The Object Extractor extracts the DDL for creating database objects from the database. As an option, object dependencies can also be retrieved ordering them by the lowest dependencies first.
Click .
Select the objects to extract from the left pane [Select objects to be extracted]. Click Add to add the selected objects to the right pane [Objects to extract].
Click Extract DDL to display the DDL script on the bottom pane. Or, click Extract to file to save the DDL script directly to a file.
In the Extraction Criteria window, select options to generate the DDL script.
Click OK.
Extraction preferences can be changed by selecting File | Preferences and selecting the DDL tab.
The SQL Worksheet enables you to create and execute Transact-SQL code, database objects and SQL commands.
Click .
Enter your SQL statement or Transact-SQL code in the Editor pane.
Click .
Use the drop down field at the top of the Editor pane to review and reuse any code executed in the SQL Worksheet during your session.
The Code Finder identifies database objects and files that contain specific text.
Click .
Enter the text string to search for in the Text field in the Search Criteria section.
Use the Quick Find, Database Objects and Directory/Files tabs to select what to search. You can search in database objects (Tables, Views, Procedures, Triggers, Rules, Defaults, etc.) and/or files.
Click Search.
Double-click an item in the Search Result pane to open the matched database object or file in the SQL Worksheet.
The SQL Formatter formats SQL statements, verifies syntax, and color-codes variables, invalid field or table names, optimization forces and comments. The use of indenting and highlighting gives SQL statements a standard of formatting that is easy to read.
To format a SQL statement
Click .
After entering a SQL statement in the left pane of the window, click .
Comments, bind variables, optimizer forces, invalid column or table names, and variables are highlighted in different colors. If there is a syntax error, an error message from Adaptive Server displays.
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