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SQL Optimizer for SAP ASE 3.8 - User Guide

Introduction Tutorials Preferences Editor Functions SQL Information and Functions Performance Monitor SQL Inspector SQL Collector for Monitor Server SQL Scanner Index Advisor SQL Optimizer
SQL Optimizer Overview Optimization Engine Common Coding Errors in SQL Statements What Function Should l Use to Retrieve the Run Time? Unsatisfactory Performance Results SQL Optimizer Functions SQL Editor Optimized SQL Activity Log
SQL Worksheet SQL Formatter Database Explorer Code Finder Object Extractor SQL Repository Index Impact Analyzer Index Usage Analyzer Configuration Analyzer Migration Analyzer Abstract Plan Manager User-Defined Temp Tables SQL History Legal Information

SQL Comparer Functions

SQL Optimizer > Optimized SQL > SQL Comparer > SQL Comparer Functions

Below is a list of available functions within the SQL Comparer window.

Menu or Button Function

Compare Menu

image\B_Compare.gif image\B_StopCompare.gif

Start Compare / Stop Compare

Compare Menu



Navigate Menu

image\B_FirstSQL.gif image\B_PreviousSQL.gif image\B_NextSQL.gif image\B_LastSQL.gif

First SQL / Previous SQL / Next SQL / Last SQL

Navigate Menu

Go to SQL

Edit Menu


Send to Index Advisor

Edit Menu


Copy to SQL Worksheet

File Menu

Save SQL to SQL Repository


Related Topics

Activity Log

Activity Log Overview

SQL Optimizer > Activity Log > Activity Log Overview

The Activity Log is designed to provide management reports on the effective usage of SQL Optimizer on each individual client PC. The Activity Log records the activities during the SQL optimization process and query plan generation. The information recorded can be used to review the number of SQL statements analyzed, number of SQL statements optimized, percentage of performance improvement and also the original SQL text and the best alternative SQL.


Related Topics

Start Recording Activities to the Activity Log

SQL Optimizer > Activity Log > Start Recording Activities to the Activity Log

By default, the Activity Log is disabled.

during the SQL optimization process and query plan retrieval,

To start recording the activities

  1. Click image\B_Preferences.gif.

  2. Select the Activity Log tab.

Activity to be logged

Specify the activity to be logged by selecting the SQL optimization and/or the Query plan generation checkboxes. If no option is selected, the activity log is disabled.

Information to be logged

Specify the information to be collected by selecting the SQL text and/or Query plan checkboxes.

Note: Only activities executed in the SQL Optimizer window are logged.

The following information is recorded automatically for each activity logged:

PC user

PC user name.

Logon name

Database logon name.


Adaptive Server name.

Activity Log directory

The Activity Log directory is used to store the log file created while recording the activities. Select the Directory Setup / Linkage tab to change the directory where the log is written. The default is the installed directory.

For example C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Quest Software\SQL Optimizer

Note: It is advisable not to change the Activity Log directory after selection, as log file is saved to this directory.


Related Topics

관련 문서
SQL Optimizer for SAP ASE - 3.8
Installation Guide
Release Notes
User Guide
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