudaccountname [name of the cloud account] -cloudcontainer [name of the cloud container]
The following table describes the options available for the CreateArchiveRepository
Option | Description |
-? |
Display this help message. |
-core |
Optional. Remote Core host machine IP address (with an optional port number). By default, the connection is made to the Core installed on the local machine. |
-user |
Optional. The user name for the remote Core host machine. If you specify a user name, you must also provide a password. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-password |
Optional. The password to the remote Core host machine. If you specify a password, you also have to provide a user name. If none is provided, then the credentials for the logged-on user are used. |
-name |
Required. The name of the archive repository. |
-path |
The path to the existing archive. It can be a local, network, or cloud location. For example: d:\work\archive or \\servername\sharename. |
-archiveusername |
Optional. This option is the login to the remote machine. It is required for a network path only. |
-archivepassword |
Optional. This option is the password for the remote machine. It is only required for a network path only. |
-cloudaccountname |
Optional. This option is the display name for an existing cloud account. It is required for a cloud path only. |
-cloudcontainer |
Optional. The cloud container is where the archive is located. It is required for a cloud path only. |
Create an archive repository with the name "NewArchive:"
>cmdutil /createarchiverepository -name NewArchive -core -user administrator -password 23WE@#$sdd -path d:\work\archive
Additionally, if an archive contains more than one location, then the command should include paths for all of the segments ordered from 1 to N, where N equals the number of segments.
Create an archive repository with the name "NewSegmentArchive:"
>cmdutil /createarchiverepository -name NewSegmentArchive -path1 \\RemmoteServer1\Share\Archive\Segment1 - archiveusername1 Administrator -archivepassword1 23WE@#$sdd -path2 Archives\NewSegment -cloudcontainer2 ArchiveContainer -cloudaccountname AmazonS3Local - path3 d:\work\archive\Third
This command lets you create a bare metal restore (BMR) boot CD without using the Rapid Recovery Core Console.
The usage for the command is as follows:
/createbootcd -ip [IP address] -mask [mask] -defaultgateway [defaultgateway] -dnsserver [dnsserver] -vncpassword [vncpassword] -vncport [vncport] -isofilepath [destination for the boot image]
The following table describes the options available for the CreateBootCD
Option | Description |
-? |
Display this help message. |
-ip |
Optional. This option specifies the IP address of the target BMR machine. By default, it generates automatically. |
-mask |
Optional. This option specifies the subnet mask of the target BMR machine. By default, it generates automatically. |
-defaultgateway |
Optional. This option specifies the default gateway of the target BMR machine. By default, it generates automatically. |
-dnsserver |
Optional. This option specifies the DNS server for the target BMR machine. By default, it generates automatically. |
-vncpassword |
Optional. This option specifies the user password for an existing UltraVNC account. By default, this option is empty. |
-vncport |
Optional. This option specifies the port to use for UltraVNC. You can change it only if you used the -vncpassword option. By default, the port is 5900. |
-isofilepath |
Optional. This option specifies the patch to the boot CD file. The default path is C:\ProgramData\AppRecovery\Boot CDs. |
Create a boot CD:
>cmdutil /createbootcd -ip -mask -defaultgateway -dnsserver -isofilepath D:\bcd\newbcd3.iso
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