The Run Time tab in the Index Advisor window displays the run time information for the SQL statement using the alternative indexes. The values are filled in after the Show Plan, Batch Run, Run for First Record, or Run for All Records functions are executed.
For Index candidates proposed by the Index Advisor, an icon is added in the far left column to indicate if the proposed index is used in the query plan. A key with a green checkmark indicates that the query plan is changed by the proposed index. A key with a red exclamation mark
indicates that the key plan changed, but that the proposed index was not used by the new query plan. A key with a red x
indicates that the query plan is not changed by the addition of the proposed index.
Item | Description |
Scenario Name |
The index advising process numbers the SQL alternatives. |
Estimated I/O cost |
This is a cost estimation calculated by Adaptive Server for the query plan. |
Actual I/O Cost (All Records and First Record) |
This is the Actual I/O Cost of the SQL statement after it was executed in the Batch Run or the Run Time functions. |
Elapsed Time (All Records and First Record) |
This is the run time calculated from the clock start and finish times for the SQL statement. |
Times of Improvement (All Records and First Record) |
If the original SQL statement run time is available, this indicates how much faster the SQL statement is under the alternative index(es) than it is under the original index(es). |
Records (All Records and First Record) |
This is the number of records processed by the SQL statement. |
Remarks |
Information from the Batch Run is included in this column. It includes:
Estimated I/O cost, All Records Actual I/O Cost and First Record Actual I/O Cost are not available for logon users without sa_role privileges or with the "allow resource limits" configuration parameter turned off for the Adaptive Server. To retrieve the Estimated I/O cost, All Records Actual I/O Cost and First Record Actual I/O Cost estimations, you should either grant yourself sa_role, logon as another user with sa_role privileges, or turn on the "allow resource limits" parameter:
sp_configure "allow resource limits", 1
The Statistics tab of the Run Time pane in the Index Advisor window shows the accumulative totals for the CPU Time, Scan Count, Logical Reads, Physical Reads, and Read-Ahead Reads from the execution of the SQL statement with each index alternative. To see the individual values for the statistics by table, click All Records or First Record on the top right pane or the Statistics tab at the bottom of the Index Advisor window.
For Index candidates proposed by the Index Advisor, an icon is added in the far left column to indicate if the proposed index is used in the query plan. A key with a green checkmark indicates that the query plan is changed by the proposed index. A key with a red exclamation mark
indicates that the query plan changed, but that the proposed index was not used by the new query plan. A key with a red x
indicates that the query plan is not changed by the addition of the proposed index. In this case, the SQL statement is not executed by the by the Batch Run.
For more information about this statistics see the Adaptive Server Performance Tuning: Monitor and Analyzing manual, Chapter 4.
Item | Description |
Elapsed Time (All Records and First Record) |
The Elapsed Time is the time (in clock time) that it takes the SQL statement to select all records or the first record. This figure may include time that Adaptive Server spent on processing other tasks or waiting for disk or network I/O to complete. This is the accumulative run time for the SQL statement. The individual values for the Elapsed Time can be view by clicking All Records or First Record on the top right pane of the SQL Optimizer window. |
CPU Time (All Records and First Record) |
The CPU Time is accumulative total for the CPU time to execute the SQL statement. The individual values for the CPU time can be view by clicking All Records or First Record on the top right pane of the SQL Optimizer window. |
Actual I/O Cost (All Records and First Record) |
This Actual I/O Cost is a calculation from Adaptive Server after the SQL statement was executed in the Batch Run or the Run Time function. |
Writes (All Records and First Record) |
The Writes is the total number of buffers written to the disk. |
Scan Count (All Records and First Record) |
The Scan Count represents the number of times a query accessed a particular table. |
Logical Reads (All Records and First Record) |
The Logical Reads represents the accumulative total for logical read for each table and index used in the SQL statement. |
Physical Reads (All Records and First Record) |
The Physical Reads represents the accumulative total for logical read for each table and index used in the SQL statement. |
APF IOs used (All Records and First Record) |
The APF (Asynchronous-PreFetch) IOs used is the I/O the server does in advance anticipating which pages will need to be read next, so that the pages will be in cache when the process actually tries to access them. |
Charts are available for all the statistics and run times. The Charts tab of the Run Time pane in the Index Advisor window displays two chart panes showing the run time information and statistics.
To change the information in the chart
Click the Chart Title and select one of the following functions:
You can filter the Index Sets displayed on the Time tab and the Statistics tab of the Index Advisor window by any of the run time statistics after you have executed the SQL statement with the Index Sets.
The current filter displays in the bottom left corner of the Time or Statistics pane.
To filter the Index Sets
Click the downward pointing arrow to the right of a column heading.
Select one of the following:
Item | Description |
All |
Displays all the SQL statements. |
Custom… |
Opens the Custom AutoFilter window where you can select the options for filtering the SQL statements based on specific values for the selected column. |
Blanks |
Select all the SQL statements which do not have a value in the selected column. |
NonBlanks |
Select all the SQL statements which do have a value in the selected column. |
Specific Value |
Select all SQL statements that have one specific value. |
You can repeat steps 1 and 2 to add as many filters as you would like.
To clear the filter
Click at the bottom left corner of the Time or Statistics pane.
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